(This page was automatically generated by the tools in the opsboy project on 14:31:58 30-Jan-2023 GMT.)
Commit | Testing Time | Unexpected Failures |
Expected Failures |
Files | Tests | Elapsed Time |
028c0d49 | 2020-01-28 22:50:33 GMT | 0 | 57 | 200 | 3465727 | 12423 sec |
File | Name | Details |
043-shdict.t | nginx: [emerg] | lua_shared_dict "dogs" is already defined as "dogs" in /home/ec2-user/git/lua-nginx-module/t/servroot/conf/nginx.conf:26 |
086-init-by.t | nginx: [error] | init_by_lua error: init_by_lua:2: failed to init |
091-coroutine.t | nginx: [error] | init_by_lua error: init_by_lua:7: init_by_lua:4: something went wrong |
132-lua-blocks.t | nginx: [emerg] | Lua code block missing the closing long bracket "]=]" in /home/ec2-user/git/lua-nginx-module/t/servroot/conf/nginx.conf:41 |
132-lua-blocks.t | nginx: [emerg] | Lua code block missing the closing long bracket "]==]" in /home/ec2-user/git/lua-nginx-module/t/servroot/conf/nginx.conf:41 |
132-lua-blocks.t | nginx: [emerg] | Lua code block missing the closing long bracket "]]" in /home/ec2-user/git/lua-nginx-module/t/servroot/conf/nginx.conf:41 |
132-lua-blocks.t | nginx: [emerg] | "events" directive is not allowed here in /home/ec2-user/git/lua-nginx-module/t/servroot/conf/nginx.conf:56 |
142-ssl-session-store.t | nginx: [emerg] | "ssl_session_store_by_lua_block" directive is not allowed here in /home/ec2-user/git/lua-nginx-module/t/servroot/conf/nginx.conf:28 |
148-fake-shm-zone.t | nginx: [emerg] | lua_fake_shm "x1" is already defined as "x1" in /home/ec2-user/git/lua-nginx-module/t/servroot/conf/nginx.conf:26 |
161-load-resty-core.t | nginx: [alert] | failed to load the 'resty.core' module (https://github.com/openresty/lua-resty-core); ensure you are using an OpenResty release from https://openresty.org/en/download.html (reason: module 'resty.core' not found: |
023-rewrite/client-abort.t | TEST 15: ngx.req.socket + receiveuntil + it(n) + sleep + stop |
LeakTest: k=18.4 Up-Edges: 1 Stable point: N/A RSS Samples (in KB): 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 3076 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668
023-rewrite/on-abort.t | TEST 5: ngx.exit(-1) with pending subrequest |
LeakTest: k=23.2 Up-Edges: 1 Stable point: 4792 RSS Samples (in KB): 3196 3196 3196 3196 3196 3196 3196 3196 3196 3196 3196 3196 3196 3196 3196 3196 3196 3196 3196 3196 3196 3196 3196 3196 3196 3196 3196 3196 3196 3196 3196 3196 3196 3196 3196 3196 3196 3196 3196 3196 3196 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792
023-rewrite/on-abort.t | TEST 6: ngx.exit(0) with pending subrequest |
LeakTest: k=19.3 Up-Edges: 1 Stable point: N/A RSS Samples (in KB): 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 4800 4800 4800 4800 4800 4800 4800 4800 4800 4800 4800 4800 4800 4800 4800 4800 4800 4800 4800 4800 4800 4800 4800 4800 4800 4800
023-rewrite/on-abort.t | TEST 11: abort in the user callback (uthread) |
LeakTest: k=23.4 Up-Edges: 1 Stable point: 4728 RSS Samples (in KB): 3152 3152 3152 3152 3152 3152 3152 3152 3152 3152 3152 3152 3152 3152 3152 3152 3152 3152 3152 3152 3152 3152 3152 3152 3152 3152 3152 3152 3152 3152 3152 3152 3152 3152 3152 3152 3152 3152 3152 3152 3152 3152 3152 3152 3152 4728 4728 4728 4728 4728 4728 4728 4728 4728 4728 4728 4728 4728 4728 4728 4728 4728 4728 4728 4728 4728 4728 4728 4728 4728 4728 4728 4728 4728 4728 4728 4728 4728 4728 4728 4728 4728 4728 4728 4728 4728 4728 4728 4728 4728 4728 4728 4728 4728 4728 4728 4728 4728 4728 4728
