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Detailed Test Report for ngx_lua in linux x86_64 (hv)


Commit Testing Time Unexpected
Files Tests Elapsed Time
ee47e55e 2019-02-22 02:01:38 GMT 13 374 199 20503 2517 sec


LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3, commit 0e646b5


OpenSSL 1.1.0j 20 Nov 2018

Compilation Errors

Unexpected Failures

File Name Details
013-base64.t TEST 18: base64 encode with wrong 2nd parameter - pattern "(?^:bad argument \\#2 to 'encode_base64' \(boolean expected, got number\)|\[error\] .*? boolean argument only)" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
013-base64.t TEST 18: base64 encode with wrong 2nd parameter - pattern "(?^:bad argument \\#2 to 'encode_base64' \(boolean expected, got number\)|\[error\] .*? boolean argument only)" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
035-gmatch.t TEST 19: gmatch iterator used by another request - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) got: "matched\x{0a}matched\x{0a}"
length: 16
expected: "matched\x{0a}sr failed: 500\x{0a}"
length: 23
strings begin to differ at char 9 (line 2 column 1)
035-gmatch.t TEST 19: gmatch iterator used by another request - pattern "attempt to use ngx.re.gmatch iterator in a request that did not create it" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
035-gmatch.t TEST 19: gmatch iterator used by another request - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 1, req 0) got: "matched\x{0a}matched\x{0a}"
length: 16
expected: "matched\x{0a}sr failed: 500\x{0a}"
length: 23
strings begin to differ at char 9 (line 2 column 1)
035-gmatch.t TEST 19: gmatch iterator used by another request - pattern "attempt to use ngx.re.gmatch iterator in a request that did not create it" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
035-gmatch.t TEST 19: gmatch iterator used by another request - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 2, req 0) got: "matched\x{0a}matched\x{0a}"
length: 16
expected: "matched\x{0a}sr failed: 500\x{0a}"
length: 23
strings begin to differ at char 9 (line 2 column 1)
035-gmatch.t TEST 19: gmatch iterator used by another request - pattern "attempt to use ngx.re.gmatch iterator in a request that did not create it" should match a line in error.log (req 2)
035-gmatch.t TEST 19: gmatch iterator used by another request - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 3, req 0) got: "matched\x{0a}matched\x{0a}"
length: 16
expected: "matched\x{0a}sr failed: 500\x{0a}"
length: 23
strings begin to differ at char 9 (line 2 column 1)
035-gmatch.t TEST 19: gmatch iterator used by another request - pattern "attempt to use ngx.re.gmatch iterator in a request that did not create it" should match a line in error.log (req 3)
035-gmatch.t TEST 19: gmatch iterator used by another request - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 4, req 0) got: "matched\x{0a}matched\x{0a}"
length: 16
expected: "matched\x{0a}sr failed: 500\x{0a}"
length: 23
strings begin to differ at char 9 (line 2 column 1)
035-gmatch.t TEST 19: gmatch iterator used by another request - pattern "attempt to use ngx.re.gmatch iterator in a request that did not create it" should match a line in error.log (req 4)
062-count.t TEST 12: shdict metatable - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) got: 'n = 22
expected: 'n = 18

Expected Failures

File Name Details
004-require.t TEST 3: expand default path (after) - response_body_like - response is expected (/home/ec2-user/git/lua-resty-core/lib/?.lua;/home/ec2-user/git/lua-resty-lrucache/lib/?.lua;/home/ec2-user/git/lua-nginx-module/t/servroot/html/?.lua;./?.lua;/opt/luajit-sysm/share/luajit-2.1.0-beta3/?.lua;/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/?.lua;/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/?/init.lua;/opt/luajit-sysm/share/lua/5.1/?.lua;/opt/luajit-sysm/share/lua/5.1/?/init.lua;) '/home/ec2-user/git/lua-resty-core/lib/?.lua;/home/ec2-user/git/lua-resty-lrucache/lib/?.lua;/home/ec2-user/git/lua-nginx-module/t/servroot/html/?.lua;./?.lua;/opt/luajit-sysm/share/luajit-2.1.0-beta3/?.lua;/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/?.lua;/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/?/init.lua;/opt/luajit-sysm/share/lua/5.1/?.lua;/opt/luajit-sysm/share/lua/5.1/?/init.lua;'
doesn't match '(?^s:^[^;]+/servroot(_\d+)?/html/\?\.lua;(.+\.lua)?;*$)'
023-rewrite/on-abort.t TEST 6: ngx.exit(0) with pending subrequest - pattern "(?^:lua user thread aborted: runtime error: rewrite_by_lua\(nginx\.conf:\d+\):4: attempt to abort with pending subrequests)" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
023-rewrite/on-abort.t TEST 6: ngx.exit(0) with pending subrequest - pattern "(?^:lua user thread aborted: runtime error: rewrite_by_lua\(nginx\.conf:\d+\):4: attempt to abort with pending subrequests)" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
023-rewrite/socket-keepalive.t TEST 11: sanity (uds) - pattern "lua tcp socket keepalive: free connection pool for " should not match any line in error.log but matches line "2019/02/22 04:03:05 [debug] 17064\#0: lua tcp socket keepalive: free connection pool for \"\"" (req 0) 2019/02/22 04:03:05 [debug] 17064\#0: *168 http keepalive handler
2019/02/22 04:03:05 [debug] 17064\#0: *168 close http connection: 5
2019/02/22 04:03:05 [debug] 17064\#0: *168 event timer del: 5: 7414059
2019/02/22 04:03:05 [debug] 17064\#0: *168 reusable connection: 0
2019/02/22 04:03:05 [debug] 17064\#0: *168 free: 00000000092293C0, unused: 0
2019/02/22 04:03:05 [debug] 17064\#0: *168 free: 0000000009229370, unused: 0
2019/02/22 04:03:05 [debug] 17064\#0: *168 free: 0000000009201D20, unused: 0
2019/02/22 04:03:05 [debug] 17064\#0: *168 free: 0000000009201C50, unused: 0
2019/02/22 04:03:05 [debug] 17064\#0: *168 free: 00000000091EC090, unused: 0
024-access/on-abort.t TEST 6: ngx.exit(0) with pending subrequest - pattern "(?^:lua user thread aborted: runtime error: access_by_lua\(nginx\.conf:\d+\):4: attempt to abort with pending subrequests)" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
024-access/on-abort.t TEST 6: ngx.exit(0) with pending subrequest - pattern "(?^:lua user thread aborted: runtime error: access_by_lua\(nginx\.conf:\d+\):4: attempt to abort with pending subrequests)" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
043-shdict.t nginx: [emerg] lua_shared_dict "dogs" is already defined as "dogs" in /home/ec2-user/git/lua-nginx-module/t/servroot/conf/nginx.conf:26
043-shdict.t TEST 53: list keys in an empty shdict - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) got: '1
expected: '0
043-shdict.t TEST 51: list all keys in a shdict with expires - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) got: '4
expected: '2
043-shdict.t TEST 12: get non-existent keys - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
043-shdict.t TEST 57: list all keys in a shdict with more than 1024 keys with 0 limit set - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) got: '2049
expected: '2048
043-shdict.t TEST 52: list keys in a shdict with limit larger than number of keys - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) got: '3
expected: '2
043-shdict.t TEST 49: list all keys in a shdict - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1,1025 @@
