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Detailed Test Report for ngx_stream_lua in linux i386 (l)


Commit Testing Time Unexpected
Files Tests Elapsed Time
945ab994 2020-10-29 15:50:02 GMT 0 9 115 276327 14205 sec


LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3, commit 29a66f77

Compilation Errors

Segmentation Faults

Unexpected Failures


Expected Failures

File Name Details
091-coroutine.t nginx: [error] init_by_lua error: init_by_lua:7: init_by_lua:4: something went wrong
132-lua-blocks.t nginx: [emerg] Lua code block missing the closing long bracket "]=]" in /home/ec2-user/git/stream-lua-nginx-module/t/servroot/conf/nginx.conf:22
132-lua-blocks.t nginx: [emerg] Lua code block missing the closing long bracket "]]" in /home/ec2-user/git/stream-lua-nginx-module/t/servroot/conf/nginx.conf:22
132-lua-blocks.t nginx: [emerg] Lua code block missing the closing long bracket "]==]" in /home/ec2-user/git/stream-lua-nginx-module/t/servroot/conf/nginx.conf:22
132-lua-blocks.t nginx: [emerg] "http" directive is not allowed here in /home/ec2-user/git/stream-lua-nginx-module/t/servroot/conf/nginx.conf:28
132-lua-blocks.t nginx: [emerg] Lua code block missing the closing long bracket "]]" in /home/ec2-user/git/stream-lua-nginx-module/t/servroot/conf/nginx.conf:22
161-load-resty-core.t nginx: [alert] failed to load the 'resty.core' module (https://github.com/openresty/lua-resty-core); ensure you are using an OpenResty release from https://openresty.org/en/download.html (reason: module 'resty.core' not found:
099-c-api.t TEST 7: find zone (multiple zones) LeakTest: k=19.0
Up-Edges: 8
Stable point: N/A

RSS Samples (in KB):
2944 3204 3204 3204 3204 3204 3204 3204 3284 3284 3284 3284 3284 3284 3284 3284 3284 3544 3544 3544 3544 3544 3544 3544 3544 3544 3544 3544 3544 3544 3544 3544 3544 3544 3544 3796 3796 3796 3796 3796 3796 3796 3796 3796 3796 4056 4056 4320 4320 4320 4320 4320 4320 4320 4320 4320 4320 4320 4320 4320 4320 4320 4320 4320 4584 4584 4584 4584 4584 4584 4584 4584 4584 4584 4584 4584 4584 4584 4584 4584 4584 4584 4584 4584 4584 4584 4584 4584 4584 4584 4848 4848 4848 4848 4848 4848 4848 4848 4848 4848

099-c-api.t TEST 1: find zone LeakTest: k=19.6
Up-Edges: 8
Stable point: N/A

RSS Samples (in KB):
2960 2960 2960 3220 3100 3100 3100 3100 3100 3204 2956 2956 2956 3216 3216 3480 3480 3480 3480 3480 3480 3480 3480 3544 3544 3544 3544 3544 3544 3544 3544 3544 3544 3544 3544 3544 3736 3736 3736 3736 3736 3736 3736 3736 3736 3996 3996 4260 4260 4260 4260 4260 4260 4260 4260 4260 4260 4260 4260 4260 4524 4524 4524 4524 4524 4524 4524 4524 4524 4524 4524 4524 4524 4524 4524 4524 4524 4524 4524 4524 4524 4524 4524 4524 4524 4524 4524 4524 4524 4788 4788 4788 4788 4788 4788 4788 4788 4788 4788 4788



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