(This page was automatically generated by the tools in the opsboy project on 14:31:59 30-Jan-2023 GMT.)
Commit | Testing Time | Unexpected Failures |
Expected Failures |
Files | Tests | Elapsed Time |
e90b2d97 | 2020-09-28 06:48:46 GMT | 1 | 15 | 6 | 212 | 79 sec |
File | Name | Details |
resty/signals.t | TEST 8: Convert SIGPIPE to SIGQUIT to child process - exit code okay |
got: '1' expected: '141' |
File | Name | Details |
resty/options.t | TEST 1: bad --nginx value - exit code okay |
got: '3' expected: '2' |
resty/options.t | TEST 15: --shdict option missing size - exit code okay |
got: '3' expected: '255' |
resty/options.t | TEST 28: returns error message on invalid name server ip - exit code okay |
got: '3' expected: '255' |
resty/options.t | TEST 30: --valgrind & --gdb - exit code okay |
got: '1' expected: '25' |
resty/options.t | TEST 31: --gdb & --rr - stderr eq okay |
got: 'ERROR: options --gdb and --valgrind cannot be specified at the same time. ' expected: 'ERROR: options --gdb and --rr cannot be specified at the same time. ' |
resty/options.t | TEST 31: --gdb & --rr - exit code okay |
got: '1' expected: '25' |
resty/options.t | TEST 32: --rr & --valgrind - exit code okay |
got: '1' expected: '25' |
resty/options.t | TEST 45: --gdb-opts - stdout like okay |
'' doesn't match '(?^ms:^Breakpoint 2, lj_cf_io_method_write \(L=0x[0-9a-f]+\) at lib_io\.c:\d+ .* \#0 lj_cf_io_method_write \(L=0x[0-9a-f]+\) at lib_io\.c:\d+ )' |
resty/options.t | TEST 45: --gdb-opts - exit code okay |
got: '25' expected: '0' |
resty/options.t | TEST 46: --gdb-opts (leading and trailing spaces) - stdout like okay |
'' doesn't match '(?^ms:^Breakpoint 2, lj_cf_io_method_write \(L=0x[0-9a-f]+\) at lib_io\.c:\d+ .* \#0 lj_cf_io_method_write \(L=0x[0-9a-f]+\) at lib_io\.c:\d+ )' |
resty/options.t | TEST 46: --gdb-opts (leading and trailing spaces) - exit code okay |
got: '25' expected: '0' |
resty/signals.t | TEST 1: Forward SIGINT to child process - exit code okay |
got: '2' expected: '130' |
resty/signals.t | TEST 3: Forward SIGTERM to child process - exit code okay |
got: '3' expected: '143' |
resty/user-args.t | TEST 2: minus indexes - stdout like okay |
'arg -1: --valgrind-opts= --num-callers=100 -q --gen-suppressions=all --suppressions=valgrind.suppress arg 0: /tmp/test1Ekcy5.lua arg 1: 1 arg 2: testing arg 3: 2 3 4 ' doesn't match '(?^ms:^arg -1: ./bin/resty arg 0: .*?/tmp/\S+?\.lua arg 1: 1 arg 2: testing arg 3: 2 3 4$)' |
resty/user-args.t | TEST 3: with quote and options - stdout like okay |
'arg -3: /tmp arg -2: --valgrind arg -1: --valgrind-opts= --num-callers=100 -q --gen-suppressions=all --suppressions=valgrind.suppress arg 0: /tmp/testiz2TFe.lua arg 1: 1 arg 2: 2 arg 3: \" ' doesn't match '(?^ms:^arg -3: ./bin/resty arg -2: -I arg -1: /tmp arg 0: .*?/tmp/\S+?\.lua arg 1: 1 arg 2: 2 arg 3: \\"$)' |
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