023-rewrite/sleep.t | TEST 7: sleep 0.5 - interleaved by ngx.say() - not ended by ngx.sleep |
LeakTest: k=17.9 Up-Edges: 1 Stable point: 4868 RSS Samples (in KB): 3236 3236 3236 3236 3236 3236 3236 3236 3236 3236 3236 3236 3236 3236 3236 3236 3236 3236 3236 3236 3236 3236 3236 3236 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868 4868
023-rewrite/sleep.t | TEST 5: sleep 0.5 - multi-times |
LeakTest: k=21.8 Up-Edges: 1 Stable point: N/A RSS Samples (in KB): 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 2976 4708 4708 4708 4708 4708 4708 4708 4708 4708 4708 4708 4708 4708 4708 4708 4708 4708 4708 4708 4708 4708 4708 4708 4708 4708 4708 4708 4708 4708 4708
023-rewrite/tcp-socket-timeout.t | TEST 3: sock:settimeout(nil) does not override lua_socket_connect_timeout |
LeakTest: k=17.0 Up-Edges: 1 Stable point: 5356 RSS Samples (in KB): 3920 3920 3920 3920 3920 3920 3920 3920 3920 3920 3920 3920 3920 3920 3920 3920 3920 3920 3920 3920 3920 3920 3920 3920 3920 3920 3920 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356
023-rewrite/tcp-socket-timeout.t | TEST 2: sock:settimeout() overrides lua_socket_connect_timeout |
LeakTest: k=20.5 Up-Edges: 1 Stable point: 5580 RSS Samples (in KB): 4036 4036 4036 4036 4036 4036 4036 4036 4036 4036 4036 4036 4036 4036 4036 4036 4036 4036 4036 4036 4036 4036 4036 4036 4036 4036 4036 4036 4036 4036 4036 4036 4036 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580 5580
023-rewrite/tcp-socket-timeout.t | TEST 11: lua_socket_send_timeout only |
LeakTest: k=24.1 Up-Edges: 1 Stable point: 5460 RSS Samples (in KB): 3832 3832 3832 3832 3832 3832 3832 3832 3832 3832 3832 3832 3832 3832 3832 3832 3832 3832 3832 3832 3832 3832 3832 3832 3832 3832 3832 3832 3832 3832 3832 3832 3832 3832 3832 3832 3832 3832 3832 3832 3832 3832 3832 3832 5460 5460 5460 5460 5460 5460 5460 5460 5460 5460 5460 5460 5460 5460 5460 5460 5460 5460 5460 5460 5460 5460 5460 5460 5460 5460 5460 5460 5460 5460 5460 5460 5460 5460 5460 5460 5460 5460 5460 5460 5460 5460 5460 5460 5460 5460 5460 5460 5460 5460 5460 5460 5460 5460 5460 5460
023-rewrite/tcp-socket-timeout.t | TEST 12: sock:settimeout() overrides lua_socket_send_timeout |
LeakTest: k=24.4 Up-Edges: 1 Stable point: 5536 RSS Samples (in KB): 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536
023-rewrite/tcp-socket-timeout.t | TEST 13: sock:settimeout(nil) does not override lua_socket_send_timeout |
LeakTest: k=16.6 Up-Edges: 1 Stable point: 5444 RSS Samples (in KB): 3828 3828 3828 3828 3828 3828 3828 3828 3828 3828 3828 3828 3828 3828 3828 3828 3828 3828 3828 3828 3828 3828 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444 5444
023-rewrite/tcp-socket.t | TEST 6: connection timeout (tcp) |
