(This page was automatically generated by the tools in the opsboy project on 14:31:59 30-Jan-2023 GMT.)
Commit | Testing Time | Unexpected Failures |
Expected Failures |
Files | Tests | Elapsed Time |
4143dae8 | 2020-10-18 03:12:30 GMT | 1442 | 0 | 40 | 1770 | 1083 sec |
File | Name | Details |
access.t | TEST 1: flush all |
' |
access.t | TEST 1: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
access.t | TEST 1: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
access.t | TEST 1: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
access.t | TEST 2: basic fetch |
' |
access.t | TEST 2: basic fetch - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
access.t | TEST 2: basic fetch - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
access.t | TEST 2: basic fetch - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
bugs.t | TEST 1: basic fetch |
' |
bugs.t | TEST 1: basic fetch - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
bugs.t | TEST 1: basic fetch - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
bugs.t | TEST 1: basic fetch - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: '' expected: 'hello ' |
bugs.t | TEST 3: flush all |
' |
bugs.t | TEST 3: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
bugs.t | TEST 3: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
bugs.t | TEST 3: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
bugs.t | TEST 3: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: '' expected: 'OK ' |
bugs.t | TEST 4: internal redirect in main request (no caching happens) (cache miss) |
' |
bugs.t | TEST 4: internal redirect in main request (no caching happens) (cache miss) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
bugs.t | TEST 4: internal redirect in main request (no caching happens) (cache miss) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/javascript' |
bugs.t | TEST 4: internal redirect in main request (no caching happens) (cache miss) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: '' expected: 'hello ' |
bugs.t | TEST 5: internal redirect happends in the main request (cache miss as well) |
' |
bugs.t | TEST 5: internal redirect happends in the main request (cache miss as well) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
bugs.t | TEST 5: internal redirect happends in the main request (cache miss as well) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
bugs.t | TEST 5: internal redirect happends in the main request (cache miss as well) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: '' expected: 'world ' |
bugs.t | TEST 6: flush all |
' |
bugs.t | TEST 6: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
bugs.t | TEST 6: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
bugs.t | TEST 6: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
bugs.t | TEST 6: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: '' expected: 'OK ' |
bugs.t | TEST 7: internal redirect in store subrequest |
' |
bugs.t | TEST 7: internal redirect in store subrequest - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
bugs.t | TEST 7: internal redirect in store subrequest - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
bugs.t | TEST 7: internal redirect in store subrequest - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: '' expected: 'blah ' |
bugs.t | TEST 8: internal redirect in store subrequest (check if value has been stored) |
' |
bugs.t | TEST 8: internal redirect in store subrequest (check if value has been stored) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '201' |
bugs.t | TEST 8: internal redirect in store subrequest (check if value has been stored) - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '3' |
bugs.t | TEST 8: internal redirect in store subrequest (check if value has been stored) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/blah' |
bugs.t | TEST 8: internal redirect in store subrequest (check if value has been stored) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: '' expected: 'bar' |
conditional-get.t | TEST 1: flush all |
' |
conditional-get.t | TEST 1: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
conditional-get.t | TEST 1: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
conditional-get.t | TEST 1: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
conditional-get.t | TEST 1: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
conditional-get.t | TEST 2: cache miss |
' |
conditional-get.t | TEST 2: cache miss - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
conditional-get.t | TEST 2: cache miss - header Last-Modified ok |
got: '' expected: 'Thu, 10 May 2012 07:50:59 GMT' |
conditional-get.t | TEST 2: cache miss - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'application/json' |
conditional-get.t | TEST 2: cache miss - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
conditional-get.t | TEST 3: cache hit |
' |
conditional-get.t | TEST 3: cache hit - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
conditional-get.t | TEST 3: cache hit - header Last-Modified ok |
got: '' expected: 'Thu, 10 May 2012 07:50:59 GMT' |
conditional-get.t | TEST 3: cache hit - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '6' |
conditional-get.t | TEST 3: cache hit - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'application/json' |
conditional-get.t | TEST 3: cache hit - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
conditional-get.t | TEST 4: cache hit (I-M-S conditional GET, exact) |
' |
conditional-get.t | TEST 4: cache hit (I-M-S conditional GET, exact) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '304' |
conditional-get.t | TEST 4: cache hit (I-M-S conditional GET, exact) - header Last-Modified ok |
got: '' expected: 'Thu, 10 May 2012 07:50:59 GMT' |
conditional-get.t | TEST 5: cache hit (I-M-S conditional GET, exact failed) |
' |
conditional-get.t | TEST 5: cache hit (I-M-S conditional GET, exact failed) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
conditional-get.t | TEST 5: cache hit (I-M-S conditional GET, exact failed) - header Last-Modified ok |
got: '' expected: 'Thu, 10 May 2012 07:50:59 GMT' |
conditional-get.t | TEST 5: cache hit (I-M-S conditional GET, exact failed) - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '6' |
conditional-get.t | TEST 5: cache hit (I-M-S conditional GET, exact failed) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'application/json' |
conditional-get.t | TEST 5: cache hit (I-M-S conditional GET, exact failed) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
conditional-get.t | TEST 6: cache hit (I-M-S conditional GET, exact failed, before suceeded) |
' |
conditional-get.t | TEST 6: cache hit (I-M-S conditional GET, exact failed, before suceeded) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '304' |
conditional-get.t | TEST 6: cache hit (I-M-S conditional GET, exact failed, before suceeded) - header Last-Modified ok |
got: '' expected: 'Thu, 10 May 2012 07:50:59 GMT' |
conditional-get.t | TEST 7: cache hit (I-U-S conditional GET, 412) |
' |
conditional-get.t | TEST 7: cache hit (I-U-S conditional GET, 412) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '412' |
conditional-get.t | TEST 7: cache hit (I-U-S conditional GET, 412) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/html' |
conditional-get.t | TEST 7: cache hit (I-U-S conditional GET, 412) - response_body_like - response is expected () |
'' doesn't match '(?^s:412 Precondition Failed)' |
conditional-get.t | TEST 8: cache hit (I-U-S conditional GET, precondition succeeded) |
' |
conditional-get.t | TEST 8: cache hit (I-U-S conditional GET, precondition succeeded) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
conditional-get.t | TEST 8: cache hit (I-U-S conditional GET, precondition succeeded) - header Last-Modified ok |
got: '' expected: 'Thu, 10 May 2012 07:50:59 GMT' |
conditional-get.t | TEST 8: cache hit (I-U-S conditional GET, precondition succeeded) - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '6' |
conditional-get.t | TEST 8: cache hit (I-U-S conditional GET, precondition succeeded) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'application/json' |
conditional-get.t | TEST 8: cache hit (I-U-S conditional GET, precondition succeeded) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
conditional-get.t | TEST 9: cache hit (I-U-S conditional GET, precondition succeeded, newer) |
' |
conditional-get.t | TEST 9: cache hit (I-U-S conditional GET, precondition succeeded, newer) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
conditional-get.t | TEST 9: cache hit (I-U-S conditional GET, precondition succeeded, newer) - header Last-Modified ok |
got: '' expected: 'Thu, 10 May 2012 07:50:59 GMT' |
conditional-get.t | TEST 9: cache hit (I-U-S conditional GET, precondition succeeded, newer) - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '6' |
conditional-get.t | TEST 9: cache hit (I-U-S conditional GET, precondition succeeded, newer) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'application/json' |
conditional-get.t | TEST 9: cache hit (I-U-S conditional GET, precondition succeeded, newer) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
content-length.t | TEST 1: flush all |
' |
content-length.t | TEST 1: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
content-length.t | TEST 1: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
content-length.t | TEST 1: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
content-length.t | TEST 1: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
content-length.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss) |
' |
content-length.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache miss) |
' |
content-length.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache miss) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
content-length.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache miss) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
content-length.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache miss) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "world\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
content-type.t | TEST 1: flush all |
' |
content-type.t | TEST 1: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
content-type.t | TEST 1: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
content-type.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (Set-Cookie and Proxy-Authenticate hide by default) |
' |
content-type.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (Set-Cookie and Proxy-Authenticate hide by default) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
content-type.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (Set-Cookie and Proxy-Authenticate hide by default) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'application/x-javascript; charset=UTF-8' |
content-type.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (Set-Cookie and Proxy-Authenticate hide by default) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "bar(hello\x{0a});" length: 12 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
content-type.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache hit) |
' |
content-type.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache hit) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
content-type.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache hit) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'application/x-javascript; charset=UTF-8' |
content-type.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache hit) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "bar(hello\x{0a});" length: 12 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
disk.t | TEST 1: flush all |
' |
disk.t | TEST 1: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
disk.t | TEST 1: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
disk.t | TEST 2: cache miss |
' |
disk.t | TEST 2: cache miss - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
disk.t | TEST 2: cache miss - header Accept-Ranges ok |
got: '' expected: 'bytes' |
disk.t | TEST 2: cache miss - response_body_like - response is expected () |
'' doesn't match '(?^s:It works!)' |
disk.t | TEST 3: cache hit |
' |
disk.t | TEST 3: cache hit - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
disk.t | TEST 3: cache hit - response_body_like - response is expected () |
'' doesn't match '(?^s:It works!)' |
drizzle-main.t | TEST 1: flush all |
' |
drizzle-main.t | TEST 1: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
drizzle-main.t | TEST 1: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
drizzle-main.t | TEST 1: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
drizzle-main.t | TEST 2: cache miss |
' |
drizzle-main.t | TEST 2: cache miss - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
drizzle-main.t | TEST 2: cache miss - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'application/json' |
drizzle-main.t | TEST 2: cache miss - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "[{"id":2,"name":null},{"id":3,"name":"bob"}]" length: 44 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
drizzle-main.t | TEST 3: cache hit |
' |
drizzle-main.t | TEST 3: cache hit - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
drizzle-main.t | TEST 3: cache hit - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'application/json' |
drizzle-main.t | TEST 3: cache hit - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "[{"id":2,"name":null},{"id":3,"name":"bob"}]" length: 44 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
empty-resp.t | TEST 1: flush all |
' |
empty-resp.t | TEST 1: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
empty-resp.t | TEST 1: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
empty-resp.t | TEST 1: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
empty-resp.t | TEST 2: cache miss |
' |
empty-resp.t | TEST 2: cache miss - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
empty-resp.t | TEST 2: cache miss - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'application/json' |
empty-resp.t | TEST 3: cache hit |
' |
empty-resp.t | TEST 3: cache hit - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
empty-resp.t | TEST 3: cache hit - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '0' |
empty-resp.t | TEST 3: cache hit - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'application/json' |
err-page.t | TEST 1: flush all |
' |
err-page.t | TEST 1: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
err-page.t | TEST 1: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
err-page.t | TEST 2: basic fetch |
' |
err-page.t | TEST 2: basic fetch - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
err-page.t | TEST 2: basic fetch - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "err\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
err-page.t | TEST 3: fetch again |
' |
err-page.t | TEST 3: fetch again - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
err-page.t | TEST 3: fetch again - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
etag.t | TEST 1: flush all (not using ngx_srcache) |
' |
etag.t | TEST 1: flush all (not using ngx_srcache) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
etag.t | TEST 1: flush all (not using ngx_srcache) - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
etag.t | TEST 1: flush all (not using ngx_srcache) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
etag.t | TEST 1: flush all (not using ngx_srcache) - header X-Store-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'BYPASS' |
etag.t | TEST 1: flush all (not using ngx_srcache) - header X-Fetch-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'BYPASS' |
etag.t | TEST 1: flush all (not using ngx_srcache) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
etag.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss) |
' |
etag.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
etag.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss) - header Last-Modified ok |
got: '' expected: 'Sat, 01 Mar 2014 01:02:38 GMT' |
etag.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
etag.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss) - header X-Store-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'STORE' |
etag.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss) - header X-Fetch-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'MISS' |
etag.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
etag.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss) - pattern "srcache_store: subrequest returned status 201" should match a line in error.log (req 0) | |
etag.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache hit) |
' |
etag.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache hit) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '304' |
etag.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache hit) - header Last-Modified ok |
got: '' expected: 'Sat, 01 Mar 2014 01:02:38 GMT' |
etag.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache hit) - header ETag ok |
got: '' expected: '"abcd1234"' |
etag.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache hit) - header X-Store-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'BYPASS' |
etag.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache hit) - header X-Fetch-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'HIT' |
etag.t | TEST 4: flush all (not using ngx_srcache) |
' |
etag.t | TEST 4: flush all (not using ngx_srcache) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
etag.t | TEST 4: flush all (not using ngx_srcache) - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
etag.t | TEST 4: flush all (not using ngx_srcache) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
etag.t | TEST 4: flush all (not using ngx_srcache) - header X-Store-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'BYPASS' |
etag.t | TEST 4: flush all (not using ngx_srcache) - header X-Fetch-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'BYPASS' |
etag.t | TEST 4: flush all (not using ngx_srcache) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
etag.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (cache miss, 304) |
' |
etag.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (cache miss, 304) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '304' |
