(This page was automatically generated by the tools in the opsboy project on 05:23:54 23-Feb-2019 GMT.)
Commit | Testing Time | Unexpected Failures |
Expected Failures |
Files | Tests | Elapsed Time |
97299ce6 | 2019-02-19 19:37:32 GMT | 0 | 9 | 111 | 8909 | 2095 sec |
File | Name | Details |
106-timer.t | TEST 1: simple at - pattern "(?^:\[lua\] content_by_lua\(nginx\.conf:\d+\):\d+: elapsed: 0\.0(?:4[4-9]|5[0-6])\d*, context: ngx\.timer, client: \d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+, server: 0\.0\.0\.0:\d+)" should match a line in error.log (req 0) | |
106-timer.t | TEST 27: user args - pattern "(?^:\[lua\] content_by_lua\(nginx\.conf:\d+\):\d+: elapsed: 0\.0(?:4[4-9]|5[0-6])\d*, context: ngx\.timer)" should match a line in error.log (req 0) | |
106-timer.t | TEST 4: simple at (sleep in the timer callback) - pattern "(?^:\[lua\] content_by_lua\(nginx\.conf:\d+\):\d+: elapsed: 0\.0(?:6[4-9]|7[0-9]|8[0-6]))" should match a line in error.log (req 0) | |
108-timer-safe.t | TEST 2: simple at (sleep in the timer callback) - pattern "(?^:\[lua\] content_by_lua\(nginx\.conf:\d+\):\d+: elapsed: 0\.0(?:6[4-9]|7[0-6]))" should match a line in error.log (req 0) | |
132-lua-blocks.t | nginx: [emerg] | Lua code block missing the closing long bracket "]==]" in /home/ec2-user/git/stream-lua-nginx-module/t/servroot/conf/nginx.conf:22 |
132-lua-blocks.t | nginx: [emerg] | Lua code block missing the closing long bracket "]]" in /home/ec2-user/git/stream-lua-nginx-module/t/servroot/conf/nginx.conf:22 |
132-lua-blocks.t | nginx: [emerg] | Lua code block missing the closing long bracket "]=]" in /home/ec2-user/git/stream-lua-nginx-module/t/servroot/conf/nginx.conf:22 |
132-lua-blocks.t | nginx: [emerg] | "http" directive is not allowed here in /home/ec2-user/git/stream-lua-nginx-module/t/servroot/conf/nginx.conf:28 |
132-lua-blocks.t | nginx: [emerg] | Lua code block missing the closing long bracket "]]" in /home/ec2-user/git/stream-lua-nginx-module/t/servroot/conf/nginx.conf:22 |
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