043-shdict.t TEST 55: list all keys in a shdict with all keys expired - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) got: '1024
expected: '0
056-flush.t TEST 1: flush wait - content - pattern "lua reuse free buf chain, but reallocate memory because 5 >= 0" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
056-flush.t TEST 1: flush wait - content - pattern "lua reuse free buf chain, but reallocate memory because 5 >= 0" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
059-unix-socket.t TEST 4: ngx.socket.stream - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) @@ -1,11 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-request sent: 57
-received: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-received: Server: nginx
-received: Content-Type: text/plain
-received: Content-Length: 4
-received: Connection: close
-received: foo
-failed to receive a line: closed
-close: 1 nil
059-unix-socket.t TEST 4: ngx.socket.stream - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 1, req 0) @@ -1,11 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-request sent: 57
-received: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-received: Server: nginx
-received: Content-Type: text/plain
-received: Content-Length: 4
-received: Connection: close
-received: foo
-failed to receive a line: closed
-close: 1 nil
068-socket-keepalive.t TEST 12: sanity (uds) - pattern "lua tcp socket keepalive: free connection pool for " should not match any line in error.log but matches line "2019/02/22 04:19:55 [debug] 6780\#0: lua tcp socket keepalive: free connection pool for \"\"" (req 0) 2019/02/22 04:19:55 [debug] 6780\#0: *162 http keepalive handler
2019/02/22 04:19:55 [debug] 6780\#0: *162 close http connection: 7
2019/02/22 04:19:55 [debug] 6780\#0: *162 event timer del: 7: 8424282
2019/02/22 04:19:55 [debug] 6780\#0: *162 reusable connection: 0
2019/02/22 04:19:55 [debug] 6780\#0: *162 free: 00000000089CF940, unused: 0
2019/02/22 04:19:55 [debug] 6780\#0: *162 free: 00000000089CDB00, unused: 0
2019/02/22 04:19:55 [debug] 6780\#0: *162 free: 00000000089954A0, unused: 0
2019/02/22 04:19:55 [debug] 6780\#0: *162 free: 0000000008995450, unused: 0
2019/02/22 04:19:55 [debug] 6780\#0: *162 free: 00000000099E6090, unused: 0
068-socket-keepalive.t TEST 16: custom pools (same pool for different host:port) - tcp - pattern "lua tcp socket keepalive: free connection pool for " should not match any line in error.log but matches line "2019/02/22 04:19:58 [debug] 6853\#0: lua tcp socket keepalive: free connection pool for \"A\"" (req 0) 2019/02/22 04:19:58 [debug] 6853\#0: lua tcp socket keepalive close handler: fd:7
2019/02/22 04:19:58 [debug] 6853\#0: event timer del: 7: 8419970
2019/02/22 04:19:58 [debug] 6853\#0: reusable connection: 0
2019/02/22 04:19:58 [debug] 6853\#0: lua tcp socket keepalive: free connection pool for "B"
2019/02/22 04:19:58 [notice] 6853\#0: exiting
2019/02/22 04:19:58 [debug] 6853\#0: flush files
2019/02/22 04:19:58 [debug] 6853\#0: run cleanup: 00000000087A2320
2019/02/22 04:19:58 [debug] 6853\#0: run cleanup: 0000000008DD0F30
2019/02/22 04:19:58 [debug] 6853\#0: lua decrementing the reference count for Lua VM: 1
068-socket-keepalive.t TEST 16: custom pools (same pool for different host:port) - tcp - pattern "lua tcp socket keepalive: free connection pool for " should not match any line in error.log but matches line "2019/02/22 04:19:58 [debug] 6853\#0: lua tcp socket keepalive: free connection pool for \"B\"" (req 0) 2019/02/22 04:19:58 [notice] 6853\#0: exiting
2019/02/22 04:19:58 [debug] 6853\#0: flush files
2019/02/22 04:19:58 [debug] 6853\#0: run cleanup: 00000000087A2320
2019/02/22 04:19:58 [debug] 6853\#0: run cleanup: 0000000008DD0F30
2019/02/22 04:19:58 [debug] 6853\#0: lua decrementing the reference count for Lua VM: 1
2019/02/22 04:19:58 [debug] 6853\#0: lua close the global Lua VM 00000000084C0650
2019/02/22 04:19:58 [debug] 6871\#0: epoll: fd:6 ev:0001 d:0000000008CE7CF0
2019/02/22 04:19:58 [debug] 6871\#0: accept on, ready: 0
2019/02/22 04:19:58 [debug] 6871\#0: malloc: 00000000085A6460:48
068-socket-keepalive.t TEST 17: custom pools (different pool for the same host:port) - unix - pattern "lua tcp socket keepalive: free connection pool for " should not match any line in error.log but matches line "2019/02/22 04:19:59 [debug] 6871\#0: lua tcp socket keepalive: free connection pool for \"foo\"" (req 0) 2019/02/22 04:19:59 [debug] 6890\#0: malloc: 00000000091CC890:15
2019/02/22 04:19:59 [debug] 6890\#0: malloc: 00000000091DD600:16
2019/02/22 04:19:59 [notice] 6871\#0: exiting
2019/02/22 04:19:59 [debug] 6890\#0: *247 accept: fd:3
2019/02/22 04:19:59 [debug] 6890\#0: malloc: 0000000008450300:64
2019/02/22 04:19:59 [debug] 6890\#0: malloc: 00000000091EDDD0:16
2019/02/22 04:19:59 [debug] 6871\#0: flush files
2019/02/22 04:19:59 [debug] 6890\#0: malloc: 0000000008448E00:24
2019/02/22 04:19:59 [debug] 6890\#0: malloc: 0000000009206470:16
068-socket-keepalive.t TEST 18: custom pools (same pool for the same path) - unix - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-connected: 1, reused: 0
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-connected: 1, reused: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
068-socket-keepalive.t TEST 18: custom pools (same pool for the same path) - unix - pattern "lua tcp socket keepalive create connection pool for key "A"" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
068-socket-keepalive.t TEST 18: custom pools (same pool for the same path) - unix - pattern "lua tcp socket get keepalive peer: using connection" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
068-socket-keepalive.t TEST 18: custom pools (same pool for the same path) - unix - pattern "lua tcp socket keepalive: free connection pool for " should not match any line in error.log but matches line "2019/02/22 04:19:59 [debug] 6890\#0: lua tcp socket keepalive: free connection pool for \"A\"" (req 0) 2019/02/22 04:19:59 [debug] 6890\#0: lua tcp socket keepalive close handler: fd:7
2019/02/22 04:19:59 [debug] 6908\#0: *265 accept: fd:4
2019/02/22 04:19:59 [debug] 6890\#0: event timer del: 7: 8421066
2019/02/22 04:19:59 [debug] 6890\#0: reusable connection: 0
2019/02/22 04:19:59 [debug] 6890\#0: lua tcp socket keepalive: free connection pool for "B"
2019/02/22 04:19:59 [debug] 6908\#0: malloc: 000000000846A070:64
2019/02/22 04:19:59 [debug] 6908\#0: malloc: 000000000854CC00:16
2019/02/22 04:19:59 [debug] 6890\#0: worker cycle
2019/02/22 04:19:59 [debug] 6890\#0: epoll timer: 59652
068-socket-keepalive.t TEST 18: custom pools (same pool for the same path) - unix - pattern "lua tcp socket keepalive: free connection pool for " should not match any line in error.log but matches line "2019/02/22 04:19:59 [debug] 6890\#0: lua tcp socket keepalive: free connection pool for \"B\"" (req 0) 2019/02/22 04:19:59 [debug] 6908\#0: malloc: 000000000846A070:64
2019/02/22 04:19:59 [debug] 6908\#0: malloc: 000000000854CC00:16
2019/02/22 04:19:59 [debug] 6890\#0: worker cycle
2019/02/22 04:19:59 [debug] 6890\#0: epoll timer: 59652
2019/02/22 04:19:59 [debug] 6890\#0: epoll: fd:3 ev:2011 d:0000000008FD6EB1
2019/02/22 04:19:59 [debug] 6908\#0: malloc: 00000000085B32F0:24
2019/02/22 04:19:59 [debug] 6908\#0: malloc: 00000000085711B0:16
2019/02/22 04:19:59 [debug] 6890\#0: epoll_wait() error on fd:3 ev:2011