LeakTest: k=14.0 Up-Edges: 2 Stable point: N/A RSS Samples (in KB): 3080 3080 3080 3080 3080 3080 3080 3080 3080 3080 3080 3080 3080 3080 3080 4748 4748 4748 4748 4748 4748 4748 4748 4748 4748 4748 4748 4748 4748 4748 4748 4748 4748 4748 4748 4748 4748 4748 4748 4748 4748 4748 4748 4748 4748 4748 4748 4748 4748 4748 4748 4748 4748 4748 4748 4748 4748 4748 4748 4748 4748 4748 4748 4748 4748 4748 4748 4748 4748 4844 4844 4844 4844 4844 4844 4844 4844 4844 4844 4844 4844 4844 4844 4844 4844 4844 4844 4844 4844 4844 4844 4844 4844 4844 4844 4844 4844 4844 4844 4844
023-rewrite/uthread-redirect.t | TEST 2: redirect in user thread (entry thread is still pending on ngx.sleep) |
LeakTest: k=13.1 Up-Edges: 1 Stable point: 4636 RSS Samples (in KB): 3016 3016 3016 3016 3016 3016 3016 3016 3016 3016 3016 3016 3016 3016 3016 3016 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636 4636
024-access/on-abort.t | TEST 6: ngx.exit(0) with pending subrequest |
LeakTest: k=15.4 Up-Edges: 1 Stable point: 4940 RSS Samples (in KB): 3032 3032 3032 3032 3032 3032 3032 3032 3032 3032 3032 3032 3032 3032 3032 3032 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940 4940
024-access/on-abort.t | TEST 10: ignore the client abort event in the user callback (uthread) |
LeakTest: k=18.2 Up-Edges: 1 Stable point: N/A RSS Samples (in KB): 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 3228 4808 4808 4808 4808 4808 4808 4808 4808 4808 4808 4808 4808 4808 4808 4808 4808 4808 4808 4808 4808 4808 4808 4808 4808 4808 4808
024-access/on-abort.t | TEST 4: ngx.exit(408) with pending subrequest |
LeakTest: k=24.0 Up-Edges: 1 Stable point: 4700 RSS Samples (in KB): 3048 3048 3048 3048 3048 3048 3048 3048 3048 3048 3048 3048 3048 3048 3048 3048 3048 3048 3048 3048 3048 3048 3048 3048 3048 3048 3048 3048 3048 3048 3048 3048 3048 3048 3048 3048 3048 3048 3048 3048 3048 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700
024-access/sleep.t | TEST 5: sleep 0.5 - multi-times |
LeakTest: k=22.6 Up-Edges: 1 Stable point: 4736 RSS Samples (in KB): 3032 3032 3032 3032 3032 3032 3032 3032 3032 3032 3032 3032 3032 3032 3032 3032 3032 3032 3032 3032 3032 3032 3032 3032 3032 3032 3032 3032 3032 3032 3032 3032 3032 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736 4736
024-access/sleep.t | TEST 1: sleep 0.5 |
LeakTest: k=23.1 Up-Edges: 1 Stable point: 4696 RSS Samples (in KB): 3044 3044 3044 3044 3044 3044 3044 3044 3044 3044 3044 3044 3044 3044 3044 3044 3044 3044 3044 3044 3044 3044 3044 3044 3044 3044 3044 3044 3044 3044 3044 3044 3044 3044 3044 3044 3044 4696 4696 4696 4696 4696 4696 4696 4696 4696 4696 4696 4696 4696 4696 4696 4696 4696 4696 4696 4696 4696 4696 4696 4696 4696 4696 4696 4696 4696 4696 4696 4696 4696 4696 4696 4696 4696 4696 4696 4696 4696 4696 4696 4696 4696 4696 4696 4696 4696 4696 4696 4696 4696 4696 4696 4696 4696 4696 4696 4696 4696 4696 4696
024-access/uthread-exec.t | TEST 2: exec in user thread (entry already quits) |
LeakTest: k=17.5 Up-Edges: 1 Stable point: 4688 RSS Samples (in KB): 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 3132 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688 4688
024-access/uthread-redirect.t | TEST 2: redirect in user thread (entry thread is still pending on ngx.sleep) |
LeakTest: k=18.1 Up-Edges: 1 Stable point: 4612 RSS Samples (in KB): 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612 4612
043-shdict.t | TEST 45: flush_expires |
