(This page was automatically generated by the tools in the opsboy project on 23:17:05 19-Mar-2020 GMT.)
Commit | Testing Time | Unexpected Failures |
Expected Failures |
Files | Tests | Elapsed Time |
d987a0cb | 2020-02-13 23:12:11 GMT | 10 | 39 | 115 | 9428 | 3056 sec |
File | Name | Details |
058-tcp-socket.t | TEST 65: receiveany with limited, max is larger than data - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: 'h ' expected: 'hello world ' |
058-tcp-socket.t | TEST 65: receiveany with limited, max is larger than data - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 1, req 0) |
got: 'h ' expected: 'hello world ' |
058-tcp-socket.t | TEST 62: receiveany method in cosocket - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
@@ -1,3 +1,14 @@ 1 -22 +2 -hello world +2 +h +e +l +l +o + +w +o +r +l +d ' |
058-tcp-socket.t | TEST 62: receiveany method in cosocket - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 1, req 0) |
@@ -1,3 +1,14 @@ 1 -22 +2 -hello world +2 +h +e +l +l +o + +w +o +r +l +d ' |
058-tcp-socket.t | TEST 66: receiveany with limited, max is smaller than data - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
@@ -1,2 +1,11 @@ -hello w +h -orld +e +l +l +o + +w +o +r +l +d ' |
058-tcp-socket.t | TEST 66: receiveany with limited, max is smaller than data - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 1, req 0) |
@@ -1,2 +1,11 @@ -hello w +h -orld +e +l +l +o + +w +o +r +l +d ' |
068-socket-keepalive.t | TEST 42: conn queuing: set timeout via lua_socket_connect_timeout - pattern "lua tcp socket queued connect timed out, when trying to connect to" should match a line in error.log (req 0) | |
091-coroutine.t | nginx: [error] | init_by_lua error: init_by_lua:7: init_by_lua:4: something went wrong |
091-coroutine.t | nginx: [error] | init_by_lua error: init_by_lua:7: init_by_lua:4: something went wrong |
161-load-resty-core.t | nginx: [alert] | failed to load the 'resty.core' module (https://github.com/openresty/lua-resty-core); ensure you are using an OpenResty release from https://openresty.org/en/download.html (reason: module 'resty.core' not found: |
File | Name | Details |
023-preread/sanity.t | TEST 13: phase postponing works - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
got: "receive stream response error: connection reset by"... length: 56 expected: "done" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
023-preread/sanity.t | TEST 13: phase postponing works - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 1, req 0) |
got: "receive stream response error: connection reset by"... length: 56 expected: "done" length: 4 strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1) |
071-idle-socket.t | TEST 6: set keepalive when cosocket recv buffer has unread data - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) |
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ connected: 1 request sent: 11 read: O -failed to set keepalive: unread data in buffer ' |
071-idle-socket.t | TEST 6: set keepalive when cosocket recv buffer has unread data - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 1, req 0) |
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ connected: 1 request sent: 11 read: O -failed to set keepalive: unread data in buffer ' |
106-timer.t | TEST 1: simple at - pattern "(?^:\[lua\] content_by_lua\(nginx\.conf:\d+\):\d+: elapsed: 0\.0(?:4[4-9]|5[0-6])\d*, context: ngx\.timer, client: \d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+, server: 0\.0\.0\.0:\d+)" should match a line in error.log (req 0) | |
106-timer.t | TEST 4: simple at (sleep in the timer callback) - pattern "(?^:\[lua\] content_by_lua\(nginx\.conf:\d+\):\d+: elapsed: 0\.0(?:6[4-9]|7[0-9]|8[0-6]))" should match a line in error.log (req 0) | |
108-timer-safe.t | TEST 2: simple at (sleep in the timer callback) - pattern "(?^:\[lua\] content_by_lua\(nginx\.conf:\d+\):\d+: elapsed: 0\.0(?:6[4-9]|7[0-6]))" should match a line in error.log (req 0) | |
109-timer-hup.t | TEST 3: trying to add new timer after HUP reload - pattern "lua abort pending timers" should match a line in error.log (req 0) | |
109-timer-hup.t | TEST 3: trying to add new timer after HUP reload - pattern "lua ngx.timer expired" should match a line in error.log (req 0) | |
109-timer-hup.t | TEST 3: trying to add new timer after HUP reload - pattern "stream lua close fake stream connection" should match a line in error.log (req 0) | |