etag.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (cache miss, 304) - header Last-Modified ok |
got: '' expected: 'Sat, 01 Mar 2014 01:02:38 GMT' |
etag.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (cache miss, 304) - header X-Store-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'BYPASS' |
etag.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (cache miss, 304) - header X-Fetch-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'MISS' |
etag.t | TEST 6: basic fetch (cache hit) |
' |
etag.t | TEST 6: basic fetch (cache hit) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '404' |
etag.t | TEST 6: basic fetch (cache hit) - response_body_like - response is expected () |
'' doesn't match '(?^s:404 Not Found)' |
eval.t | TEST 1: flush all |
' |
eval.t | TEST 1: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
eval.t | TEST 1: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
eval.t | TEST 1: flush all |
' |
eval.t | TEST 1: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
eval.t | TEST 1: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 1, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
eval.t | TEST 1: flush all |
' |
eval.t | TEST 1: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
eval.t | TEST 1: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 2, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
eval.t | TEST 2: cache miss |
' |
eval.t | TEST 2: cache miss - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
eval.t | TEST 2: cache miss - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "[{"a":3}]" length: 9 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
eval.t | TEST 2: cache miss |
' |
eval.t | TEST 2: cache miss - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
eval.t | TEST 2: cache miss - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 1, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "[{"a":3}]" length: 9 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
eval.t | TEST 2: cache miss |
' |
eval.t | TEST 2: cache miss - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
eval.t | TEST 2: cache miss - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 2, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "[{"a":3}]" length: 9 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
expire-var.t | TEST 1: flush all |
' |
expire-var.t | TEST 1: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
expire-var.t | TEST 1: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
expire-var.t | TEST 1: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
expire-var.t | TEST 1: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
expire-var.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss), exptime specified by Expires |
' |
expire-var.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss), exptime specified by Expires - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
expire-var.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss), exptime specified by Expires - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
expire-var.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss), exptime specified by Expires - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
expire-var.t | TEST 3: check memcached key |
' |
expire-var.t | TEST 3: check memcached key - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
expire-var.t | TEST 3: check memcached key - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "60" length: 2 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
expire-var.t | TEST 4: flush all |
' |
expire-var.t | TEST 4: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
expire-var.t | TEST 4: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
expire-var.t | TEST 4: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
expire-var.t | TEST 4: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
expire-var.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (cache miss), exptime specified by Expires |
' |
expire-var.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (cache miss), exptime specified by Expires - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
expire-var.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (cache miss), exptime specified by Expires - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
expire-var.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (cache miss), exptime specified by Expires - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
expire-var.t | TEST 6: check memcached key |
' |
expire-var.t | TEST 6: check memcached key - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
expire-var.t | TEST 6: check memcached key - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "12" length: 2 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
expire-var.t | TEST 7: flush all |
' |
expire-var.t | TEST 7: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
expire-var.t | TEST 7: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
expire-var.t | TEST 7: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
expire-var.t | TEST 7: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
expire-var.t | TEST 8: basic fetch (cache miss), greater than exptime |
' |
expire-var.t | TEST 8: basic fetch (cache miss), greater than exptime - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
expire-var.t | TEST 8: basic fetch (cache miss), greater than exptime - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
expire-var.t | TEST 8: basic fetch (cache miss), greater than exptime - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
expire-var.t | TEST 9: check memcached key |
' |
expire-var.t | TEST 9: check memcached key - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
expire-var.t | TEST 9: check memcached key - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "11" length: 2 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
expire-var.t | TEST 10: flush all |
' |
expire-var.t | TEST 10: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
expire-var.t | TEST 10: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
expire-var.t | TEST 10: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
expire-var.t | TEST 10: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
expire-var.t | TEST 11: basic fetch (cache miss), no greater than exptime |
' |
expire-var.t | TEST 11: basic fetch (cache miss), no greater than exptime - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
expire-var.t | TEST 11: basic fetch (cache miss), no greater than exptime - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
expire-var.t | TEST 11: basic fetch (cache miss), no greater than exptime - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
expire-var.t | TEST 12: check memcached key |
' |
expire-var.t | TEST 12: check memcached key - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
expire-var.t | TEST 12: check memcached key - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "12" length: 2 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
expire-var.t | TEST 13: flush all |
' |
expire-var.t | TEST 13: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
expire-var.t | TEST 13: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
expire-var.t | TEST 13: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
expire-var.t | TEST 13: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
expire-var.t | TEST 14: basic fetch (cache miss), less than exptime |
' |
expire-var.t | TEST 14: basic fetch (cache miss), less than exptime - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
expire-var.t | TEST 14: basic fetch (cache miss), less than exptime - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
expire-var.t | TEST 14: basic fetch (cache miss), less than exptime - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
expire-var.t | TEST 15: check memcached key |
' |
expire-var.t | TEST 15: check memcached key - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
expire-var.t | TEST 15: check memcached key - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "12" length: 2 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
expire-var.t | TEST 16: flush all |
' |
expire-var.t | TEST 16: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
expire-var.t | TEST 16: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
expire-var.t | TEST 16: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
expire-var.t | TEST 16: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
expire-var.t | TEST 17: basic fetch (cache miss), default expire |
' |
expire-var.t | TEST 17: basic fetch (cache miss), default expire - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
expire-var.t | TEST 17: basic fetch (cache miss), default expire - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
expire-var.t | TEST 17: basic fetch (cache miss), default expire - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
expire-var.t | TEST 18: check memcached key |
' |
expire-var.t | TEST 18: check memcached key - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
expire-var.t | TEST 18: check memcached key - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "6" length: 1 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
expire-var.t | TEST 19: flush all |
' |
expire-var.t | TEST 19: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
expire-var.t | TEST 19: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
expire-var.t | TEST 19: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
expire-var.t | TEST 19: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
expire-var.t | TEST 20: cache-control: max-age |
' |
expire-var.t | TEST 20: cache-control: max-age - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
expire-var.t | TEST 20: cache-control: max-age - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
expire-var.t | TEST 20: cache-control: max-age - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
expire-var.t | TEST 21: check memcached key |
' |
expire-var.t | TEST 21: check memcached key - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
expire-var.t | TEST 21: check memcached key - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "7" length: 1 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
expire-var.t | TEST 22: flush all |
' |
expire-var.t | TEST 22: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
expire-var.t | TEST 22: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
expire-var.t | TEST 22: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
expire-var.t | TEST 22: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
expire-var.t | TEST 23: cache-control: max-age (greater than max_expire) |
' |
expire-var.t | TEST 23: cache-control: max-age (greater than max_expire) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
expire-var.t | TEST 23: cache-control: max-age (greater than max_expire) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
expire-var.t | TEST 23: cache-control: max-age (greater than max_expire) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
expire-var.t | TEST 24: check memcached key |
' |
expire-var.t | TEST 24: check memcached key - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
expire-var.t | TEST 24: check memcached key - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "6" length: 1 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
expire-var.t | TEST 25: flush all |
' |
expire-var.t | TEST 25: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
expire-var.t | TEST 25: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
expire-var.t | TEST 25: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
expire-var.t | TEST 25: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
expire-var.t | TEST 26: $srcache_expire used too early |
' |
expire-var.t | TEST 26: $srcache_expire used too early - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
expire-var.t | TEST 26: $srcache_expire used too early - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
expire-var.t | TEST 26: $srcache_expire used too early - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "expire in content before sending header: nil\x{0a}expir"... length: 107 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
expires.t | TEST 1: flush all |
' |
expires.t | TEST 1: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
expires.t | TEST 1: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
expires.t | TEST 1: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
expires.t | TEST 1: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
expires.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss), and no store due to Expires: <now> |
' |
expires.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss), and no store due to Expires: <now> - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
expires.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss), and no store due to Expires: <now> - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
expires.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss), and no store due to Expires: <now> - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
expires.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache miss because not stored before) |
' |
expires.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache miss because not stored before) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
expires.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache miss because not stored before) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
expires.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache miss because not stored before) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "world\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
expires.t | TEST 4: flush all |
' |
expires.t | TEST 4: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
expires.t | TEST 4: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
expires.t | TEST 4: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
expires.t | TEST 4: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
expires.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (cache miss), and no store due to Expires: <now> - 1 |
' |
expires.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (cache miss), and no store due to Expires: <now> - 1 - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
expires.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (cache miss), and no store due to Expires: <now> - 1 - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
expires.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (cache miss), and no store due to Expires: <now> - 1 - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
expires.t | TEST 6: basic fetch (cache miss because not stored before) |
' |
expires.t | TEST 6: basic fetch (cache miss because not stored before) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
expires.t | TEST 6: basic fetch (cache miss because not stored before) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
expires.t | TEST 6: basic fetch (cache miss because not stored before) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "world\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
expires.t | TEST 7: flush all |
' |
expires.t | TEST 7: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
expires.t | TEST 7: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
expires.t | TEST 7: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
expires.t | TEST 7: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
expires.t | TEST 8: basic fetch (cache miss), and no store due to Expires: <now>, and srcache_response_cache_control on |
' |
expires.t | TEST 8: basic fetch (cache miss), and no store due to Expires: <now>, and srcache_response_cache_control on - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
expires.t | TEST 8: basic fetch (cache miss), and no store due to Expires: <now>, and srcache_response_cache_control on - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
expires.t | TEST 8: basic fetch (cache miss), and no store due to Expires: <now>, and srcache_response_cache_control on - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
expires.t | TEST 9: basic fetch (cache miss because not stored before) |
' |
expires.t | TEST 9: basic fetch (cache miss because not stored before) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
expires.t | TEST 9: basic fetch (cache miss because not stored before) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
expires.t | TEST 9: basic fetch (cache miss because not stored before) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "world\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
expires.t | TEST 10: flush all |
' |
expires.t | TEST 10: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
expires.t | TEST 10: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
expires.t | TEST 10: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
expires.t | TEST 10: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
expires.t | TEST 11: basic fetch (cache miss), and store due to Expires: <now>, and srcache_response_cache_control off |
' |
expires.t | TEST 11: basic fetch (cache miss), and store due to Expires: <now>, and srcache_response_cache_control off - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
expires.t | TEST 11: basic fetch (cache miss), and store due to Expires: <now>, and srcache_response_cache_control off - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
expires.t | TEST 11: basic fetch (cache miss), and store due to Expires: <now>, and srcache_response_cache_control off - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
expires.t | TEST 12: basic fetch (cache hit) |
' |
expires.t | TEST 12: basic fetch (cache hit) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
expires.t | TEST 12: basic fetch (cache hit) - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '6' |
expires.t | TEST 12: basic fetch (cache hit) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
expires.t | TEST 12: basic fetch (cache hit) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
expires.t | TEST 13: flush all |
' |
expires.t | TEST 13: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
expires.t | TEST 13: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
expires.t | TEST 13: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