2019/02/22 04:19:59 [debug] 6890\#0: *260 http wait request handler
068-socket-keepalive.t TEST 28: conn queuing: connect() can specify 'pool_size' for unix domain socket - pattern "lua tcp socket keepalive: free connection pool for " should not match any line in error.log but matches line "2019/02/22 04:20:06 [debug] 7070\#0: lua tcp socket keepalive: free connection pool for \"\"" (req 0) 2019/02/22 04:20:06 [debug] 7088\#0: epoll: fd:6 ev:0001 d:00000000088BD6A0
2019/02/22 04:20:06 [debug] 7088\#0: accept on, ready: 0
2019/02/22 04:20:06 [debug] 7088\#0: malloc: 0000000008D5FD20:48
2019/02/22 04:20:06 [debug] 7088\#0: malloc: 0000000009261740:16
2019/02/22 04:20:06 [debug] 7088\#0: malloc: 00000000088FBAF0:16
2019/02/22 04:20:06 [debug] 7088\#0: malloc: 00000000084AD4B0:80
2019/02/22 04:20:06 [debug] 7088\#0: malloc: 000000000926F7C0:16
2019/02/22 04:20:06 [debug] 7088\#0: malloc: 0000000009271250:15
2019/02/22 04:20:06 [debug] 7088\#0: malloc: 0000000009271730:16
068-socket-keepalive.t TEST 29: conn queuing: connect() can specify 'pool_size' for custom pool - pattern "lua tcp socket keepalive: free connection pool for " should not match any line in error.log but matches line "2019/02/22 04:20:06 [debug] 7088\#0: lua tcp socket keepalive: free connection pool for \"unix:/home/ec2-user/git/lua-nginx-module/t/servroot/html/nginx.sock\"" (req 0) 2019/02/22 04:20:06 [debug] 7106\#0: epoll: fd:6 ev:0001 d:000000000845F110
2019/02/22 04:20:06 [debug] 7088\#0: worker cycle
2019/02/22 04:20:06 [debug] 7088\#0: epoll timer: 59644
2019/02/22 04:20:06 [debug] 7088\#0: epoll: fd:3 ev:2011 d:00000000088BD970
2019/02/22 04:20:06 [debug] 7088\#0: epoll_wait() error on fd:3 ev:2011
2019/02/22 04:20:06 [debug] 7088\#0: *436 http wait request handler
2019/02/22 04:20:06 [debug] 7088\#0: *436 malloc: 0000000008FC0120:80
2019/02/22 04:20:06 [debug] 7088\#0: *436 malloc: 00000000088BC5B0:16
2019/02/22 04:20:06 [debug] 7088\#0: *436 malloc: 0000000008DDE120:1024
086-init-by.t nginx: [error] init_by_lua error: init_by_lua:2: failed to init
101-on-abort.t TEST 6: ngx.exit(0) with pending subrequest - pattern "(?^:lua user thread aborted: runtime error: content_by_lua\(nginx\.conf:\d+\):4: attempt to abort with pending subrequests)" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
101-on-abort.t TEST 6: ngx.exit(0) with pending subrequest - pattern "(?^:lua user thread aborted: runtime error: content_by_lua\(nginx\.conf:\d+\):4: attempt to abort with pending subrequests)" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
106-timer.t TEST 4: simple at (sleep in the timer callback) - pattern "(?^:\[lua\] content_by_lua\(nginx\.conf:\d+\):\d+: elapsed: 0\.(?:1[4-9]|2[0-6]?))" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
106-timer.t TEST 3: lua variable sharing via upvalue - pattern "(?^:\[lua\] content_by_lua\(nginx\.conf:\d+\):\d+: elapsed: 0\.0(?:4[4-9]|5[0-6]))" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
106-timer.t TEST 30: user args - pattern "(?^:\[lua\] content_by_lua\(nginx\.conf:\d+\):\d+: elapsed: 0\.0(?:4[4-9]|5[0-6])\d*, context: ngx\.timer)" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
106-timer.t TEST 9: simple at (sleep in the timer callback) - log_by_lua - pattern "(?^:\[lua\] log_by_lua\(nginx\.conf:\d+\):\d+: elapsed: 0\.0(?:6[4-9]|7[0-6]))" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
106-timer.t TEST 1: simple at - pattern "(?^:\[lua\] content_by_lua\(nginx\.conf:\d+\):\d+: elapsed: 0\.0(?:4[4-9]|5[0-6])\d*, context: ngx\.timer, client: \d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+, server: 0\.0\.0\.0:\d+)" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
106-timer.t TEST 7: 0 timer - pattern "(?^:\[lua\] content_by_lua\(nginx\.conf:\d+\):\d+: elapsed: 0(?:[^.]|\.00))" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
106-timer.t TEST 2: globals are shared - pattern "(?^:\[lua\] content_by_lua\(nginx\.conf:\d+\):\d+: elapsed: 0\.0(?:4[4-9]|5[0-6]))" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
107-timer-errors.t TEST 16: ngx.req.get_uri_args() - pattern "(?^:\[error\] .*? runtime error: content_by_lua\(nginx\.conf:\d+\):3: API disabled in the current context)" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
107-timer-errors.t TEST 16: ngx.req.get_uri_args() - pattern "(?^:\[error\] .*? runtime error: content_by_lua\(nginx\.conf:\d+\):3: API disabled in the current context)" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
107-timer-errors.t TEST 34: ngx.headers_sent - pattern "(?^:\[error\] .*? runtime error: content_by_lua\(nginx\.conf:\d+\):3: API disabled in the current context)" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
107-timer-errors.t TEST 34: ngx.headers_sent - pattern "(?^:\[error\] .*? runtime error: content_by_lua\(nginx\.conf:\d+\):3: API disabled in the current context)" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
107-timer-errors.t TEST 5: ngx.req.get_headers - pattern "(?^:\[error\] .*? runtime error: content_by_lua\(nginx\.conf:\d+\):3: API disabled in the current context)" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
107-timer-errors.t TEST 5: ngx.req.get_headers - pattern "(?^:\[error\] .*? runtime error: content_by_lua\(nginx\.conf:\d+\):3: API disabled in the current context)" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
107-timer-errors.t TEST 7: ngx.req.clear_header - pattern "(?^:\[error\] .*? runtime error: content_by_lua\(nginx\.conf:\d+\):3: API disabled in the current context)" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
107-timer-errors.t TEST 7: ngx.req.clear_header - pattern "(?^:\[error\] .*? runtime error: content_by_lua\(nginx\.conf:\d+\):3: API disabled in the current context)" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
107-timer-errors.t TEST 6: ngx.req.set_header - pattern "(?^:\[error\] .*? runtime error: content_by_lua\(nginx\.conf:\d+\):3: API disabled in the current context)" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
107-timer-errors.t TEST 6: ngx.req.set_header - pattern "(?^:\[error\] .*? runtime error: content_by_lua\(nginx\.conf:\d+\):3: API disabled in the current context)" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
107-timer-errors.t TEST 25: ngx.req.set_method - pattern "(?^:\[error\] .*? runtime error: content_by_lua\(nginx\.conf:\d+\):3: API disabled in the current context)" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
107-timer-errors.t TEST 25: ngx.req.set_method - pattern "(?^:\[error\] .*? runtime error: content_by_lua\(nginx\.conf:\d+\):3: API disabled in the current context)" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
107-timer-errors.t TEST 24: ngx.req.get_method - pattern "(?^:\[error\] .*? runtime error: content_by_lua\(nginx\.conf:\d+\):3: API disabled in the current context)" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
107-timer-errors.t TEST 24: ngx.req.get_method - pattern "(?^:\[error\] .*? runtime error: content_by_lua\(nginx\.conf:\d+\):3: API disabled in the current context)" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
107-timer-errors.t TEST 20: ngx.header - pattern "(?^:\[error\] .*? runtime error: content_by_lua\(nginx\.conf:\d+\):3: API disabled in the current context)" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