LeakTest: k=14.7 Up-Edges: 1 Stable point: 4544 RSS Samples (in KB): 2956 2956 2956 2956 2956 2956 2956 2956 2956 2956 2956 2956 2956 2956 2956 2956 2956 2956 2956 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544
043-shdict.t | TEST 55: list all keys in a shdict with all keys expired |
LeakTest: k=14.6 Up-Edges: 1 Stable point: 4596 RSS Samples (in KB): 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596 4596
056-flush.t | TEST 17: limit_rate |
LeakTest: k=23.3 Up-Edges: 1 Stable point: 4720 RSS Samples (in KB): 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 4720 4720 4720 4720 4720 4720 4720 4720 4720 4720 4720 4720 4720 4720 4720 4720 4720 4720 4720 4720 4720 4720 4720 4720 4720 4720 4720 4720 4720 4720 4720 4720 4720 4720 4720 4720 4720 4720 4720 4720 4720 4720 4720 4720 4720 4720 4720 4720 4720 4720 4720 4720 4720 4720 4720 4720 4720 4720 4720
057-flush-timeout.t | TEST 2: send timeout timer got removed in time |
LeakTest: k=22.3 Up-Edges: 1 Stable point: N/A RSS Samples (in KB): 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 5876 5876 5876 5876 5876 5876 5876 5876 5876 5876 5876 5876 5876 5876 5876 5876 5876 5876 5876 5876 5876 5876 5876 5876 5876 5876 5876 5876
058-tcp-socket.t | TEST 36: reread after a read time out happen (receive -> receive) |
LeakTest: k=21.2 Up-Edges: 1 Stable point: 4604 RSS Samples (in KB): 3120 3120 3120 3120 3120 3120 3120 3120 3120 3120 3120 3120 3120 3120 3120 3120 3120 3120 3120 3120 3120 3120 3120 3120 3120 3120 3120 3120 3120 3120 3120 3120 3120 3120 3120 3120 3120 3120 3120 4604 4604 4604 4604 4604 4604 4604 4604 4604 4604 4604 4604 4604 4604 4604 4604 4604 4604 4604 4604 4604 4604 4604 4604 4604 4604 4604 4604 4604 4604 4604 4604 4604 4604 4604 4604 4604 4604 4604 4604 4604 4604 4604 4604 4604 4604 4604 4604 4604 4604 4604 4604 4604 4604 4604 4604 4604 4604 4604 4604 4604
058-tcp-socket.t | TEST 6: connection timeout (tcp) |
LeakTest: k=11.2 Up-Edges: 2 Stable point: N/A RSS Samples (in KB): 3124 3124 3124 3124 3124 3124 3124 3124 3124 3124 3124 3124 3124 3124 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4616 4660 4660 4660 4660 4660 4660 4660 4660 4660 4660 4660 4660 4660 4660 4660 4660 4660
065-tcp-socket-timeout.t | TEST 12: sock:settimeout() overrides lua_socket_send_timeout |
LeakTest: k=23.3 Up-Edges: 1 Stable point: 5588 RSS Samples (in KB): 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 5588 5588 5588 5588 5588 5588 5588 5588 5588 5588 5588 5588 5588 5588 5588 5588 5588 5588 5588 5588 5588 5588 5588 5588 5588 5588 5588 5588 5588 5588 5588 5588 5588 5588 5588 5588 5588 5588 5588 5588 5588 5588 5588 5588 5588 5588 5588 5588 5588 5588
065-tcp-socket-timeout.t | TEST 4: sock:settimeout(0) does not override lua_socket_connect_timeout |
LeakTest: k=13.9 Up-Edges: 2 Stable point: N/A RSS Samples (in KB): 3916 3916 3916 3916 3916 3916 3916 3916 3916 3916 3916 3916 3916 3916 3916 3916 3916 3916 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5456 5500 5500 5500 5500 5500 5500 5500 5500 5500 5500 5500
065-tcp-socket-timeout.t | TEST 2: sock:settimeout() overrides lua_socket_connect_timeout |
LeakTest: k=15.5 Up-Edges: 1 Stable point: 5584 RSS Samples (in KB): 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 4032 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584 5584