expires.t | TEST 13: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
expires.t | TEST 14: basic fetch (cache miss), and store due to not expired expires |
' |
expires.t | TEST 14: basic fetch (cache miss), and store due to not expired expires - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
expires.t | TEST 14: basic fetch (cache miss), and store due to not expired expires - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
expires.t | TEST 14: basic fetch (cache miss), and store due to not expired expires - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
expires.t | TEST 15: basic fetch (cache hit) |
' |
expires.t | TEST 15: basic fetch (cache hit) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
expires.t | TEST 15: basic fetch (cache hit) - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '6' |
expires.t | TEST 15: basic fetch (cache hit) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
expires.t | TEST 15: basic fetch (cache hit) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
fetch-header.t | TEST 1: flush all |
' |
fetch-header.t | TEST 1: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
fetch-header.t | TEST 1: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
fetch-header.t | TEST 1: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
fetch-header.t | TEST 1: flush all - header X-Fetch-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'BYPASS' |
fetch-header.t | TEST 1: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
fetch-header.t | TEST 2: set key in memcached (good content) |
' |
fetch-header.t | TEST 2: set key in memcached (good content) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '201' |
fetch-header.t | TEST 2: set key in memcached (good content) - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '8' |
fetch-header.t | TEST 2: set key in memcached (good content) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
fetch-header.t | TEST 2: set key in memcached (good content) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "STORED\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 8 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
fetch-header.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache hit) |
' |
fetch-header.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache hit) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
fetch-header.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache hit) - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '5' |
fetch-header.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache hit) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'foo/bar' |
fetch-header.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache hit) - header Foo ok |
got: '' expected: 'Bar' |
fetch-header.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache hit) - header X-Fetch-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'HIT' |
fetch-header.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache hit) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello" length: 5 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
fetch-header.t | TEST 4: set key in memcached (bad content, syntax error in status line) |
' |
fetch-header.t | TEST 4: set key in memcached (bad content, syntax error in status line) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '201' |
fetch-header.t | TEST 4: set key in memcached (bad content, syntax error in status line) - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '8' |
fetch-header.t | TEST 4: set key in memcached (bad content, syntax error in status line) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
fetch-header.t | TEST 4: set key in memcached (bad content, syntax error in status line) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "STORED\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 8 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
fetch-header.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (cache hit, but found syntax error in status line) |
' |
fetch-header.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (cache hit, but found syntax error in status line) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
fetch-header.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (cache hit, but found syntax error in status line) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
fetch-header.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (cache hit, but found syntax error in status line) - header X-Fetch-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'MISS' |
fetch-header.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (cache hit, but found syntax error in status line) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "world\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
fetch-header.t | TEST 6: set key in memcached (bad content, unexpected eof in status line) |
' |
fetch-header.t | TEST 6: set key in memcached (bad content, unexpected eof in status line) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '201' |
fetch-header.t | TEST 6: set key in memcached (bad content, unexpected eof in status line) - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '8' |
fetch-header.t | TEST 6: set key in memcached (bad content, unexpected eof in status line) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
fetch-header.t | TEST 6: set key in memcached (bad content, unexpected eof in status line) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "STORED\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 8 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
fetch-header.t | TEST 7: basic fetch (cache hit, but found unexpected eof in status line) |
' |
fetch-header.t | TEST 7: basic fetch (cache hit, but found unexpected eof in status line) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
fetch-header.t | TEST 7: basic fetch (cache hit, but found unexpected eof in status line) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
fetch-header.t | TEST 7: basic fetch (cache hit, but found unexpected eof in status line) - header X-Fetch-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'MISS' |
fetch-header.t | TEST 7: basic fetch (cache hit, but found unexpected eof in status line) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "world\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
fetch-header.t | TEST 8: set key in memcached (bad content, unexpected eof in header) |
' |
fetch-header.t | TEST 8: set key in memcached (bad content, unexpected eof in header) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '201' |
fetch-header.t | TEST 8: set key in memcached (bad content, unexpected eof in header) - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '8' |
fetch-header.t | TEST 8: set key in memcached (bad content, unexpected eof in header) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
fetch-header.t | TEST 8: set key in memcached (bad content, unexpected eof in header) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "STORED\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 8 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
fetch-header.t | TEST 9: basic fetch (cache hit, but found unexpected eof in status line) |
' |
fetch-header.t | TEST 9: basic fetch (cache hit, but found unexpected eof in status line) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
fetch-header.t | TEST 9: basic fetch (cache hit, but found unexpected eof in status line) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
fetch-header.t | TEST 9: basic fetch (cache hit, but found unexpected eof in status line) - header X-Fetch-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'MISS' |
fetch-header.t | TEST 9: basic fetch (cache hit, but found unexpected eof in status line) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "world\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 1: flush all |
' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 1: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 1: flush all - header X-Fetch-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'BYPASS' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 1: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 2: skip is false |
' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 2: skip is false - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 2: skip is false - header X-Fetch-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'MISS' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 2: skip is false - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 3: check if /memc was invoked (just equal) |
' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 3: check if /memc was invoked (just equal) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 3: check if /memc was invoked (just equal) - header X-Fetch-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'BYPASS' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 3: check if /memc was invoked (just equal) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello" length: 5 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 4: flush all |
' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 4: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 4: flush all - header X-Fetch-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'BYPASS' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 4: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 5: fetch_skip is literally false |
' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 5: fetch_skip is literally false - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 5: fetch_skip is literally false - header X-Fetch-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'MISS' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 5: fetch_skip is literally false - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 6: check if /memc was invoked (less than) |
' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 6: check if /memc was invoked (less than) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 6: check if /memc was invoked (less than) - header X-Fetch-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'BYPASS' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 6: check if /memc was invoked (less than) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello" length: 5 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 7: flush all |
' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 7: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 7: flush all - header X-Fetch-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'BYPASS' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 7: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 9: check if /memc was invoked (more than) |
' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 9: check if /memc was invoked (more than) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '404' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 9: check if /memc was invoked (more than) - response_body_like - response is expected () |
'' doesn't match '(?^s:404 Not Found)' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 10: flush all |
' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 10: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 10: flush all - header X-Fetch-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'BYPASS' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 10: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 12: check if /memc was invoked (explicit "true" string) |
' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 12: check if /memc was invoked (explicit "true" string) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '404' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 12: check if /memc was invoked (explicit "true" string) - response_body_like - response is expected () |
'' doesn't match '(?^s:404 Not Found)' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 13: flush all |
' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 13: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 13: flush all - header X-Fetch-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'BYPASS' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 13: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 15: check if /memc was invoked (server-level config) |
' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 15: check if /memc was invoked (server-level config) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '404' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 15: check if /memc was invoked (server-level config) - response_body_like - response is expected () |
'' doesn't match '(?^s:404 Not Found)' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 16: flush all |
' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 16: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 16: flush all - header X-Fetch-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'BYPASS' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 16: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 17: overriding server-side config |
' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 17: overriding server-side config - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 17: overriding server-side config - header X-Fetch-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'MISS' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 17: overriding server-side config - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello, world\x{0a}" length: 13 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 18: check if /memc was invoked (overriding server config) |
' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 18: check if /memc was invoked (overriding server config) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 18: check if /memc was invoked (overriding server config) - header X-Fetch-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'BYPASS' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 18: check if /memc was invoked (overriding server config) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello" length: 5 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 19: flush all |
' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 19: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 19: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 19: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 19: flush all - header X-Fetch-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'BYPASS' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 19: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 20: basic fetch (cache miss) |
' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 20: basic fetch (cache miss) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 20: basic fetch (cache miss) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 20: basic fetch (cache miss) - header X-Fetch-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'MISS' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 20: basic fetch (cache miss) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 21: basic fetch (cache hit) |
' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 21: basic fetch (cache hit) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 21: basic fetch (cache hit) - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '6' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 21: basic fetch (cache hit) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 21: basic fetch (cache hit) - header X-Fetch-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'HIT' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 21: basic fetch (cache hit) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 22: fetch skip true |
' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 22: fetch skip true - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 22: fetch skip true - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 22: fetch skip true - header X-Fetch-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'BYPASS' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 22: fetch skip true - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "world\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 23: basic fetch (cache hit again) |
' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 23: basic fetch (cache hit again) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 23: basic fetch (cache hit again) - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '6' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 23: basic fetch (cache hit again) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 23: basic fetch (cache hit again) - header X-Fetch-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'HIT' |
fetch-skip.t | TEST 23: basic fetch (cache hit again) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "world\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
gzip.t | TEST 1: flush all |
' |
gzip.t | TEST 1: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
gzip.t | TEST 1: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
gzip.t | TEST 1: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
gzip.t | TEST 1: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
gzip.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss), and not stored due to Content-Encoding |
' |
gzip.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss), and not stored due to Content-Encoding - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
gzip.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss), and not stored due to Content-Encoding - header Content-Encoding ok |
got: '' expected: 'gzip' |
gzip.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss), and not stored due to Content-Encoding - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
gzip.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) |
' |
gzip.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
gzip.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
gzip.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "world\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
gzip.t | TEST 4: flush all |
' |
gzip.t | TEST 4: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
gzip.t | TEST 4: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
gzip.t | TEST 4: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