107-timer-errors.t TEST 20: ngx.header - pattern "(?^:\[error\] .*? runtime error: content_by_lua\(nginx\.conf:\d+\):3: API disabled in the current context)" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
107-timer-errors.t TEST 1: accessing nginx variables - pattern "(?^:\[error\] .*? runtime error: content_by_lua\(nginx\.conf:\d+\):3: API disabled in the current context)" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
107-timer-errors.t TEST 1: accessing nginx variables - pattern "(?^:\[error\] .*? runtime error: content_by_lua\(nginx\.conf:\d+\):3: API disabled in the current context)" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
107-timer-errors.t TEST 2: reading ngx.status - pattern "(?^:\[error\] .*? runtime error: content_by_lua\(nginx\.conf:\d+\):3: API disabled in the current context)" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
107-timer-errors.t TEST 2: reading ngx.status - pattern "(?^:\[error\] .*? runtime error: content_by_lua\(nginx\.conf:\d+\):3: API disabled in the current context)" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
107-timer-errors.t TEST 3: writing ngx.status - pattern "(?^:\[error\] .*? runtime error: content_by_lua\(nginx\.conf:\d+\):3: API disabled in the current context)" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
107-timer-errors.t TEST 3: writing ngx.status - pattern "(?^:\[error\] .*? runtime error: content_by_lua\(nginx\.conf:\d+\):3: API disabled in the current context)" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
108-timer-safe.t TEST 7: simple at (sleep in the timer callback) - log_by_lua - pattern "(?^:\[lua\] log_by_lua\(nginx\.conf:\d+\):\d+: elapsed: 0\.0(?:6[4-9]|7[0-9]|8[0-6]))" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
108-timer-safe.t TEST 2: simple at (sleep in the timer callback) - pattern "(?^:\[lua\] content_by_lua\(nginx\.conf:\d+\):\d+: elapsed: 0\.0(?:6[4-9]|7[0-6]))" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
108-timer-safe.t TEST 1: simple at - pattern "(?^:\[lua\] content_by_lua\(nginx\.conf:\d+\):\d+: elapsed: 0\.0(?:4[4-9]|5[0-6]))" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
108-timer-safe.t TEST 5: 0 timer - pattern "(?^:\[lua\] content_by_lua\(nginx\.conf:\d+\):\d+: elapsed: 0(?:[^.]|\.00))" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
109-timer-hup.t TEST 7: HUP reload should abort pending timers (fuzz test) - grep_error_log_out (req 1) got: 'lua found 8190 pending timers
expected: 'lua found 8191 pending timers
109-timer-hup.t TEST 6: HUP reload should abort pending timers (coroutine + cosocket) - grep_error_log_out (req 0) got: ''
expected: 'lua found 1 pending timers
123-lua-path.t TEST 1: LUA_PATH & LUA_CPATH env (code cache on) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) got: "/home/ec2-user/git/lua-resty-core/lib/?.lua;/home/"...
length: 118
expected: "/foo/bar/baz\x{0a}/baz/bar/foo\x{0a}"
length: 26
strings begin to differ at char 2 (line 1 column 2)
123-lua-path.t TEST 1: LUA_PATH & LUA_CPATH env (code cache on) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 1, req 0) got: "/home/ec2-user/git/lua-resty-core/lib/?.lua;/home/"...
length: 118
expected: "/foo/bar/baz\x{0a}/baz/bar/foo\x{0a}"
length: 26
strings begin to differ at char 2 (line 1 column 2)
123-lua-path.t TEST 2: LUA_PATH & LUA_CPATH env (code cache off) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) got: "/home/ec2-user/git/lua-resty-core/lib/?.lua;/home/"...
length: 210
expected: "/foo/bar/baz\x{0a}/baz/bar/foo\x{0a}"
length: 26
strings begin to differ at char 2 (line 1 column 2)
123-lua-path.t TEST 2: LUA_PATH & LUA_CPATH env (code cache off) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 1, req 0) got: "/home/ec2-user/git/lua-resty-core/lib/?.lua;/home/"...
length: 210
expected: "/foo/bar/baz\x{0a}/baz/bar/foo\x{0a}"
length: 26
strings begin to differ at char 2 (line 1 column 2)
124-init-worker.t TEST 18: syslog error log - udp_query ok ''
doesn't match '(?^:Bad bad bad)'
126-shdict-frag.t TEST 2: merge 2 single-page free slabs (forcibly evicted, merge backward) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-successfully set foo.
+successfully set foo with force.
successfully set bar.
found foo: 4000
successfully set baz with force.
129-ssl-socket.t TEST 22: unix domain ssl cosocket (no ssl on server) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) @@ -1,2 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-failed to do SSL handshake: handshake failed
129-ssl-socket.t TEST 22: unix domain ssl cosocket (no ssl on server) - pattern "(?^:SSL_do_handshake\(\) failed .*?(unknown protocol|wrong version number))" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
129-ssl-socket.t TEST 22: unix domain ssl cosocket (no ssl on server) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 1, req 0) @@ -1,2 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-failed to do SSL handshake: handshake failed
129-ssl-socket.t TEST 22: unix domain ssl cosocket (no ssl on server) - pattern "(?^:SSL_do_handshake\(\) failed .*?(unknown protocol|wrong version number))" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
132-lua-blocks.t nginx: [emerg] Lua code block missing the closing long bracket "]]" in /home/ec2-user/git/lua-nginx-module/t/servroot/conf/nginx.conf:41
132-lua-blocks.t nginx: [emerg] "events" directive is not allowed here in /home/ec2-user/git/lua-nginx-module/t/servroot/conf/nginx.conf:56
132-lua-blocks.t nginx: [emerg] Lua code block missing the closing long bracket "]]" in /home/ec2-user/git/lua-nginx-module/t/servroot/conf/nginx.conf:41
132-lua-blocks.t nginx: [emerg] Lua code block missing the closing long bracket "]==]" in /home/ec2-user/git/lua-nginx-module/t/servroot/conf/nginx.conf:41
132-lua-blocks.t nginx: [emerg] Lua code block missing the closing long bracket "]=]" in /home/ec2-user/git/lua-nginx-module/t/servroot/conf/nginx.conf:41
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 4: cosocket - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) @@ -1,11 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-sent http request: 56 bytes.
-received: HTTP/1.1 201 Created
-received: Server: nginx
-received: Content-Type: text/plain
-received: Content-Length: 4
-received: Connection: close
-received: foo
-close: 1 nil
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 4: cosocket - pattern "lua ssl server name: "test.com"" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 4: cosocket - pattern "received memc reply: OK" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 4: cosocket - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 1, req 0) @@ -1,11 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-sent http request: 56 bytes.
-received: HTTP/1.1 201 Created
-received: Server: nginx
-received: Content-Type: text/plain
-received: Content-Length: 4
-received: Connection: close
-received: foo
-close: 1 nil
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 4: cosocket - pattern "lua ssl server name: "test.com"" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 4: cosocket - pattern "received memc reply: OK" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 4: cosocket - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 2, req 0) @@ -1,11 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-sent http request: 56 bytes.
