(This page was automatically generated by the tools in the opsboy project on 23:17:04 19-Mar-2020 GMT.)
Commit | Testing Time | Unexpected Failures |
Expected Failures |
Files | Tests | Elapsed Time |
730f546f | 2019-04-24 21:29:55 GMT | 0 | 1 | 15 | 266 | 457 sec |
File | Name | Details |
compact/sanity-stream.t | TEST 2: keep-alive |
LeakTest: k=47.7 Up-Edges: 2 Stable point: N/A RSS Samples (in KB): 11248 13624 11512 10720 11248 11248 11248 11248 11248 11248 11248 17584 11248 14416 11248 11248 11248 11248 11248 11248 11248 11248 11248 14416 11248 14416 11248 11248 11248 17584 11248 16792 11248 11248 11248 14416 11248 11248 17056 11248 11248 11248 17584 11248 11248 17584 11248 13888 11248 12040 10720 11776 11248 11248 16528 11248 14416 11248 11248 11248 14416 11248 11248 17584 17584 11248 17584 17584 17584 17584 17584 17584 11248 11248 14416 11248 14416 11248 11248 17320 17584 17584 11248 14416 11248 11248 16264 17584 17584 17584 17584 17584 17584 11248 17584 17584 17584 17584 17584 11936
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