gzip.t | TEST 4: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
gzip.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (cache miss), and stored due to Content-Encoding + srcache_ignore_content_encoding |
' |
gzip.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (cache miss), and stored due to Content-Encoding + srcache_ignore_content_encoding - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
gzip.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (cache miss), and stored due to Content-Encoding + srcache_ignore_content_encoding - header Content-Encoding ok |
got: '' expected: 'gzip' |
gzip.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (cache miss), and stored due to Content-Encoding + srcache_ignore_content_encoding - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
gzip.t | TEST 6: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) |
' |
gzip.t | TEST 6: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
gzip.t | TEST 6: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '6' |
gzip.t | TEST 6: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
gzip.t | TEST 6: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
header-buf-size.t | TEST 1: flush all |
' |
header-buf-size.t | TEST 1: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
header-buf-size.t | TEST 1: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
header-buf-size.t | TEST 1: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
header-buf-size.t | TEST 1: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
header-buf-size.t | TEST 2: set key in memcached (header buf overflown) |
' |
header-buf-size.t | TEST 2: set key in memcached (header buf overflown) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '201' |
header-buf-size.t | TEST 2: set key in memcached (header buf overflown) - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '8' |
header-buf-size.t | TEST 2: set key in memcached (header buf overflown) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
header-buf-size.t | TEST 2: set key in memcached (header buf overflown) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "STORED\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 8 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
header-buf-size.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache hit, but header buf overflown) |
' |
header-buf-size.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache hit, but header buf overflown) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
header-buf-size.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache hit, but header buf overflown) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
header-buf-size.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache hit, but header buf overflown) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "world\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
header-buf-size.t | TEST 4: flush all |
' |
header-buf-size.t | TEST 4: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
header-buf-size.t | TEST 4: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
header-buf-size.t | TEST 4: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
header-buf-size.t | TEST 4: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
header-buf-size.t | TEST 5: set key in memcached |
' |
header-buf-size.t | TEST 5: set key in memcached - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '201' |
header-buf-size.t | TEST 5: set key in memcached - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '8' |
header-buf-size.t | TEST 5: set key in memcached - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
header-buf-size.t | TEST 5: set key in memcached - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "STORED\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 8 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
header-buf-size.t | TEST 6: basic fetch (cache hit, just enough big header buffer) |
' |
header-buf-size.t | TEST 6: basic fetch (cache hit, just enough big header buffer) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
header-buf-size.t | TEST 6: basic fetch (cache hit, just enough big header buffer) - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '5' |
header-buf-size.t | TEST 6: basic fetch (cache hit, just enough big header buffer) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'foo/bar' |
header-buf-size.t | TEST 6: basic fetch (cache hit, just enough big header buffer) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello" length: 5 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
main-req.t | TEST 1: flush all (not using ngx_srcache) |
' |
main-req.t | TEST 1: flush all (not using ngx_srcache) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
main-req.t | TEST 1: flush all (not using ngx_srcache) - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
main-req.t | TEST 1: flush all (not using ngx_srcache) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
main-req.t | TEST 1: flush all (not using ngx_srcache) - header X-Store-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'BYPASS' |
main-req.t | TEST 1: flush all (not using ngx_srcache) - header X-Fetch-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'BYPASS' |
main-req.t | TEST 1: flush all (not using ngx_srcache) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
main-req.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss) |
' |
main-req.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
main-req.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
main-req.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss) - header X-Store-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'STORE' |
main-req.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss) - header X-Fetch-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'MISS' |
main-req.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
main-req.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss) - pattern "srcache_store: subrequest returned status 201" should match a line in error.log (req 0) | |
main-req.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache hit) |
' |
main-req.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache hit) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
main-req.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache hit) - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '6' |
main-req.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache hit) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
main-req.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache hit) - header X-Store-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'BYPASS' |
main-req.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache hit) - header X-Fetch-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'HIT' |
main-req.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache hit) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
main-req.t | TEST 4: rewrite directives run before srcache directives |
' |
main-req.t | TEST 4: rewrite directives run before srcache directives - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
main-req.t | TEST 4: rewrite directives run before srcache directives - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '6' |
main-req.t | TEST 4: rewrite directives run before srcache directives - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
main-req.t | TEST 4: rewrite directives run before srcache directives - header X-Fetch-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'HIT' |
main-req.t | TEST 4: rewrite directives run before srcache directives - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
max-age.t | TEST 1: flush all |
' |
max-age.t | TEST 1: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
max-age.t | TEST 1: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
max-age.t | TEST 1: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
max-age.t | TEST 1: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
max-age.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss), and no store due to max-age=0 |
' |
max-age.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss), and no store due to max-age=0 - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
max-age.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss), and no store due to max-age=0 - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
max-age.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss), and no store due to max-age=0 - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
max-age.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache miss because not stored before) |
' |
max-age.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache miss because not stored before) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
max-age.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache miss because not stored before) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
max-age.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache miss because not stored before) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "world\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
max-age.t | TEST 4: flush all |
' |
max-age.t | TEST 4: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
max-age.t | TEST 4: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
max-age.t | TEST 4: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
max-age.t | TEST 4: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
max-age.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (cache miss), and no store due to max-age=0, and srcache_response_cache_control on |
' |
max-age.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (cache miss), and no store due to max-age=0, and srcache_response_cache_control on - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
max-age.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (cache miss), and no store due to max-age=0, and srcache_response_cache_control on - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
max-age.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (cache miss), and no store due to max-age=0, and srcache_response_cache_control on - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
max-age.t | TEST 6: basic fetch (cache miss because not stored before) |
' |
max-age.t | TEST 6: basic fetch (cache miss because not stored before) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
max-age.t | TEST 6: basic fetch (cache miss because not stored before) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
max-age.t | TEST 6: basic fetch (cache miss because not stored before) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "world\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
max-age.t | TEST 7: flush all |
' |
max-age.t | TEST 7: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
max-age.t | TEST 7: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
max-age.t | TEST 7: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
max-age.t | TEST 7: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
max-age.t | TEST 8: basic fetch (cache miss), and store due to max-age=0, and srcache_response_cache_control off |
' |
max-age.t | TEST 8: basic fetch (cache miss), and store due to max-age=0, and srcache_response_cache_control off - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
max-age.t | TEST 8: basic fetch (cache miss), and store due to max-age=0, and srcache_response_cache_control off - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
max-age.t | TEST 8: basic fetch (cache miss), and store due to max-age=0, and srcache_response_cache_control off - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
max-age.t | TEST 9: basic fetch (cache miss because not stored before) |
' |
max-age.t | TEST 9: basic fetch (cache miss because not stored before) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
max-age.t | TEST 9: basic fetch (cache miss because not stored before) - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '6' |
max-age.t | TEST 9: basic fetch (cache miss because not stored before) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
max-age.t | TEST 9: basic fetch (cache miss because not stored before) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
max-age.t | TEST 10: flush all |
' |
max-age.t | TEST 10: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
max-age.t | TEST 10: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
max-age.t | TEST 10: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
max-age.t | TEST 10: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
max-age.t | TEST 11: basic fetch (cache miss), and store due to max-age=<not 0> |
' |
max-age.t | TEST 11: basic fetch (cache miss), and store due to max-age=<not 0> - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
max-age.t | TEST 11: basic fetch (cache miss), and store due to max-age=<not 0> - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
max-age.t | TEST 11: basic fetch (cache miss), and store due to max-age=<not 0> - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
max-age.t | TEST 12: basic fetch (cache miss because not stored before) |
' |
max-age.t | TEST 12: basic fetch (cache miss because not stored before) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
max-age.t | TEST 12: basic fetch (cache miss because not stored before) - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '6' |
max-age.t | TEST 12: basic fetch (cache miss because not stored before) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
max-age.t | TEST 12: basic fetch (cache miss because not stored before) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
methods.t | TEST 1: flush all |
' |
methods.t | TEST 1: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
methods.t | TEST 1: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
methods.t | TEST 1: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
methods.t | TEST 1: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
methods.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss) |
' |
methods.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
methods.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
methods.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
methods.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache hit) |
' |
methods.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache hit) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
methods.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache hit) - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '6' |
methods.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache hit) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
methods.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache hit) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
methods.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (POST cache hit if we enable POST explicitly) |
' |
methods.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (POST cache hit if we enable POST explicitly) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
methods.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (POST cache hit if we enable POST explicitly) - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '6' |
methods.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (POST cache hit if we enable POST explicitly) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
methods.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (POST cache hit if we enable POST explicitly) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
methods.t | TEST 6: basic fetch (GET still cache hit if we enable POST and PUT explicitly) |
' |
methods.t | TEST 6: basic fetch (GET still cache hit if we enable POST and PUT explicitly) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
methods.t | TEST 6: basic fetch (GET still cache hit if we enable POST and PUT explicitly) - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '6' |
methods.t | TEST 6: basic fetch (GET still cache hit if we enable POST and PUT explicitly) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
methods.t | TEST 6: basic fetch (GET still cache hit if we enable POST and PUT explicitly) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
methods.t | TEST 7: basic fetch (HEAD still cache hit if we enable POST explicitly) |
' |
methods.t | TEST 7: basic fetch (HEAD still cache hit if we enable POST explicitly) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
methods.t | TEST 7: basic fetch (HEAD still cache hit if we enable POST explicitly) - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '6' |
methods.t | TEST 7: basic fetch (HEAD still cache hit if we enable POST explicitly) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
methods.t | TEST 8: flush all |
' |
methods.t | TEST 8: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
methods.t | TEST 8: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
methods.t | TEST 8: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
methods.t | TEST 8: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
methods.t | TEST 10: basic fetch (cache miss) |
' |
methods.t | TEST 10: basic fetch (cache miss) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
methods.t | TEST 10: basic fetch (cache miss) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
methods.t | TEST 10: basic fetch (cache miss) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "world\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
methods.t | TEST 11: flush all |
' |
methods.t | TEST 11: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
methods.t | TEST 11: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
methods.t | TEST 11: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
methods.t | TEST 11: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
methods.t | TEST 12: basic fetch (cache miss), POST stored when POST is enabled in srcache_methods |
' |
methods.t | TEST 12: basic fetch (cache miss), POST stored when POST is enabled in srcache_methods - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
methods.t | TEST 12: basic fetch (cache miss), POST stored when POST is enabled in srcache_methods - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
methods.t | TEST 12: basic fetch (cache miss), POST stored when POST is enabled in srcache_methods - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