-received: HTTP/1.1 201 Created
-received: Server: nginx
-received: Content-Type: text/plain
-received: Content-Length: 4
-received: Connection: close
-received: foo
-close: 1 nil
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 4: cosocket - pattern "lua ssl server name: "test.com"" should match a line in error.log (req 2)
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 4: cosocket - pattern "received memc reply: OK" should match a line in error.log (req 2)
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 5: ngx.exit(0) - no yield - pattern "[emerg]" should not match any line in error.log but matches line "2019/02/22 04:32:27 [emerg] 20378\#0: unlink() /home/ec2-user/git/lua-nginx-module/t/servroot/html/nginx.sock failed (2: No such file or directory)" (req 0) 2019/02/22 04:32:27 [debug] 20425\#0: epoll: fd:7 ev:0001 d:00000000093D12A0
2019/02/22 04:32:27 [debug] 20425\#0: accept on, ready: 0
2019/02/22 04:32:27 [debug] 20425\#0: malloc: 0000000009668240:48
2019/02/22 04:32:27 [debug] 20425\#0: malloc: 00000000096682B0:16
2019/02/22 04:32:27 [debug] 20425\#0: malloc: 0000000009668300:16
2019/02/22 04:32:27 [debug] 20425\#0: malloc: 0000000009668350:80
2019/02/22 04:32:27 [debug] 20425\#0: malloc: 00000000096683E0:16
2019/02/22 04:32:27 [debug] 20425\#0: malloc: 0000000009668430:15
2019/02/22 04:32:27 [debug] 20425\#0: malloc: 0000000009668480:16
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 16: simple user thread wait with yielding - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) @@ -1,11 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-sent http request: 56 bytes.
-received: HTTP/1.1 201 Created
-received: Server: nginx
-received: Content-Type: text/plain
-received: Content-Length: 4
-received: Connection: close
-received: foo
-close: 1 nil
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 16: simple user thread wait with yielding - grep_error_log_out (req 0) @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-uthread: thread created: running
-uthread: hello in thread
-uthread: done
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 16: simple user thread wait with yielding - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 1, req 0) @@ -1,11 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-sent http request: 56 bytes.
-received: HTTP/1.1 201 Created
-received: Server: nginx
-received: Content-Type: text/plain
-received: Content-Length: 4
-received: Connection: close
-received: foo
-close: 1 nil
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 16: simple user thread wait with yielding - grep_error_log_out (req 1) @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-uthread: thread created: running
-uthread: hello in thread
-uthread: done
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 16: simple user thread wait with yielding - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 2, req 0) @@ -1,11 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-sent http request: 56 bytes.
-received: HTTP/1.1 201 Created
-received: Server: nginx
-received: Content-Type: text/plain
-received: Content-Length: 4
-received: Connection: close
-received: foo
-close: 1 nil
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 16: simple user thread wait with yielding - grep_error_log_out (req 2) @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-uthread: thread created: running
-uthread: hello in thread
-uthread: done
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 11: get phase - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) @@ -1,2 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 11: get phase - pattern "lua ssl server name: "test.com"" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 11: get phase - pattern "get_phase: ssl_cert" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 11: get phase - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 1, req 0) @@ -1,2 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 11: get phase - pattern "lua ssl server name: "test.com"" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 11: get phase - pattern "get_phase: ssl_cert" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 11: get phase - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 2, req 0) @@ -1,2 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 11: get phase - pattern "lua ssl server name: "test.com"" should match a line in error.log (req 2)
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 11: get phase - pattern "get_phase: ssl_cert" should match a line in error.log (req 2)
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 20: some server {} block missing ssl_certificate_by_lua* handlers (literal server name) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) @@ -1,2 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-failed to do SSL handshake: handshake failed
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 20: some server {} block missing ssl_certificate_by_lua* handlers (literal server name) - pattern "(?^:\[alert\] .*? no ssl_certificate_by_lua\* defined in server test2\.com\b)" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 20: some server {} block missing ssl_certificate_by_lua* handlers (literal server name) - pattern "(?^:\[crit\] .*? SSL_do_handshake\(\) failed\b)" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 20: some server {} block missing ssl_certificate_by_lua* handlers (literal server name) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 1, req 0) @@ -1,2 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-failed to do SSL handshake: handshake failed
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 20: some server {} block missing ssl_certificate_by_lua* handlers (literal server name) - pattern "(?^:\[alert\] .*? no ssl_certificate_by_lua\* defined in server test2\.com\b)" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 20: some server {} block missing ssl_certificate_by_lua* handlers (literal server name) - pattern "(?^:\[crit\] .*? SSL_do_handshake\(\) failed\b)" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 20: some server {} block missing ssl_certificate_by_lua* handlers (literal server name) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 2, req 0) @@ -1,2 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-failed to do SSL handshake: handshake failed
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 20: some server {} block missing ssl_certificate_by_lua* handlers (literal server name) - pattern "(?^:\[alert\] .*? no ssl_certificate_by_lua\* defined in server test2\.com\b)" should match a line in error.log (req 2)
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 20: some server {} block missing ssl_certificate_by_lua* handlers (literal server name) - pattern "(?^:\[crit\] .*? SSL_do_handshake\(\) failed\b)" should match a line in error.log (req 2)
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 17: simple logging - use ssl_certificate_by_lua* on the http {} level - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) @@ -1,11 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-sent http request: 56 bytes.
-received: HTTP/1.1 201 Created
-received: Server: nginx
-received: Content-Type: text/plain
-received: Content-Length: 4
-received: Connection: close
-received: foo
-close: 1 nil
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 17: simple logging - use ssl_certificate_by_lua* on the http {} level - pattern "lua ssl server name: "test.com"" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 17: simple logging - use ssl_certificate_by_lua* on the http {} level - pattern "ssl_certificate_by_lua:1: ssl cert by lua is running!" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 17: simple logging - use ssl_certificate_by_lua* on the http {} level - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 1, req 0) @@ -1,11 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-sent http request: 56 bytes.
-received: HTTP/1.1 201 Created
-received: Server: nginx
-received: Content-Type: text/plain
-received: Content-Length: 4
-received: Connection: close
-received: foo
-close: 1 nil
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 17: simple logging - use ssl_certificate_by_lua* on the http {} level - pattern "lua ssl server name: "test.com"" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 17: simple logging - use ssl_certificate_by_lua* on the http {} level - pattern "ssl_certificate_by_lua:1: ssl cert by lua is running!" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 17: simple logging - use ssl_certificate_by_lua* on the http {} level - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 2, req 0) @@ -1,11 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-sent http request: 56 bytes.
-received: HTTP/1.1 201 Created
-received: Server: nginx
-received: Content-Type: text/plain
-received: Content-Length: 4
-received: Connection: close
-received: foo
-close: 1 nil
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 17: simple logging - use ssl_certificate_by_lua* on the http {} level - pattern "lua ssl server name: "test.com"" should match a line in error.log (req 2)
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 17: simple logging - use ssl_certificate_by_lua* on the http {} level - pattern "ssl_certificate_by_lua:1: ssl cert by lua is running!" should match a line in error.log (req 2)
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 14: simple logging (by_lua_file) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) @@ -1,11 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-sent http request: 56 bytes.
-received: HTTP/1.1 201 Created
-received: Server: nginx
-received: Content-Type: text/plain
-received: Content-Length: 4
-received: Connection: close
-received: foo
-close: 1 nil
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 14: simple logging (by_lua_file) - pattern "lua ssl server name: "test.com"" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 14: simple logging (by_lua_file) - pattern "a.lua:1: ssl cert by lua is running!" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 14: simple logging (by_lua_file) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 1, req 0) @@ -1,11 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-sent http request: 56 bytes.
