(This page was automatically generated by the tools in the opsboy project on 14:32:00 30-Jan-2023 GMT.)
Component | plain | valgrind/memcheck | mockeagain(R) | mockeagain(R) valgrind/memcheck |
lua-resty-core | PASS | PASS | FAIL | FAIL |
lua-resty-lrucache | PASS | PASS | - | - |
ngx_lua | PASS | PASS | PASS | PASS |
ngx_stream_lua | FAIL | PASS | PASS | PASS |
Component | check leak | gcc -O3 -funsigned-char |
lua-resty-core | FAIL | PASS |
lua-resty-lrucache | PASS | PASS |
ngx_lua | FAIL | PASS |
ngx_stream_lua | FAIL | PASS |
Component | plain | valgrind/memcheck |
lua-resty-mysql | - | - |
sregex | PASS | - |
Component | plain | valgrind/memcheck | mockeagain(R) | mockeagain(R) valgrind/memcheck |
lua-resty-core | FAIL | FAIL | FAIL | FAIL |
lua-resty-lrucache | PASS | PASS | - | - |
ngx_lua | FAIL | FAIL | FAIL | FAIL |
ngx_memc | FAIL | - | - | - |
ngx_rds_json | FAIL | - | - | - |
ngx_stream_lua | FAIL | FAIL | FAIL | FAIL |
Component | mockeagain(W) | mockeagain(W) valgrind/memcheck |
HUP reload | HUP reload valgrind/memcheck |
lua-resty-core | FAIL | FAIL | FAIL | FAIL |
lua-resty-lrucache | - | - | PASS | PASS |
ngx_lua | FAIL | FAIL | FAIL | FAIL |
ngx_memc | - | - | - | - |
ngx_rds_json | - | - | - | - |
ngx_stream_lua | FAIL | FAIL | FAIL | FAIL |
Component | check leak | gcc -O3 -funsigned-char |
lua-resty-core | FAIL | FAIL |
lua-resty-lrucache | PASS | PASS |
ngx_lua | FAIL | FAIL |
ngx_memc | - | - |
ngx_rds_json | - | - |
ngx_stream_lua | FAIL | FAIL |
Component | plain | valgrind/memcheck | mockeagain(R) | mockeagain(R) valgrind/memcheck |
lua-resty-core | FAIL | FAIL | FAIL | FAIL |
ngx_lua | FAIL | FAIL | FAIL | FAIL |
ngx_stream_lua | FAIL | FAIL | FAIL | FAIL |
Component | mockeagain(W) | mockeagain(W) valgrind/memcheck |
HUP reload | HUP reload valgrind/memcheck |
lua-resty-core | FAIL | FAIL | FAIL | FAIL |
ngx_lua | FAIL | FAIL | FAIL | FAIL |
ngx_stream_lua | PASS | FAIL | FAIL | FAIL |
Component | check leak | gcc -O3 -funsigned-char |
lua-resty-core | FAIL | FAIL |
ngx_lua | FAIL | PASS |
ngx_stream_lua | PASS | PASS |
Component | plain | valgrind/memcheck | mockeagain(R) | mockeagain(R) valgrind/memcheck |
lua-resty-core | FAIL | FAIL | FAIL | FAIL |
ngx_lua | FAIL | FAIL | FAIL | FAIL |
ngx_memc | FAIL | - | - | - |
ngx_stream_lua | FAIL | FAIL | FAIL | FAIL |
Component | mockeagain(W) | mockeagain(W) valgrind/memcheck |
HUP reload | HUP reload valgrind/memcheck |
lua-resty-core | FAIL | FAIL | FAIL | FAIL |
ngx_lua | FAIL | FAIL | FAIL | FAIL |
ngx_memc | - | - | - | - |
ngx_stream_lua | FAIL | FAIL | FAIL | FAIL |
Component | check leak | gcc -O3 -funsigned-char |
lua-resty-core | FAIL | FAIL |
ngx_lua | FAIL | FAIL |
ngx_memc | - | - |
ngx_stream_lua | PASS | FAIL |
Component | plain | valgrind/memcheck | mockeagain(R) | mockeagain(R) valgrind/memcheck |
lua-resty-core | FAIL | FAIL | FAIL | FAIL |
lua-resty-mysql | PASS | - | - | - |
lua-resty-websocket | PASS | - | - | - |
ngx_lua | FAIL | FAIL | FAIL | FAIL |
ngx_stream_lua | FAIL | FAIL | FAIL | FAIL |
Component | mockeagain(W) | mockeagain(W) valgrind/memcheck |
HUP reload | HUP reload valgrind/memcheck |
lua-resty-core | FAIL | FAIL | FAIL | FAIL |
lua-resty-mysql | - | - | - | - |
lua-resty-websocket | - | - | - | - |
ngx_lua | FAIL | FAIL | FAIL | FAIL |
ngx_stream_lua | FAIL | FAIL | FAIL | FAIL |
Component | check leak | gcc -O3 -funsigned-char |
lua-resty-core | FAIL | FAIL |
lua-resty-mysql | - | - |
lua-resty-websocket | - | - |
ngx_lua | FAIL | FAIL |
ngx_stream_lua | PASS | FAIL |
Component | plain | valgrind/memcheck |
sregex | PASS | - |
Historical reports can be found here:
Yichun "agentzh" Zhang (章亦春) <agentzh@gmail.com> (http://agentzh.org), OpenResty Inc.
This Amazon EC2 test cluster is currently sponsored by OpenResty Inc. (https://www.openresty.com).
If you like to add more tests to this test cluster and its reports, feel free to contact me.