methods.t | TEST 13: basic fetch (cache hit) |
' |
methods.t | TEST 13: basic fetch (cache hit) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
methods.t | TEST 13: basic fetch (cache hit) - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '6' |
methods.t | TEST 13: basic fetch (cache hit) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
methods.t | TEST 13: basic fetch (cache hit) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
methods.t | TEST 14: flush all |
' |
methods.t | TEST 14: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
methods.t | TEST 14: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
methods.t | TEST 14: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
methods.t | TEST 14: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
methods.t | TEST 15: basic fetch (cache miss) - HEAD |
' |
methods.t | TEST 15: basic fetch (cache miss) - HEAD - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
methods.t | TEST 15: basic fetch (cache miss) - HEAD - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '11' |
methods.t | TEST 15: basic fetch (cache miss) - HEAD - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
methods.t | TEST 15: basic fetch (cache miss) - HEAD - pattern "srcache_store skipped due to request method HEAD" should match a line in error.log (req 0) | |
no-cache.t | TEST 1: flush all |
' |
no-cache.t | TEST 1: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
no-cache.t | TEST 1: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
no-cache.t | TEST 1: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
no-cache.t | TEST 1: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
no-cache.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss), and not stored due to Cache-Control: no-cache |
' |
no-cache.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss), and not stored due to Cache-Control: no-cache - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
no-cache.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss), and not stored due to Cache-Control: no-cache - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
no-cache.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss), and not stored due to Cache-Control: no-cache - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
no-cache.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) |
' |
no-cache.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
no-cache.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
no-cache.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "world\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
no-cache.t | TEST 4: flush all |
' |
no-cache.t | TEST 4: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
no-cache.t | TEST 4: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
no-cache.t | TEST 4: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
no-cache.t | TEST 4: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
no-cache.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (cache miss), and not stored due to Cache-Control: no-cache (srcache_store_no_cache off) |
' |
no-cache.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (cache miss), and not stored due to Cache-Control: no-cache (srcache_store_no_cache off) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
no-cache.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (cache miss), and not stored due to Cache-Control: no-cache (srcache_store_no_cache off) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
no-cache.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (cache miss), and not stored due to Cache-Control: no-cache (srcache_store_no_cache off) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
no-cache.t | TEST 6: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) |
' |
no-cache.t | TEST 6: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
no-cache.t | TEST 6: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
no-cache.t | TEST 6: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "world\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
no-cache.t | TEST 7: flush all |
' |
no-cache.t | TEST 7: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
no-cache.t | TEST 7: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
no-cache.t | TEST 7: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
no-cache.t | TEST 7: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
no-cache.t | TEST 8: basic fetch (cache miss), and stored due to srcache_store_no_cache on |
' |
no-cache.t | TEST 8: basic fetch (cache miss), and stored due to srcache_store_no_cache on - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
no-cache.t | TEST 8: basic fetch (cache miss), and stored due to srcache_store_no_cache on - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
no-cache.t | TEST 8: basic fetch (cache miss), and stored due to srcache_store_no_cache on - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
no-cache.t | TEST 9: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) |
' |
no-cache.t | TEST 9: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
no-cache.t | TEST 9: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '6' |
no-cache.t | TEST 9: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
no-cache.t | TEST 9: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
no-cache.t | TEST 10: flush all |
' |
no-cache.t | TEST 10: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
no-cache.t | TEST 10: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
no-cache.t | TEST 10: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
no-cache.t | TEST 10: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
no-cache.t | TEST 11: basic fetch (cache miss), and not stored due to Cache-Control: no-cache |
' |
no-cache.t | TEST 11: basic fetch (cache miss), and not stored due to Cache-Control: no-cache - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
no-cache.t | TEST 11: basic fetch (cache miss), and not stored due to Cache-Control: no-cache - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
no-cache.t | TEST 11: basic fetch (cache miss), and not stored due to Cache-Control: no-cache - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
no-cache.t | TEST 12: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) |
' |
no-cache.t | TEST 12: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
no-cache.t | TEST 12: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
no-cache.t | TEST 12: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "world\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
no-store.t | TEST 1: flush all |
' |
no-store.t | TEST 1: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
no-store.t | TEST 1: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
no-store.t | TEST 1: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
no-store.t | TEST 1: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
no-store.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss), and not stored due to Cache-Control: no-store |
' |
no-store.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss), and not stored due to Cache-Control: no-store - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
no-store.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss), and not stored due to Cache-Control: no-store - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
no-store.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss), and not stored due to Cache-Control: no-store - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
no-store.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) |
' |
no-store.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
no-store.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
no-store.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "world\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
no-store.t | TEST 4: flush all |
' |
no-store.t | TEST 4: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
no-store.t | TEST 4: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
no-store.t | TEST 4: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
no-store.t | TEST 4: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
no-store.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (cache miss), and not stored due to Cache-Control: no-store (srcache_store_no_store off) |
' |
no-store.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (cache miss), and not stored due to Cache-Control: no-store (srcache_store_no_store off) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
no-store.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (cache miss), and not stored due to Cache-Control: no-store (srcache_store_no_store off) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
no-store.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (cache miss), and not stored due to Cache-Control: no-store (srcache_store_no_store off) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
no-store.t | TEST 6: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) |
' |
no-store.t | TEST 6: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
no-store.t | TEST 6: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
no-store.t | TEST 6: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "world\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
no-store.t | TEST 7: flush all |
' |
no-store.t | TEST 7: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
no-store.t | TEST 7: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
no-store.t | TEST 7: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
no-store.t | TEST 7: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
no-store.t | TEST 8: basic fetch (cache miss), and stored due to srcache_store_no_store on |
' |
no-store.t | TEST 8: basic fetch (cache miss), and stored due to srcache_store_no_store on - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
no-store.t | TEST 8: basic fetch (cache miss), and stored due to srcache_store_no_store on - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
no-store.t | TEST 8: basic fetch (cache miss), and stored due to srcache_store_no_store on - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
no-store.t | TEST 9: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) |
' |
no-store.t | TEST 9: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
no-store.t | TEST 9: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '6' |
no-store.t | TEST 9: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
no-store.t | TEST 9: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
no-store.t | TEST 10: flush all |
' |
no-store.t | TEST 10: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
no-store.t | TEST 10: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
no-store.t | TEST 10: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
no-store.t | TEST 10: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
no-store.t | TEST 11: basic fetch (cache miss), and not stored due to Cache-Control: no-store |
' |
no-store.t | TEST 11: basic fetch (cache miss), and not stored due to Cache-Control: no-store - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
no-store.t | TEST 11: basic fetch (cache miss), and not stored due to Cache-Control: no-store - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
no-store.t | TEST 11: basic fetch (cache miss), and not stored due to Cache-Control: no-store - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
no-store.t | TEST 12: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) |
' |
no-store.t | TEST 12: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
no-store.t | TEST 12: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
no-store.t | TEST 12: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "world\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
postgres-main.t | TEST 1: flush all |
' |
postgres-main.t | TEST 1: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
postgres-main.t | TEST 1: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
postgres-main.t | TEST 1: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
postgres-main.t | TEST 2: cache miss |
' |
postgres-main.t | TEST 2: cache miss - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
postgres-main.t | TEST 2: cache miss - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'application/json' |
postgres-main.t | TEST 2: cache miss - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "[{"id":2,"name":null},{"id":3,"name":"bob"}]" length: 44 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
postgres-main.t | TEST 3: cache hit |
' |
postgres-main.t | TEST 3: cache hit - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
postgres-main.t | TEST 3: cache hit - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'application/json' |
postgres-main.t | TEST 3: cache hit - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "[{"id":2,"name":null},{"id":3,"name":"bob"}]" length: 44 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
private.t | TEST 1: flush all |
' |
private.t | TEST 1: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
private.t | TEST 1: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
private.t | TEST 1: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
private.t | TEST 1: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
private.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss), and not stored due to Cache-Control: private |
' |
private.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss), and not stored due to Cache-Control: private - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
private.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss), and not stored due to Cache-Control: private - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
private.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss), and not stored due to Cache-Control: private - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
private.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) |
' |
private.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
private.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
private.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "world\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
private.t | TEST 4: flush all |
' |
private.t | TEST 4: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
private.t | TEST 4: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
private.t | TEST 4: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
private.t | TEST 4: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
private.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (cache miss), and not stored due to Cache-Control: private (srcache_store_private off) |
' |
private.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (cache miss), and not stored due to Cache-Control: private (srcache_store_private off) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
private.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (cache miss), and not stored due to Cache-Control: private (srcache_store_private off) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
private.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (cache miss), and not stored due to Cache-Control: private (srcache_store_private off) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
private.t | TEST 6: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) |
' |
private.t | TEST 6: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
private.t | TEST 6: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
private.t | TEST 6: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "world\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
private.t | TEST 7: flush all |
' |
private.t | TEST 7: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
private.t | TEST 7: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
private.t | TEST 7: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
private.t | TEST 7: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
private.t | TEST 8: basic fetch (cache miss), and stored due to srcache_store_private on |
' |
private.t | TEST 8: basic fetch (cache miss), and stored due to srcache_store_private on - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
private.t | TEST 8: basic fetch (cache miss), and stored due to srcache_store_private on - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
private.t | TEST 8: basic fetch (cache miss), and stored due to srcache_store_private on - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
private.t | TEST 9: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) |
' |
private.t | TEST 9: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
private.t | TEST 9: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '6' |
private.t | TEST 9: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
private.t | TEST 9: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
private.t | TEST 10: flush all |
' |
private.t | TEST 10: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
private.t | TEST 10: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
private.t | TEST 10: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
private.t | TEST 10: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
private.t | TEST 11: basic fetch (cache miss), and not stored due to Cache-Control: private |
' |
private.t | TEST 11: basic fetch (cache miss), and not stored due to Cache-Control: private - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
private.t | TEST 11: basic fetch (cache miss), and not stored due to Cache-Control: private - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
private.t | TEST 11: basic fetch (cache miss), and not stored due to Cache-Control: private - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
private.t | TEST 12: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) |
' |
private.t | TEST 12: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
private.t | TEST 12: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
private.t | TEST 12: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "world\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
private.t | TEST 13: flush all |
' |
private.t | TEST 13: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
private.t | TEST 13: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
private.t | TEST 13: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