-received: HTTP/1.1 201 Created
-received: Server: nginx
-received: Content-Type: text/plain
-received: Content-Length: 4
-received: Connection: close
-received: foo
-close: 1 nil
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 14: simple logging (by_lua_file) - pattern "lua ssl server name: "test.com"" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 14: simple logging (by_lua_file) - pattern "a.lua:1: ssl cert by lua is running!" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 14: simple logging (by_lua_file) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 2, req 0) @@ -1,11 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-sent http request: 56 bytes.
-received: HTTP/1.1 201 Created
-received: Server: nginx
-received: Content-Type: text/plain
-received: Content-Length: 4
-received: Connection: close
-received: foo
-close: 1 nil
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 14: simple logging (by_lua_file) - pattern "lua ssl server name: "test.com"" should match a line in error.log (req 2)
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 14: simple logging (by_lua_file) - pattern "a.lua:1: ssl cert by lua is running!" should match a line in error.log (req 2)
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 10: lua exception - yield - pattern "[emerg]" should not match any line in error.log but matches line "2019/02/22 04:32:33 [emerg] 20378\#0: unlink() /home/ec2-user/git/lua-nginx-module/t/servroot/html/nginx.sock failed (2: No such file or directory)" (req 0) 2019/02/22 04:32:33 [debug] 20558\#0: epoll: fd:7 ev:0001 d:0000000008426EB0
2019/02/22 04:32:33 [debug] 20558\#0: accept on, ready: 0
2019/02/22 04:32:33 [debug] 20558\#0: malloc: 00000000083E6DF0:48
2019/02/22 04:32:33 [debug] 20558\#0: malloc: 000000000856E4E0:16
2019/02/22 04:32:33 [debug] 20558\#0: malloc: 0000000008559BC0:16
2019/02/22 04:32:33 [debug] 20558\#0: malloc: 0000000008579060:80
2019/02/22 04:32:33 [debug] 20558\#0: malloc: 0000000008504840:16
2019/02/22 04:32:33 [debug] 20558\#0: malloc: 0000000008505DD0:15
2019/02/22 04:32:33 [debug] 20558\#0: malloc: 0000000008559690:16
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 12: connection aborted prematurely - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) @@ -1,2 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-failed to do SSL handshake: timeout
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 12: connection aborted prematurely - pattern "lua ssl server name: "test.com"" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 12: connection aborted prematurely - pattern "ssl-cert-by-lua: after sleeping" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 12: connection aborted prematurely - pattern "[error]" should not match any line in error.log but matches line "2019/02/22 04:32:39 [error] 20653\#0: send() failed (111: Connection refused)" (req 0) 2019/02/22 04:32:39 [debug] 20653\#0: close listening unix:/home/ec2-user/git/lua-nginx-module/t/servroot/html/nginx.sock \#10
2019/02/22 04:32:39 [debug] 20653\#0: epoll del event: fd:7 op:2 ev:00000000
2019/02/22 04:32:39 [debug] 20653\#0: close listening \#7
2019/02/22 04:32:39 [notice] 20653\#0: exiting
2019/02/22 04:32:39 [debug] 20653\#0: flush files
2019/02/22 04:32:39 [debug] 20653\#0: run cleanup: 00000000084A72D0
2019/02/22 04:32:39 [debug] 20653\#0: run cleanup: 00000000092BE0E0
2019/02/22 04:32:39 [debug] 20653\#0: lua decrementing the reference count for Lua VM: 1
2019/02/22 04:32:39 [debug] 20653\#0: lua close the global Lua VM 00000000092CD400
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 12: connection aborted prematurely - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 1, req 0) @@ -1,2 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-failed to do SSL handshake: timeout
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 12: connection aborted prematurely - pattern "lua ssl server name: "test.com"" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 12: connection aborted prematurely - pattern "ssl-cert-by-lua: after sleeping" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 12: connection aborted prematurely - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 2, req 0) @@ -1,2 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-failed to do SSL handshake: timeout
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 12: connection aborted prematurely - pattern "lua ssl server name: "test.com"" should match a line in error.log (req 2)
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 12: connection aborted prematurely - pattern "ssl-cert-by-lua: after sleeping" should match a line in error.log (req 2)
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 21: some server {} block missing ssl_certificate_by_lua* handlers (regex server name) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) @@ -1,2 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-failed to do SSL handshake: handshake failed
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 21: some server {} block missing ssl_certificate_by_lua* handlers (regex server name) - pattern "(?^:\[alert\] .*? no ssl_certificate_by_lua\* defined in server ~test2\\\.com\b)" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 21: some server {} block missing ssl_certificate_by_lua* handlers (regex server name) - pattern "(?^:\[crit\] .*? SSL_do_handshake\(\) failed\b)" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 21: some server {} block missing ssl_certificate_by_lua* handlers (regex server name) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 1, req 0) @@ -1,2 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-failed to do SSL handshake: handshake failed
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 21: some server {} block missing ssl_certificate_by_lua* handlers (regex server name) - pattern "(?^:\[alert\] .*? no ssl_certificate_by_lua\* defined in server ~test2\\\.com\b)" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 21: some server {} block missing ssl_certificate_by_lua* handlers (regex server name) - pattern "(?^:\[crit\] .*? SSL_do_handshake\(\) failed\b)" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 21: some server {} block missing ssl_certificate_by_lua* handlers (regex server name) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 2, req 0) @@ -1,2 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-failed to do SSL handshake: handshake failed
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 21: some server {} block missing ssl_certificate_by_lua* handlers (regex server name) - pattern "(?^:\[alert\] .*? no ssl_certificate_by_lua\* defined in server ~test2\\\.com\b)" should match a line in error.log (req 2)
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 21: some server {} block missing ssl_certificate_by_lua* handlers (regex server name) - pattern "(?^:\[crit\] .*? SSL_do_handshake\(\) failed\b)" should match a line in error.log (req 2)
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 19: check the count of running timers - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) @@ -1,11 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-sent http request: 59 bytes.
-received: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-received: Server: nginx
-received: Content-Type: text/plain
-received: Content-Length: 2
-received: Connection: close
-received: 3
-close: 1 nil
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 19: check the count of running timers - pattern "ssl_certificate_by_lua:1: ssl cert by lua is running!" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 19: check the count of running timers - pattern "lua ssl server name: "test.com"" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 19: check the count of running timers - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 1, req 0) @@ -1,11 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-sent http request: 59 bytes.
-received: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-received: Server: nginx
-received: Content-Type: text/plain
-received: Content-Length: 2
-received: Connection: close
-received: 3
-close: 1 nil
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 19: check the count of running timers - pattern "ssl_certificate_by_lua:1: ssl cert by lua is running!" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 19: check the count of running timers - pattern "lua ssl server name: "test.com"" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 19: check the count of running timers - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 2, req 0) @@ -1,11 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-sent http request: 59 bytes.
-received: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-received: Server: nginx
-received: Content-Type: text/plain
-received: Content-Length: 2
-received: Connection: close
-received: 3
-close: 1 nil
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 19: check the count of running timers - pattern "ssl_certificate_by_lua:1: ssl cert by lua is running!" should match a line in error.log (req 2)
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 19: check the count of running timers - pattern "lua ssl server name: "test.com"" should match a line in error.log (req 2)
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 15: coroutine API - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) @@ -1,11 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-sent http request: 56 bytes.
-received: HTTP/1.1 201 Created
-received: Server: nginx
-received: Content-Type: text/plain
-received: Content-Length: 4
-received: Connection: close
-received: foo
-close: 1 nil
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 15: coroutine API - grep_error_log_out (req 0) @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-co resume, status: suspended
-co yield: 0
-co resume, status: suspended
-co yield: 1
-co resume, status: suspended
-co yield: 2
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 15: coroutine API - pattern "lua ssl server name: "test.com"" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 15: coroutine API - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 1, req 0) @@ -1,11 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-sent http request: 56 bytes.