065-tcp-socket-timeout.t | TEST 13: sock:settimeout(nil) does not override lua_socket_send_timeout |
LeakTest: k=16.8 Up-Edges: 1 Stable point: 5512 RSS Samples (in KB): 3824 3824 3824 3824 3824 3824 3824 3824 3824 3824 3824 3824 3824 3824 3824 3824 3824 3824 3824 3824 3824 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512
065-tcp-socket-timeout.t | TEST 14: sock:settimeout(0) does not override lua_socket_send_timeout |
LeakTest: k=16.8 Up-Edges: 1 Stable point: 5512 RSS Samples (in KB): 3824 3824 3824 3824 3824 3824 3824 3824 3824 3824 3824 3824 3824 3824 3824 3824 3824 3824 3824 3824 3824 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512 5512
065-tcp-socket-timeout.t | TEST 3: sock:settimeout(nil) does not override lua_socket_connect_timeout |
LeakTest: k=15.4 Up-Edges: 1 Stable point: 5532 RSS Samples (in KB): 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 3788 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532 5532
065-tcp-socket-timeout.t | TEST 6: lua_socket_read_timeout only |
LeakTest: k=20.8 Up-Edges: 1 Stable point: 5420 RSS Samples (in KB): 3916 3916 3916 3916 3916 3916 3916 3916 3916 3916 3916 3916 3916 3916 3916 3916 3916 3916 3916 3916 3916 3916 3916 3916 3916 3916 3916 3916 3916 3916 3916 3916 3916 3916 3916 3916 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420
065-tcp-socket-timeout.t | TEST 18: re-send on the same object after a send timeout happens |
LeakTest: k=15.5 Up-Edges: 1 Stable point: 5536 RSS Samples (in KB): 3920 3920 3920 3920 3920 3920 3920 3920 3920 3920 3920 3920 3920 3920 3920 3920 3920 3920 3920 3920 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536
077-sleep.t | TEST 3: sleep 0.5 in subrequest - content |
LeakTest: k=18.2 Up-Edges: 1 Stable point: N/A RSS Samples (in KB): 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 4716 4716 4716 4716 4716 4716 4716 4716 4716 4716 4716 4716 4716 4716 4716 4716 4716 4716 4716 4716 4716 4716 4716 4716
093-uthread-spawn.t | TEST 8: simple user threads doing a single subrequest (entry also does a subrequest and quits late) |
LeakTest: k=10.1 Up-Edges: 1 Stable point: 4960 RSS Samples (in KB): 4200 4200 4200 4200 4200 4200 4200 4200 4200 4200 4200 4200 4200 4200 4200 4200 4200 4200 4200 4200 4200 4200 4200 4200 4200 4200 4200 4200 4200 4200 4200 4200 4200 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960 4960
095-uthread-exec.t | TEST 2: exec in user thread (entry already quits) |
LeakTest: k=18.3 Up-Edges: 1 Stable point: 4760 RSS Samples (in KB): 3092 3092 3092 3092 3092 3092 3092 3092 3092 3092 3092 3092 3092 3092 3092 3092 3092 3092 3092 3092 3092 3092 3092 3092 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760 4760
095-uthread-exec.t | TEST 3: exec in user thread (entry thread is still pending on ngx.sleep) |
LeakTest: k=21.4 Up-Edges: 1 Stable point: 4668 RSS Samples (in KB): 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668
096-uthread-redirect.t | TEST 2: redirect in user thread (entry thread is still pending on ngx.sleep) |
LeakTest: k=10.6 Up-Edges: 1 Stable point: 4684 RSS Samples (in KB): 3004 3004 3004 3004 3004 3004 3004 3004 3004 3004 3004 3004 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684 4684
097-uthread-rewrite.t | TEST 3: rewrite in user thread (entry thread is still pending on ngx.sleep) |