private.t | TEST 13: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
private.t | TEST 14: basic fetch (cache miss), and not stored due to Cache-Control: private, proxy_pass |
' |
private.t | TEST 14: basic fetch (cache miss), and not stored due to Cache-Control: private, proxy_pass - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
private.t | TEST 14: basic fetch (cache miss), and not stored due to Cache-Control: private, proxy_pass - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '6' |
private.t | TEST 14: basic fetch (cache miss), and not stored due to Cache-Control: private, proxy_pass - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
private.t | TEST 14: basic fetch (cache miss), and not stored due to Cache-Control: private, proxy_pass - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
private.t | TEST 15: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) |
' |
private.t | TEST 15: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
private.t | TEST 15: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
private.t | TEST 15: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "world\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
private.t | TEST 16: flush all |
' |
private.t | TEST 16: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
private.t | TEST 16: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
private.t | TEST 16: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
private.t | TEST 16: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
private.t | TEST 17: basic fetch (cache miss), and not stored due to Cache-Control: private, proxy_pass |
' |
private.t | TEST 17: basic fetch (cache miss), and not stored due to Cache-Control: private, proxy_pass - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
private.t | TEST 17: basic fetch (cache miss), and not stored due to Cache-Control: private, proxy_pass - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
private.t | TEST 17: basic fetch (cache miss), and not stored due to Cache-Control: private, proxy_pass - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
private.t | TEST 18: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) |
' |
private.t | TEST 18: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
private.t | TEST 18: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
private.t | TEST 18: basic fetch (cache miss again, not stored in the previous case) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "world\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
private.t | TEST 19: flush all |
' |
private.t | TEST 19: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
private.t | TEST 19: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
private.t | TEST 19: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
private.t | TEST 19: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
private.t | TEST 20: basic fetch (cache miss), and stored due to Cache-Control: private but srcache_response_cache_control off |
' |
private.t | TEST 20: basic fetch (cache miss), and stored due to Cache-Control: private but srcache_response_cache_control off - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
private.t | TEST 20: basic fetch (cache miss), and stored due to Cache-Control: private but srcache_response_cache_control off - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
private.t | TEST 20: basic fetch (cache miss), and stored due to Cache-Control: private but srcache_response_cache_control off - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
private.t | TEST 21: basic fetch (cache hit) |
' |
private.t | TEST 21: basic fetch (cache hit) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
private.t | TEST 21: basic fetch (cache hit) - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '6' |
private.t | TEST 21: basic fetch (cache hit) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
private.t | TEST 21: basic fetch (cache hit) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
proxy.t | TEST 1: flush all |
' |
proxy.t | TEST 1: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
proxy.t | TEST 1: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
proxy.t | TEST 1: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
ranges.t | TEST 1: flush all (not using ngx_srcache) |
' |
ranges.t | TEST 1: flush all (not using ngx_srcache) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
ranges.t | TEST 1: flush all (not using ngx_srcache) - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
ranges.t | TEST 1: flush all (not using ngx_srcache) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
ranges.t | TEST 1: flush all (not using ngx_srcache) - header X-Store-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'BYPASS' |
ranges.t | TEST 1: flush all (not using ngx_srcache) - header X-Fetch-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'BYPASS' |
ranges.t | TEST 1: flush all (not using ngx_srcache) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: '' expected: 'OK ' |
ranges.t | TEST 2: range fetch (cache miss) |
' |
ranges.t | TEST 2: range fetch (cache miss) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '206' |
ranges.t | TEST 2: range fetch (cache miss) - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
ranges.t | TEST 2: range fetch (cache miss) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/html' |
ranges.t | TEST 2: range fetch (cache miss) - header X-Store-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'STORE' |
ranges.t | TEST 2: range fetch (cache miss) - header X-Fetch-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'MISS' |
ranges.t | TEST 2: range fetch (cache miss) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: '' expected: 'tml>' |
ranges.t | TEST 2: range fetch (cache miss) - pattern "srcache_store: subrequest returned status 201" should match a line in error.log (req 0) | |
ranges.t | TEST 3: range fetch (cache hit) |
' |
ranges.t | TEST 3: range fetch (cache hit) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '206' |
ranges.t | TEST 3: range fetch (cache hit) - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
ranges.t | TEST 3: range fetch (cache hit) - header X-Store-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'BYPASS' |
ranges.t | TEST 3: range fetch (cache hit) - header X-Fetch-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'HIT' |
ranges.t | TEST 3: range fetch (cache hit) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: '' expected: 'tml>' |
ranges.t | TEST 4: full fetch (cache miss) |
' |
ranges.t | TEST 4: full fetch (cache miss) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
ranges.t | TEST 4: full fetch (cache miss) - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '72' |
ranges.t | TEST 4: full fetch (cache miss) - header X-Store-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'STORE' |
ranges.t | TEST 4: full fetch (cache miss) - header X-Fetch-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'MISS' |
ranges.t | TEST 4: full fetch (cache miss) - response_body_like - response is expected () |
'' doesn't match '(?^s:It works!)' |
ranges.t | TEST 5: flush all (not using ngx_srcache) |
' |
ranges.t | TEST 5: flush all (not using ngx_srcache) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
ranges.t | TEST 5: flush all (not using ngx_srcache) - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
ranges.t | TEST 5: flush all (not using ngx_srcache) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
ranges.t | TEST 5: flush all (not using ngx_srcache) - header X-Store-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'BYPASS' |
ranges.t | TEST 5: flush all (not using ngx_srcache) - header X-Fetch-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'BYPASS' |
ranges.t | TEST 5: flush all (not using ngx_srcache) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: '' expected: 'OK ' |
ranges.t | TEST 6: full fetch (cache miss) |
' |
ranges.t | TEST 6: full fetch (cache miss) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
ranges.t | TEST 6: full fetch (cache miss) - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '72' |
ranges.t | TEST 6: full fetch (cache miss) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/html' |
ranges.t | TEST 6: full fetch (cache miss) - header X-Store-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'STORE' |
ranges.t | TEST 6: full fetch (cache miss) - header X-Fetch-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'MISS' |
ranges.t | TEST 6: full fetch (cache miss) - response_body_like - response is expected () |
'' doesn't match '(?^s:It works!)' |
ranges.t | TEST 6: full fetch (cache miss) - pattern "srcache_store: subrequest returned status 201" should match a line in error.log (req 0) | |
ranges.t | TEST 7: range fetch (cache hit) |
' |
ranges.t | TEST 7: range fetch (cache hit) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '206' |
ranges.t | TEST 7: range fetch (cache hit) - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
ranges.t | TEST 7: range fetch (cache hit) - header X-Store-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'BYPASS' |
ranges.t | TEST 7: range fetch (cache hit) - header X-Fetch-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'HIT' |
ranges.t | TEST 7: range fetch (cache hit) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: '' expected: 'tml>' |
ranges.t | TEST 8: flush all (not using ngx_srcache) |
' |
ranges.t | TEST 8: flush all (not using ngx_srcache) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
ranges.t | TEST 8: flush all (not using ngx_srcache) - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
ranges.t | TEST 8: flush all (not using ngx_srcache) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
ranges.t | TEST 8: flush all (not using ngx_srcache) - header X-Store-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'BYPASS' |
ranges.t | TEST 8: flush all (not using ngx_srcache) - header X-Fetch-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'BYPASS' |
ranges.t | TEST 8: flush all (not using ngx_srcache) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: '' expected: 'OK ' |
ranges.t | TEST 9: range fetch (cache miss) - no store ranges (default off) |
' |
ranges.t | TEST 9: range fetch (cache miss) - no store ranges (default off) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '206' |
ranges.t | TEST 9: range fetch (cache miss) - no store ranges (default off) - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
ranges.t | TEST 9: range fetch (cache miss) - no store ranges (default off) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/html' |
ranges.t | TEST 9: range fetch (cache miss) - no store ranges (default off) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: '' expected: 'tml>' |
ranges.t | TEST 10: range fetch (cache hit) |
' |
ranges.t | TEST 10: range fetch (cache hit) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
ranges.t | TEST 10: range fetch (cache hit) - header X-Store-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'STORE' |
ranges.t | TEST 10: range fetch (cache hit) - header X-Fetch-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'MISS' |
ranges.t | TEST 10: range fetch (cache hit) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: '' expected: 'world ' |
ranges.t | TEST 11: flush all (not using ngx_srcache) |
' |
ranges.t | TEST 11: flush all (not using ngx_srcache) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
ranges.t | TEST 11: flush all (not using ngx_srcache) - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
ranges.t | TEST 11: flush all (not using ngx_srcache) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
ranges.t | TEST 11: flush all (not using ngx_srcache) - header X-Store-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'BYPASS' |
ranges.t | TEST 11: flush all (not using ngx_srcache) - header X-Fetch-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'BYPASS' |
ranges.t | TEST 11: flush all (not using ngx_srcache) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: '' expected: 'OK ' |
ranges.t | TEST 12: range fetch (cache miss) - no store ranges (explicit off) |
' |
ranges.t | TEST 12: range fetch (cache miss) - no store ranges (explicit off) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '206' |
ranges.t | TEST 12: range fetch (cache miss) - no store ranges (explicit off) - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
ranges.t | TEST 12: range fetch (cache miss) - no store ranges (explicit off) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/html' |
ranges.t | TEST 12: range fetch (cache miss) - no store ranges (explicit off) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: '' expected: 'tml>' |
ranges.t | TEST 13: range fetch (cache hit) |
' |
ranges.t | TEST 13: range fetch (cache hit) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
ranges.t | TEST 13: range fetch (cache hit) - header X-Store-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'STORE' |
ranges.t | TEST 13: range fetch (cache hit) - header X-Fetch-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'MISS' |
ranges.t | TEST 13: range fetch (cache hit) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: '' expected: 'world ' |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 1: flush all |
' |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 1: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 1: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 1: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 1: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss) |
' |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache hit) |
' |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache hit) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache hit) - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '6' |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache hit) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache hit) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 4: request cache-control: no-cache |
' |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 4: request cache-control: no-cache - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 4: request cache-control: no-cache - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 4: request cache-control: no-cache - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "world\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (cache hit again) |
' |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (cache hit again) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (cache hit again) - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '6' |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (cache hit again) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (cache hit again) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "world\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 6: flush all |
' |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 6: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 6: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 6: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 6: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 7: basic fetch (cache miss) |
' |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 7: basic fetch (cache miss) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 7: basic fetch (cache miss) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 7: basic fetch (cache miss) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 8: basic fetch (cache hit) |
' |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 8: basic fetch (cache hit) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 8: basic fetch (cache hit) - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '6' |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 8: basic fetch (cache hit) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 8: basic fetch (cache hit) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 10: basic fetch (cache hit again) |
' |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 10: basic fetch (cache hit again) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 10: basic fetch (cache hit again) - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '6' |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 10: basic fetch (cache hit again) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 10: basic fetch (cache hit again) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 11: flush all |
' |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 11: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 11: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 11: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 11: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 12: basic fetch (cache miss) |
' |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 12: basic fetch (cache miss) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 12: basic fetch (cache miss) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 12: basic fetch (cache miss) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 13: basic fetch (cache hit) |
' |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 13: basic fetch (cache hit) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 13: basic fetch (cache hit) - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '6' |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 13: basic fetch (cache hit) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 13: basic fetch (cache hit) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 14: request cache-control: no-store |
' |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 14: request cache-control: no-store - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 14: request cache-control: no-store - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '6' |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 14: request cache-control: no-store - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 14: request cache-control: no-store - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 15: basic fetch (cache hit again) |