-received: HTTP/1.1 201 Created
-received: Server: nginx
-received: Content-Type: text/plain
-received: Content-Length: 4
-received: Connection: close
-received: foo
-close: 1 nil
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 15: coroutine API - grep_error_log_out (req 1) @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-co resume, status: suspended
-co yield: 0
-co resume, status: suspended
-co yield: 1
-co resume, status: suspended
-co yield: 2
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 15: coroutine API - pattern "lua ssl server name: "test.com"" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 15: coroutine API - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 2, req 0) @@ -1,11 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-sent http request: 56 bytes.
-received: HTTP/1.1 201 Created
-received: Server: nginx
-received: Content-Type: text/plain
-received: Content-Length: 4
-received: Connection: close
-received: foo
-close: 1 nil
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 15: coroutine API - grep_error_log_out (req 2) @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-co resume, status: suspended
-co yield: 0
-co resume, status: suspended
-co yield: 1
-co resume, status: suspended
-co yield: 2
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 15: coroutine API - pattern "lua ssl server name: "test.com"" should match a line in error.log (req 2)
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 6: ngx.exit(ngx.ERROR) - no yield - pattern "[emerg]" should not match any line in error.log but matches line "2019/02/22 04:32:44 [emerg] 20378\#0: unlink() /home/ec2-user/git/lua-nginx-module/t/servroot/html/nginx.sock failed (2: No such file or directory)" (req 0) 2019/02/22 04:32:44 [debug] 20729\#0: epoll: fd:7 ev:0001 d:000000000967E130
2019/02/22 04:32:44 [debug] 20729\#0: accept on, ready: 0
2019/02/22 04:32:44 [debug] 20729\#0: malloc: 0000000008EA1960:48
2019/02/22 04:32:44 [debug] 20729\#0: malloc: 0000000008EA19D0:16
2019/02/22 04:32:44 [debug] 20729\#0: malloc: 0000000008DBF180:16
2019/02/22 04:32:44 [debug] 20729\#0: malloc: 0000000008DD8C30:80
2019/02/22 04:32:44 [debug] 20729\#0: malloc: 0000000008DBF1D0:16
2019/02/22 04:32:44 [debug] 20729\#0: malloc: 0000000008D9F970:15
2019/02/22 04:32:44 [debug] 20729\#0: malloc: 0000000008D9F9C0:16
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 2: sleep - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) @@ -1,11 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-sent http request: 56 bytes.
-received: HTTP/1.1 201 Created
-received: Server: nginx
-received: Content-Type: text/plain
-received: Content-Length: 4
-received: Connection: close
-received: foo
-close: 1 nil
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 2: sleep - pattern "lua ssl server name: "test.com"" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 2: sleep - pattern "(?^:elapsed in ssl cert by lua: 0.(?:09|1[01])\d+,)" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 2: sleep - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 1, req 0) @@ -1,11 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-sent http request: 56 bytes.
-received: HTTP/1.1 201 Created
-received: Server: nginx
-received: Content-Type: text/plain
-received: Content-Length: 4
-received: Connection: close
-received: foo
-close: 1 nil
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 2: sleep - pattern "lua ssl server name: "test.com"" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 2: sleep - pattern "(?^:elapsed in ssl cert by lua: 0.(?:09|1[01])\d+,)" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 2: sleep - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 2, req 0) @@ -1,11 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-sent http request: 56 bytes.
-received: HTTP/1.1 201 Created
-received: Server: nginx
-received: Content-Type: text/plain
-received: Content-Length: 4
-received: Connection: close
-received: foo
-close: 1 nil
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 2: sleep - pattern "lua ssl server name: "test.com"" should match a line in error.log (req 2)
139-ssl-cert-by.t TEST 2: sleep - pattern "(?^:elapsed in ssl cert by lua: 0.(?:09|1[01])\d+,)" should match a line in error.log (req 2)
140-ssl-c-api.t TEST 3: Handshake continue when cert_pem_to_der errors - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) @@ -1,11 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-sent http request: 56 bytes.
-received: HTTP/1.1 201 Created
-received: Server: nginx
-received: Content-Type: text/plain
-received: Content-Length: 4
-received: Connection: close
-received: foo
-close: 1 nil
140-ssl-c-api.t TEST 3: Handshake continue when cert_pem_to_der errors - pattern "lua ssl server name: "test.com"" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
140-ssl-c-api.t TEST 3: Handshake continue when cert_pem_to_der errors - pattern "failed to parse PEM cert: PEM_read_bio_X509_AUX()" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
140-ssl-c-api.t TEST 3: Handshake continue when cert_pem_to_der errors - pattern "failed to parse PEM priv key: PEM_read_bio_PrivateKey() failed" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
140-ssl-c-api.t TEST 3: Handshake continue when cert_pem_to_der errors - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 1, req 0) @@ -1,11 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-sent http request: 56 bytes.
-received: HTTP/1.1 201 Created
-received: Server: nginx
-received: Content-Type: text/plain
-received: Content-Length: 4
-received: Connection: close
-received: foo
-close: 1 nil
140-ssl-c-api.t TEST 3: Handshake continue when cert_pem_to_der errors - pattern "lua ssl server name: "test.com"" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
140-ssl-c-api.t TEST 3: Handshake continue when cert_pem_to_der errors - pattern "failed to parse PEM cert: PEM_read_bio_X509_AUX()" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
140-ssl-c-api.t TEST 3: Handshake continue when cert_pem_to_der errors - pattern "failed to parse PEM priv key: PEM_read_bio_PrivateKey() failed" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
140-ssl-c-api.t TEST 3: Handshake continue when cert_pem_to_der errors - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 2, req 0) @@ -1,11 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-sent http request: 56 bytes.
-received: HTTP/1.1 201 Created
-received: Server: nginx
-received: Content-Type: text/plain
-received: Content-Length: 4
-received: Connection: close
-received: foo
-close: 1 nil
140-ssl-c-api.t TEST 3: Handshake continue when cert_pem_to_der errors - pattern "lua ssl server name: "test.com"" should match a line in error.log (req 2)
140-ssl-c-api.t TEST 3: Handshake continue when cert_pem_to_der errors - pattern "failed to parse PEM cert: PEM_read_bio_X509_AUX()" should match a line in error.log (req 2)
140-ssl-c-api.t TEST 3: Handshake continue when cert_pem_to_der errors - pattern "failed to parse PEM priv key: PEM_read_bio_PrivateKey() failed" should match a line in error.log (req 2)
140-ssl-c-api.t TEST 4: simple cert + private key cdata - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) @@ -1,11 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-sent http request: 56 bytes.
-received: HTTP/1.1 201 Created
-received: Server: nginx
-received: Content-Type: text/plain
-received: Content-Length: 4
-received: Connection: close
-received: foo
-close: 1 nil
140-ssl-c-api.t TEST 4: simple cert + private key cdata - pattern "lua ssl server name: "test.com"" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
140-ssl-c-api.t TEST 4: simple cert + private key cdata - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 1, req 0) @@ -1,11 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-sent http request: 56 bytes.
-received: HTTP/1.1 201 Created
-received: Server: nginx
-received: Content-Type: text/plain
-received: Content-Length: 4
-received: Connection: close
-received: foo
-close: 1 nil
140-ssl-c-api.t TEST 4: simple cert + private key cdata - pattern "lua ssl server name: "test.com"" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
140-ssl-c-api.t TEST 4: simple cert + private key cdata - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 2, req 0) @@ -1,11 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-sent http request: 56 bytes.