109-timer-hup.t | TEST 3: trying to add new timer after HUP reload - pattern "timer prematurely expired: true" should match a line in error.log (req 0) | |
109-timer-hup.t | TEST 3: trying to add new timer after HUP reload - pattern "failed to register a new timer after reload: process exiting, context: ngx.timer" should match a line in error.log (req 0) | |
109-timer-hup.t | TEST 4: trying to add new timer after HUP reload - pattern "stream lua close fake stream connection" should match a line in error.log (req 0) | |
109-timer-hup.t | TEST 4: trying to add new timer after HUP reload - pattern "f: timer prematurely expired: true" should match a line in error.log (req 0) | |
109-timer-hup.t | TEST 4: trying to add new timer after HUP reload - pattern "f: registered a new timer after reload" should match a line in error.log (req 0) | |
109-timer-hup.t | TEST 4: trying to add new timer after HUP reload - pattern "f: exiting=true" should match a line in error.log (req 0) | |
109-timer-hup.t | TEST 4: trying to add new timer after HUP reload - pattern "g: timer prematurely expired: false" should match a line in error.log (req 0) | |
109-timer-hup.t | TEST 4: trying to add new timer after HUP reload - pattern "g: exiting=true" should match a line in error.log (req 0) | |
109-timer-hup.t | TEST 7: HUP reload should abort pending timers (fuzz test) - grep_error_log_out (req 0) |
got: 'stream lua found 8190 pending timers ' expected: 'stream lua found 8191 pending timers ' |
109-timer-hup.t | TEST 7: HUP reload should abort pending timers (fuzz test) - grep_error_log_out (req 1) |
got: 'stream lua found 8190 pending timers ' expected: 'stream lua found 8191 pending timers ' |
109-timer-hup.t | TEST 2: multiple timers - pattern "lua abort pending timers" should match a line in error.log (req 0) | |
109-timer-hup.t | TEST 2: multiple timers - pattern "lua ngx.timer expired" should match a line in error.log (req 0) | |
109-timer-hup.t | TEST 2: multiple timers - pattern "stream lua close fake stream connection" should match a line in error.log (req 0) | |
109-timer-hup.t | TEST 2: multiple timers - pattern "in callback: hello, 1!" should match a line in error.log (req 0) | |
109-timer-hup.t | TEST 2: multiple timers - pattern "in callback: hello, 2!" should match a line in error.log (req 0) | |
109-timer-hup.t | TEST 2: multiple timers - pattern "in callback: hello, 3!" should match a line in error.log (req 0) | |
109-timer-hup.t | TEST 2: multiple timers - pattern "in callback: hello, 4!" should match a line in error.log (req 0) | |
109-timer-hup.t | TEST 2: multiple timers - pattern "in callback: hello, 5!" should match a line in error.log (req 0) | |
109-timer-hup.t | TEST 2: multiple timers - pattern "in callback: hello, 6!" should match a line in error.log (req 0) | |
109-timer-hup.t | TEST 2: multiple timers - pattern "in callback: hello, 7!" should match a line in error.log (req 0) | |
109-timer-hup.t | TEST 2: multiple timers - pattern "in callback: hello, 8!" should match a line in error.log (req 0) | |
109-timer-hup.t | TEST 2: multiple timers - pattern "in callback: hello, 9!" should match a line in error.log (req 0) | |
109-timer-hup.t | TEST 2: multiple timers - pattern "in callback: hello, 10!" should match a line in error.log (req 0) | |
109-timer-hup.t | TEST 2: multiple timers - pattern "timer prematurely expired: true" should match a line in error.log (req 0) | |
132-lua-blocks.t | nginx: [emerg] | Lua code block missing the closing long bracket "]]" in /home/ec2-user/git/stream-lua-nginx-module/t/servroot/conf/nginx.conf:22 |
132-lua-blocks.t | nginx: [emerg] | Lua code block missing the closing long bracket "]=]" in /home/ec2-user/git/stream-lua-nginx-module/t/servroot/conf/nginx.conf:22 |
132-lua-blocks.t | nginx: [emerg] | Lua code block missing the closing long bracket "]==]" in /home/ec2-user/git/stream-lua-nginx-module/t/servroot/conf/nginx.conf:22 |
132-lua-blocks.t | nginx: [emerg] | Lua code block missing the closing long bracket "]]" in /home/ec2-user/git/stream-lua-nginx-module/t/servroot/conf/nginx.conf:22 |
132-lua-blocks.t | nginx: [emerg] | "http" directive is not allowed here in /home/ec2-user/git/stream-lua-nginx-module/t/servroot/conf/nginx.conf:28 |
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