' |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 15: basic fetch (cache hit again) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 15: basic fetch (cache hit again) - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '6' |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 15: basic fetch (cache hit again) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
req-cache-control.t | TEST 15: basic fetch (cache hit again) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
satisfy.t | TEST 1: flush all |
' |
satisfy.t | TEST 1: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
satisfy.t | TEST 1: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
satisfy.t | TEST 1: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
satisfy.t | TEST 1: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
satisfy.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss) - deny all |
' |
satisfy.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss) - deny all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '403' |
satisfy.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss) - deny all - response_body_like - response is expected () |
'' doesn't match '(?^s:403 Forbidden)' |
satisfy.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache miss) |
' |
satisfy.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache miss) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
satisfy.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache miss) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
satisfy.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache miss) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
satisfy.t | TEST 4: basic fetch (cache hit) |
' |
satisfy.t | TEST 4: basic fetch (cache hit) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
satisfy.t | TEST 4: basic fetch (cache hit) - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '6' |
satisfy.t | TEST 4: basic fetch (cache hit) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
satisfy.t | TEST 4: basic fetch (cache hit) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
static.t | TEST 1: flush all |
' |
static.t | TEST 1: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
static.t | TEST 1: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
static.t | TEST 1: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
static.t | TEST 1: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
static.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss) |
' |
static.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
static.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss) - header Last-Modified ok |
got: '' expected: 'Fri, 04 Mar 2011 05:21:59 GMT' |
static.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss) - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '6' |
static.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
static.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
static.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache hit) |
' |
static.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache hit) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
static.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache hit) - header Last-Modified ok |
got: '' expected: 'Fri, 04 Mar 2011 05:21:59 GMT' |
static.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache hit) - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '6' |
static.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache hit) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
static.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache hit) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
static.t | TEST 4: flush all |
' |
static.t | TEST 4: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
static.t | TEST 4: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
static.t | TEST 4: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
static.t | TEST 4: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
static.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (cache miss), hide Last-Modified |
' |
static.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (cache miss), hide Last-Modified - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
static.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (cache miss), hide Last-Modified - header Last-Modified ok |
got: '' expected: 'Fri, 04 Mar 2011 05:21:59 GMT' |
static.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (cache miss), hide Last-Modified - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '6' |
static.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (cache miss), hide Last-Modified - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
static.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (cache miss), hide Last-Modified - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
static.t | TEST 6: basic fetch (cache hit) |
' |
static.t | TEST 6: basic fetch (cache hit) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
static.t | TEST 6: basic fetch (cache hit) - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '6' |
static.t | TEST 6: basic fetch (cache hit) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
static.t | TEST 6: basic fetch (cache hit) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
status.t | TEST 1: flush all |
' |
status.t | TEST 1: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
status.t | TEST 1: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
status.t | TEST 1: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
status.t | TEST 1: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: '' expected: 'OK ' |
status.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (http 1.0) |
' |
status.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (http 1.0) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
status.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (http 1.0) - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '6' |
status.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (http 1.0) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
status.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (http 1.0) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: '' expected: 'hello ' |
status.t | TEST 3: inspect the cached item |
' |
status.t | TEST 3: inspect the cached item - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
status.t | TEST 3: inspect the cached item - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '49' |
status.t | TEST 3: inspect the cached item - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
status.t | TEST 3: inspect the cached item - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -HTTP/1.1 200 OK -Content-Type: text/css - -hello ' |
status.t | TEST 4: flush all |
' |
status.t | TEST 4: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
status.t | TEST 4: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
status.t | TEST 4: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
status.t | TEST 4: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: '' expected: 'OK ' |
status.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (cache 500 404 200 statuses) |
' |
status.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (cache 500 404 200 statuses) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '404' |
status.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (cache 500 404 200 statuses) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/html' |
status.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (cache 500 404 200 statuses) - response_body_like - response is expected () |
'' doesn't match '(?^s:404 Not Found)' |
status.t | TEST 6: inspect the cached item |
' |
status.t | TEST 6: inspect the cached item - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
status.t | TEST 6: inspect the cached item - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
status.t | TEST 6: inspect the cached item - response_body_like - response is expected () |
'' doesn't match '(?^s:^HTTP/1\.1 404 Not Found\r Content-Type: text/html\r \r .*?404 Not Found.* )' |
status.t | TEST 7: flush all |
' |
status.t | TEST 7: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
status.t | TEST 7: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
status.t | TEST 7: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
status.t | TEST 7: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: '' expected: 'OK ' |
status.t | TEST 8: basic fetch (404 not listed in store_statuses) |
' |
status.t | TEST 8: basic fetch (404 not listed in store_statuses) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '404' |
status.t | TEST 8: basic fetch (404 not listed in store_statuses) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/html' |
status.t | TEST 8: basic fetch (404 not listed in store_statuses) - response_body_like - response is expected () |
'' doesn't match '(?^s:404 Not Found)' |
status.t | TEST 9: inspect the cached item |
' |
status.t | TEST 9: inspect the cached item - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '404' |
status.t | TEST 9: inspect the cached item - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/html' |
status.t | TEST 9: inspect the cached item - response_body_like - response is expected () |
'' doesn't match '(?^s:404 Not Found)' |
status.t | TEST 10: flush all |
' |
status.t | TEST 10: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
status.t | TEST 10: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
status.t | TEST 10: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
status.t | TEST 10: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: '' expected: 'OK ' |
status.t | TEST 11: basic fetch (cache 301 by default) |
' |
status.t | TEST 11: basic fetch (cache 301 by default) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '301' |
status.t | TEST 11: basic fetch (cache 301 by default) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/html' |
status.t | TEST 11: basic fetch (cache 301 by default) - response_body_like - response is expected () |
'' doesn't match '(?^s:301 Moved Permanently)' |
status.t | TEST 12: inspect the cached item |
' |
status.t | TEST 12: inspect the cached item - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
status.t | TEST 12: inspect the cached item - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
status.t | TEST 12: inspect the cached item - response_body_like - response is expected () |
'' doesn't match '(?^s:^HTTP/1\.1 301 Moved Permanently\r Content-Type: text/html\r Location: /bah\r \r .*?301 Moved Permanently.* )' |
status.t | TEST 13: flush all |
' |
status.t | TEST 13: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
status.t | TEST 13: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
status.t | TEST 13: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
status.t | TEST 13: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: '' expected: 'OK ' |
status.t | TEST 14: basic fetch (cache 302 by default) |
' |
status.t | TEST 14: basic fetch (cache 302 by default) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '302' |
status.t | TEST 14: basic fetch (cache 302 by default) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/html' |
status.t | TEST 14: basic fetch (cache 302 by default) - header Location ok |
got: '' expected: '/bah' |
status.t | TEST 14: basic fetch (cache 302 by default) - response_body_like - response is expected () |
'' doesn't match '(?^s:302 Found)' |
status.t | TEST 15: inspect the cached item |
' |
status.t | TEST 15: inspect the cached item - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
status.t | TEST 15: inspect the cached item - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
status.t | TEST 15: inspect the cached item - response_body_like - response is expected () |
'' doesn't match '(?^s:^HTTP/1\.1 302 Moved Temporarily\r Content-Type: text/html\r Location: /bah\r \r .*?302 Found.* )' |
status.t | TEST 16: cache hit |
' |
status.t | TEST 16: cache hit - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '302' |
status.t | TEST 16: cache hit - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/html' |
status.t | TEST 16: cache hit - header Location ok |
got: '' expected: '/bah' |
status.t | TEST 16: cache hit - response_body_like - response is expected () |
'' doesn't match '(?^s:302 Found)' |
status.t | TEST 17: flush all |
' |
status.t | TEST 17: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
status.t | TEST 17: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
status.t | TEST 17: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
status.t | TEST 17: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: '' expected: 'OK ' |
status.t | TEST 18: basic fetch (201 not cached by default) |
' |
status.t | TEST 18: basic fetch (201 not cached by default) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '201' |
status.t | TEST 18: basic fetch (201 not cached by default) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
status.t | TEST 18: basic fetch (201 not cached by default) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: '' expected: 'Dog created ' |
status.t | TEST 19: inspect the cached item |
' |
status.t | TEST 19: inspect the cached item - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '404' |
status.t | TEST 19: inspect the cached item - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/html' |
status.t | TEST 19: inspect the cached item - response_body_like - response is expected () |
'' doesn't match '(?^s:404 Not Found)' |
status.t | TEST 20: flush all |
' |
status.t | TEST 20: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
status.t | TEST 20: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
status.t | TEST 20: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
status.t | TEST 20: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: '' expected: 'OK ' |
status.t | TEST 21: basic fetch (explicitly do not cache 302) |
' |
status.t | TEST 21: basic fetch (explicitly do not cache 302) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '302' |
status.t | TEST 21: basic fetch (explicitly do not cache 302) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/html' |
status.t | TEST 21: basic fetch (explicitly do not cache 302) - response_body_like - response is expected () |
'' doesn't match '(?^s:302 Found)' |
status.t | TEST 22: inspect the cached item |
' |
status.t | TEST 22: inspect the cached item - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '404' |
status.t | TEST 22: inspect the cached item - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/html' |
status.t | TEST 22: inspect the cached item - response_body_like - response is expected () |
'' doesn't match '(?^s:404 Not Found)' |
status.t | TEST 23: flush all |
' |
status.t | TEST 23: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
status.t | TEST 23: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
status.t | TEST 23: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
status.t | TEST 23: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: '' expected: 'OK ' |
status.t | TEST 24: basic fetch (explicitly do not cache 302, and store_statuses are all bigger than 302) |
' |
status.t | TEST 24: basic fetch (explicitly do not cache 302, and store_statuses are all bigger than 302) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '302' |
status.t | TEST 24: basic fetch (explicitly do not cache 302, and store_statuses are all bigger than 302) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/html' |
status.t | TEST 24: basic fetch (explicitly do not cache 302, and store_statuses are all bigger than 302) - response_body_like - response is expected () |
'' doesn't match '(?^s:302 Found)' |
status.t | TEST 25: inspect the cached item |
' |
status.t | TEST 25: inspect the cached item - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '404' |
status.t | TEST 25: inspect the cached item - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/html' |
status.t | TEST 25: inspect the cached item - response_body_like - response is expected () |
'' doesn't match '(?^s:404 Not Found)' |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 1: flush all |
' |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 1: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 1: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 1: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 1: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss) |
' |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss) - header Foo-Bar ok |
got: '' expected: 'hi world' |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (cache miss) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache hit) |
' |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache hit) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache hit) - header Foo-Bar ok |
got: '' expected: 'hi world' |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache hit) - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '6' |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache hit) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache hit) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 4: flush all |
' |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 4: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 4: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 4: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 4: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (cache miss) |
' |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (cache miss) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (cache miss) - header Foo-Bar ok |
got: '' expected: 'hi world' |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (cache miss) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (cache miss) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 6: basic fetch (cache hit) |
' |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 6: basic fetch (cache hit) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 6: basic fetch (cache hit) - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '6' |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 6: basic fetch (cache hit) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 6: basic fetch (cache hit) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 7: flush all |
' |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 7: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 7: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 7: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 7: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 8: basic fetch (cache miss) |