LeakTest: k=12.4 Up-Edges: 1 Stable point: 4764 RSS Samples (in KB): 3224 3224 3224 3224 3224 3224 3224 3224 3224 3224 3224 3224 3224 3224 3224 3224 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764 4764
100-client-abort.t | TEST 4: subrequest + stop |
LeakTest: k=21.4 Up-Edges: 1 Stable point: N/A RSS Samples (in KB): 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 3020 4924 4924 4924 4924 4924 4924 4924 4924 4924 4924 4924 4924 4924 4924 4924 4924 4924 4924 4924 4924 4924 4924 4924 4924 4924
100-client-abort.t | TEST 29: ngx.send_headers |
LeakTest: k=25.9 Up-Edges: 1 Stable point: 4928 RSS Samples (in KB): 3164 3164 3164 3164 3164 3164 3164 3164 3164 3164 3164 3164 3164 3164 3164 3164 3164 3164 3164 3164 3164 3164 3164 3164 3164 3164 3164 3164 3164 3164 3164 3164 3164 3164 3164 3164 3164 3164 3164 3164 3164 3164 3164 4928 4928 4928 4928 4928 4928 4928 4928 4928 4928 4928 4928 4928 4928 4928 4928 4928 4928 4928 4928 4928 4928 4928 4928 4928 4928 4928 4928 4928 4928 4928 4928 4928 4928 4928 4928 4928 4928 4928 4928 4928 4928 4928 4928 4928 4928 4928 4928 4928 4928 4928 4928 4928 4928 4928 4928 4928
101-on-abort.t | TEST 6: ngx.exit(0) with pending subrequest |
LeakTest: k=14.3 Up-Edges: 1 Stable point: 5004 RSS Samples (in KB): 3236 3236 3236 3236 3236 3236 3236 3236 3236 3236 3236 3236 3236 3236 3236 3236 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004
108-timer-safe.t | TEST 7: simple at (sleep in the timer callback) - log_by_lua |
LeakTest: k=18.0 Up-Edges: 1 Stable point: 5636 RSS Samples (in KB): 4412 4412 4412 4412 4412 4412 4412 4412 4412 4412 4412 4412 4412 4412 4412 4412 4412 4412 4412 4412 4412 4412 4412 4412 4412 4412 4412 4412 4412 4412 4412 4412 4412 4412 4412 4412 4412 4412 4412 4412 4412 4412 4412 4412 4412 4412 4412 4412 4412 4412 4412 4412 4412 4412 4412 4412 4412 5636 5636 5636 5636 5636 5636 5636 5636 5636 5636 5636 5636 5636 5636 5636 5636 5636 5636 5636 5636 5636 5636 5636 5636 5636 5636 5636 5636 5636 5636 5636 5636 5636 5636 5636 5636 5636 5636 5636 5636 5636 5636 5636
131-duplex-req-socket.t | TEST 1: raw downstream cosocket used in two different threads. See issue #481 |
LeakTest: k=14.3 Up-Edges: 1 Stable point: N/A RSS Samples (in KB): 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 3792 5404 5404 5404 5404 5404 5404 5404 5404 5404 5404 5404 5404 5404 5404 5404 5404 5404 5404
136-timer-counts.t | TEST 5: one running timer |
LeakTest: k=23.1 Up-Edges: 1 Stable point: 4792 RSS Samples (in KB): 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792 4792
152-timer-every.t | TEST 6: memory leak check |
LeakTest: k=14.4 Up-Edges: 5 Stable point: N/A RSS Samples (in KB): 5788 5788 5788 5788 6052 6052 6052 6052 6052 6052 6052 6052 6052 6052 6052 6052 6052 6052 6052 6052 6052 6052 6052 6052 6052 6052 6316 6316 6316 6316 6316 6316 6316 6316 6316 6316 6316 6316 6316 6316 6316 6316 6316 6316 6316 6580 6580 6580 6580 6844 6844 6844 6844 6844 6844 6844 6844 6844 6844 6844 6844 6844 6844 6844 6844 6844 6844 6844 6844 6844 6844 6844 6844 6844 6844 6844 7108 7108 7108 7108 7108 7108 7108 7108 7108 7108 7108 7108 7108 7108 7108 7108 7108 7108 7108 7108 7108 7108 7108 7108
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