' |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 8: basic fetch (cache miss) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 8: basic fetch (cache miss) - header Foo-Bar ok |
got: '' expected: 'hi world' |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 8: basic fetch (cache miss) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 8: basic fetch (cache miss) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 9: basic fetch (cache hit) |
' |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 9: basic fetch (cache hit) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 9: basic fetch (cache hit) - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '6' |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 9: basic fetch (cache hit) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 9: basic fetch (cache hit) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 10: flush all |
' |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 10: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 10: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 10: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 10: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 11: basic fetch (hide Content-Type in store) |
' |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 11: basic fetch (hide Content-Type in store) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 11: basic fetch (hide Content-Type in store) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 11: basic fetch (hide Content-Type in store) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 12: basic fetch (cache hit) |
' |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 12: basic fetch (cache hit) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 12: basic fetch (cache hit) - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '6' |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 12: basic fetch (cache hit) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 13: flush all |
' |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 13: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 13: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 13: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 13: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 14: basic fetch (hide and pass Content-Type in store) |
' |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 14: basic fetch (hide and pass Content-Type in store) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 14: basic fetch (hide and pass Content-Type in store) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 14: basic fetch (hide and pass Content-Type in store) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 15: basic fetch (cache hit) |
' |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 15: basic fetch (cache hit) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 15: basic fetch (cache hit) - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '6' |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 15: basic fetch (cache hit) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
store-hide-headers.t | TEST 15: basic fetch (cache hit) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
store-max-size.t | TEST 1: flush all |
' |
store-max-size.t | TEST 1: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
store-max-size.t | TEST 1: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
store-max-size.t | TEST 2: just hit store_max_size |
' |
store-max-size.t | TEST 2: just hit store_max_size - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
store-max-size.t | TEST 2: just hit store_max_size - header X-Store-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'STORE' |
store-max-size.t | TEST 2: just hit store_max_size - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
store-max-size.t | TEST 3: check if /memc was invoked (just equal) |
' |
store-max-size.t | TEST 3: check if /memc was invoked (just equal) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
store-max-size.t | TEST 3: check if /memc was invoked (just equal) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\x{0d}\x{0a}Content-Type: text/css\x{0d}\x{0a}\x{0d}\x{0a}hello\x{0a}" length: 49 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
store-max-size.t | TEST 4: flush all |
' |
store-max-size.t | TEST 4: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
store-max-size.t | TEST 4: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
store-max-size.t | TEST 5: less than store_max_size |
' |
store-max-size.t | TEST 5: less than store_max_size - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
store-max-size.t | TEST 5: less than store_max_size - header X-Store-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'STORE' |
store-max-size.t | TEST 5: less than store_max_size - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
store-max-size.t | TEST 6: check if /memc was invoked (less than) |
' |
store-max-size.t | TEST 6: check if /memc was invoked (less than) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
store-max-size.t | TEST 6: check if /memc was invoked (less than) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\x{0d}\x{0a}Content-Type: text/css\x{0d}\x{0a}\x{0d}\x{0a}hello\x{0a}" length: 49 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
store-max-size.t | TEST 7: flush all |
' |
store-max-size.t | TEST 7: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
store-max-size.t | TEST 7: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
store-max-size.t | TEST 9: check if /memc was invoked (more than) |
' |
store-max-size.t | TEST 9: check if /memc was invoked (more than) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '404' |
store-max-size.t | TEST 9: check if /memc was invoked (more than) - response_body_like - response is expected () |
'' doesn't match '(?^s:404 Not Found)' |
store-max-size.t | TEST 10: flush all |
' |
store-max-size.t | TEST 10: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
store-max-size.t | TEST 10: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
store-max-size.t | TEST 12: check if /memc was invoked (more than) |
' |
store-max-size.t | TEST 12: check if /memc was invoked (more than) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '404' |
store-max-size.t | TEST 12: check if /memc was invoked (more than) - response_body_like - response is expected () |
'' doesn't match '(?^s:404 Not Found)' |
store-max-size.t | TEST 13: flush all |
' |
store-max-size.t | TEST 13: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
store-max-size.t | TEST 13: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
store-max-size.t | TEST 15: check if /memc was invoked (server-level config) |
' |
store-max-size.t | TEST 15: check if /memc was invoked (server-level config) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '404' |
store-max-size.t | TEST 15: check if /memc was invoked (server-level config) - response_body_like - response is expected () |
'' doesn't match '(?^s:404 Not Found)' |
store-max-size.t | TEST 16: flush all |
' |
store-max-size.t | TEST 16: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
store-max-size.t | TEST 16: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
store-max-size.t | TEST 17: 0 means unlimited |
' |
store-max-size.t | TEST 17: 0 means unlimited - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
store-max-size.t | TEST 17: 0 means unlimited - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello, world\x{0a}" length: 13 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
store-max-size.t | TEST 18: check if /memc was invoked (explicit unlimited) |
' |
store-max-size.t | TEST 18: check if /memc was invoked (explicit unlimited) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
store-max-size.t | TEST 18: check if /memc was invoked (explicit unlimited) - response_body_like - response is expected () |
'' doesn't match '(?^:^HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r Content-Type: text/css\r Last-Modified: Sat, 17 Jan 1998 19:35:33 GMT\r X-SRCache-Allow-Ranges: 1\r (?:ETag: "[^"]+"\r )?\r hello, world$)' |
store-pass-headers.t | TEST 1: flush all |
' |
store-pass-headers.t | TEST 1: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
store-pass-headers.t | TEST 1: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
store-pass-headers.t | TEST 1: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
store-pass-headers.t | TEST 1: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
store-pass-headers.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (Set-Cookie and Proxy-Authenticate hide by default) |
' |
store-pass-headers.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (Set-Cookie and Proxy-Authenticate hide by default) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
store-pass-headers.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (Set-Cookie and Proxy-Authenticate hide by default) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
store-pass-headers.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (Set-Cookie and Proxy-Authenticate hide by default) - header Set-Cookie ok |
got: '' expected: 'foo=baz' |
store-pass-headers.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (Set-Cookie and Proxy-Authenticate hide by default) - header Proxy-Authenticate ok |
got: '' expected: 'blah' |
store-pass-headers.t | TEST 2: basic fetch (Set-Cookie and Proxy-Authenticate hide by default) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
store-pass-headers.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache hit) |
' |
store-pass-headers.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache hit) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
store-pass-headers.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache hit) - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '6' |
store-pass-headers.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache hit) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
store-pass-headers.t | TEST 3: basic fetch (cache hit) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
store-pass-headers.t | TEST 4: flush all |
' |
store-pass-headers.t | TEST 4: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
store-pass-headers.t | TEST 4: flush all - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '4' |
store-pass-headers.t | TEST 4: flush all - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/plain' |
store-pass-headers.t | TEST 4: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
store-pass-headers.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (Set-Cookie hide by default) |
' |
store-pass-headers.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (Set-Cookie hide by default) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
store-pass-headers.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (Set-Cookie hide by default) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
store-pass-headers.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (Set-Cookie hide by default) - header Set-Cookie ok |
got: '' expected: 'foo=baz' |
store-pass-headers.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (Set-Cookie hide by default) - header Proxy-Authenticate ok |
got: '' expected: 'blah' |
store-pass-headers.t | TEST 5: basic fetch (Set-Cookie hide by default) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
store-pass-headers.t | TEST 6: basic fetch (cache hit) |
' |
store-pass-headers.t | TEST 6: basic fetch (cache hit) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
store-pass-headers.t | TEST 6: basic fetch (cache hit) - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '6' |
store-pass-headers.t | TEST 6: basic fetch (cache hit) - header Content-Type ok |
got: '' expected: 'text/css' |
store-pass-headers.t | TEST 6: basic fetch (cache hit) - header Set-Cookie ok |
got: '' expected: 'foo=baz' |
store-pass-headers.t | TEST 6: basic fetch (cache hit) - header Proxy-Authenticate ok |
got: '' expected: 'blah' |
store-pass-headers.t | TEST 6: basic fetch (cache hit) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
store-skip.t | TEST 1: flush all |
' |
store-skip.t | TEST 1: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
store-skip.t | TEST 1: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
store-skip.t | TEST 2: skip is false |
' |
store-skip.t | TEST 2: skip is false - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
store-skip.t | TEST 2: skip is false - header X-Store-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'STORE' |
store-skip.t | TEST 2: skip is false - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
store-skip.t | TEST 3: check if /memc was invoked (just equal) |
' |
store-skip.t | TEST 3: check if /memc was invoked (just equal) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
store-skip.t | TEST 3: check if /memc was invoked (just equal) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\x{0d}\x{0a}Content-Type: text/css\x{0d}\x{0a}\x{0d}\x{0a}hello\x{0a}" length: 49 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
store-skip.t | TEST 4: flush all |
' |
store-skip.t | TEST 4: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
store-skip.t | TEST 4: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
store-skip.t | TEST 5: store_skip is literally false |
' |
store-skip.t | TEST 5: store_skip is literally false - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
store-skip.t | TEST 5: store_skip is literally false - header X-Store-Status ok |
got: '' expected: 'STORE' |
store-skip.t | TEST 5: store_skip is literally false - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello\x{0a}" length: 6 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
store-skip.t | TEST 6: check if /memc was invoked (less than) |
' |
store-skip.t | TEST 6: check if /memc was invoked (less than) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
store-skip.t | TEST 6: check if /memc was invoked (less than) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\x{0d}\x{0a}Content-Type: text/css\x{0d}\x{0a}\x{0d}\x{0a}hello\x{0a}" length: 49 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
store-skip.t | TEST 7: flush all |
' |
store-skip.t | TEST 7: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
store-skip.t | TEST 7: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
store-skip.t | TEST 9: check if /memc was invoked (more than) |
' |
store-skip.t | TEST 9: check if /memc was invoked (more than) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '404' |
store-skip.t | TEST 9: check if /memc was invoked (more than) - response_body_like - response is expected () |
'' doesn't match '(?^s:404 Not Found)' |
store-skip.t | TEST 10: flush all |
' |
store-skip.t | TEST 10: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
store-skip.t | TEST 10: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
store-skip.t | TEST 12: check if /memc was invoked (explicit "true" string) |
' |
store-skip.t | TEST 12: check if /memc was invoked (explicit "true" string) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '404' |
store-skip.t | TEST 12: check if /memc was invoked (explicit "true" string) - response_body_like - response is expected () |
'' doesn't match '(?^s:404 Not Found)' |
store-skip.t | TEST 13: flush all |
' |
store-skip.t | TEST 13: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
store-skip.t | TEST 13: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
store-skip.t | TEST 15: check if /memc was invoked (server-level config) |
' |
store-skip.t | TEST 15: check if /memc was invoked (server-level config) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '404' |
store-skip.t | TEST 15: check if /memc was invoked (server-level config) - response_body_like - response is expected () |
'' doesn't match '(?^s:404 Not Found)' |
store-skip.t | TEST 16: flush all |
' |
store-skip.t | TEST 16: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
store-skip.t | TEST 16: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
store-skip.t | TEST 17: overriding server-side config |
' |
store-skip.t | TEST 17: overriding server-side config - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
store-skip.t | TEST 17: overriding server-side config - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello, world\x{0a}" length: 13 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
store-skip.t | TEST 18: check if /memc was invoked (overriding server config) |
' |
store-skip.t | TEST 18: check if /memc was invoked (overriding server config) - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
store-skip.t | TEST 18: check if /memc was invoked (overriding server config) - response_body - like (repeated req 0, req 0) |
'' doesn't match '(?^:HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r Content-Type: text/css\r Last-Modified: Fri, 24 Dec 2010 03:10:03 GMT\r X-SRCache-Allow-Ranges: 1\r (?:ETag: "4d140f0b-d"\r )?\r hello, world$)' |
store-skip.t | TEST 19: check the response |
' |
store-skip.t | TEST 19: check the response - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
store-skip.t | TEST 19: check the response - header Content-Length ok |
got: '' expected: '13' |
store-skip.t | TEST 19: check the response - header Last-Modified ok |
got: '' expected: 'Fri, 24 Dec 2010 03:10:03 GMT' |
store-skip.t | TEST 19: check the response - header Accept-Ranges ok |
got: '' expected: 'bytes' |
store-skip.t | TEST 19: check the response - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "hello, world\x{0a}" length: 13 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
store-skip.t | TEST 20: flush all |
' |
store-skip.t | TEST 20: flush all - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '200' |
store-skip.t | TEST 20: flush all - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "" length: 0 expected: "OK\x{0d}\x{0a}" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
store-skip.t | TEST 22: check if /memc was invoked |
' |
store-skip.t | TEST 22: check if /memc was invoked - status code ok |
got: '' expected: '404' |
store-skip.t | TEST 22: check if /memc was invoked - response_body_like - response is expected () |
'' doesn't match '(?^s:404 Not Found)' |
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