-received: HTTP/1.1 201 Created
-received: Server: nginx
-received: Content-Type: text/plain
-received: Content-Length: 4
-received: Connection: close
-received: foo
-close: 1 nil
140-ssl-c-api.t TEST 4: simple cert + private key cdata - pattern "lua ssl server name: "test.com"" should match a line in error.log (req 2)
140-ssl-c-api.t TEST 1: simple cert + private key - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) @@ -1,11 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-sent http request: 56 bytes.
-received: HTTP/1.1 201 Created
-received: Server: nginx
-received: Content-Type: text/plain
-received: Content-Length: 4
-received: Connection: close
-received: foo
-close: 1 nil
140-ssl-c-api.t TEST 1: simple cert + private key - pattern "lua ssl server name: "test.com"" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
140-ssl-c-api.t TEST 1: simple cert + private key - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 1, req 0) @@ -1,11 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-sent http request: 56 bytes.
-received: HTTP/1.1 201 Created
-received: Server: nginx
-received: Content-Type: text/plain
-received: Content-Length: 4
-received: Connection: close
-received: foo
-close: 1 nil
140-ssl-c-api.t TEST 1: simple cert + private key - pattern "lua ssl server name: "test.com"" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
140-ssl-c-api.t TEST 1: simple cert + private key - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 2, req 0) @@ -1,11 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-sent http request: 56 bytes.
-received: HTTP/1.1 201 Created
-received: Server: nginx
-received: Content-Type: text/plain
-received: Content-Length: 4
-received: Connection: close
-received: foo
-close: 1 nil
140-ssl-c-api.t TEST 1: simple cert + private key - pattern "lua ssl server name: "test.com"" should match a line in error.log (req 2)
140-ssl-c-api.t TEST 5: ECDSA cert + private key cdata - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) @@ -1,11 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-sent http request: 56 bytes.
-received: HTTP/1.1 201 Created
-received: Server: nginx
-received: Content-Type: text/plain
-received: Content-Length: 4
-received: Connection: close
-received: foo
-close: 1 nil
140-ssl-c-api.t TEST 5: ECDSA cert + private key cdata - pattern "lua ssl server name: "test.com"" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
140-ssl-c-api.t TEST 5: ECDSA cert + private key cdata - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 1, req 0) @@ -1,11 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-sent http request: 56 bytes.
-received: HTTP/1.1 201 Created
-received: Server: nginx
-received: Content-Type: text/plain
-received: Content-Length: 4
-received: Connection: close
-received: foo
-close: 1 nil
140-ssl-c-api.t TEST 5: ECDSA cert + private key cdata - pattern "lua ssl server name: "test.com"" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
140-ssl-c-api.t TEST 5: ECDSA cert + private key cdata - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 2, req 0) @@ -1,11 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-sent http request: 56 bytes.
-received: HTTP/1.1 201 Created
-received: Server: nginx
-received: Content-Type: text/plain
-received: Content-Length: 4
-received: Connection: close
-received: foo
-close: 1 nil
140-ssl-c-api.t TEST 5: ECDSA cert + private key cdata - pattern "lua ssl server name: "test.com"" should match a line in error.log (req 2)
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 10: simple logging (by file) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-close: 1 nil
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 10: simple logging (by file) - pattern "lua ssl server name: "test.com"" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 10: simple logging (by file) - pattern "a.lua:1: ssl store session by lua is running!" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 10: simple logging (by file) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 1, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-close: 1 nil
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 10: simple logging (by file) - pattern "lua ssl server name: "test.com"" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 10: simple logging (by file) - pattern "a.lua:1: ssl store session by lua is running!" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 10: simple logging (by file) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 2, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-close: 1 nil
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 10: simple logging (by file) - pattern "lua ssl server name: "test.com"" should match a line in error.log (req 2)
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 10: simple logging (by file) - pattern "a.lua:1: ssl store session by lua is running!" should match a line in error.log (req 2)
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 1: simple logging - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-close: 1 nil
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 1: simple logging - grep_error_log_out (req 0) 'reusable connection: 1
reusable connection: 0
reusable connection: 1
reusable connection: 0
reusable connection: 1
reusable connection: 0
reusable connection: 1
reusable connection: 0
reusable connection: 1
reusable connection: 0
reusable connection: 1
reusable connection: 0
reusable connection: 1
reusable connection: 0
reusable connection: 1
reusable connection: 0
reusable connection: 1
reusable connection: 0
reusable connection: 1
reusable connection: 0
reusable connection: 1
reusable connection: 0
reusable connection: 1
reusable connection: 0
reusable connection: 1
reusable connection: 0
reusable connection: 1
reusable connection: 0
reusable connection: 1
reusable connection: 0
reusable connection: 1
reusable connection: 0
reusable connection: 1
reusable connection: 0
reusable connection: 1
reusable connection: 0
reusable connection: 1
reusable connection: 0
reusable connection: 1
reusable connection: 0
reusable connection: 1
reusable connection: 0
reusable connection: 1
reusable connection: 0
reusable connection: 1
reusable connection: 0
reusable connection: 1
reusable connection: 0
reusable connection: 1
reusable connection: 0
reusable connection: 1
reusable connection: 0
reusable connection: 1
reusable connection: 0
reusable connection: 1
reusable connection: 0
reusable connection: 1
reusable connection: 0
reusable connection: 0
reusable connection: 0
doesn't match '(?^m:^reusable connection: 0
ssl session store: connection reusable: 0
ssl_session_store_by_lua_block:1: ssl session store by lua is running!,
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 1: simple logging - pattern "lua ssl server name: "test.com"" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 1: simple logging - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 1, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-close: 1 nil
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 1: simple logging - grep_error_log_out (req 1) 'reusable connection: 1
reusable connection: 0
reusable connection: 0
reusable connection: 0
doesn't match '(?^m:^reusable connection: 0
ssl session store: connection reusable: 0
ssl_session_store_by_lua_block:1: ssl session store by lua is running!,
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 1: simple logging - pattern "lua ssl server name: "test.com"" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 1: simple logging - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 2, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-close: 1 nil
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 1: simple logging - grep_error_log_out (req 2) 'reusable connection: 1
reusable connection: 0
reusable connection: 0
reusable connection: 0
doesn't match '(?^m:^reusable connection: 0
ssl session store: connection reusable: 0
ssl_session_store_by_lua_block:1: ssl session store by lua is running!,
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 1: simple logging - pattern "lua ssl server name: "test.com"" should match a line in error.log (req 2)
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 5: ngx.exit(0) - no yield - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-close: 1 nil
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 5: ngx.exit(0) - no yield - pattern "lua exit with code 0" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 5: ngx.exit(0) - no yield - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 1, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-close: 1 nil
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 5: ngx.exit(0) - no yield - pattern "lua exit with code 0" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 5: ngx.exit(0) - no yield - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 2, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-close: 1 nil
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 5: ngx.exit(0) - no yield - pattern "lua exit with code 0" should match a line in error.log (req 2)
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 6: ngx.exit(ngx.ERROR) - no yield - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-close: 1 nil
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 6: ngx.exit(ngx.ERROR) - no yield - pattern "lua exit with code -1" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 6: ngx.exit(ngx.ERROR) - no yield - pattern "ssl_session_store_by_lua*: handler return value: 0, sess new cb exit code: 0" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 6: ngx.exit(ngx.ERROR) - no yield - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 1, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-close: 1 nil
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 6: ngx.exit(ngx.ERROR) - no yield - pattern "lua exit with code -1" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 6: ngx.exit(ngx.ERROR) - no yield - pattern "ssl_session_store_by_lua*: handler return value: 0, sess new cb exit code: 0" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 6: ngx.exit(ngx.ERROR) - no yield - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 2, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-close: 1 nil
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 6: ngx.exit(ngx.ERROR) - no yield - pattern "lua exit with code -1" should match a line in error.log (req 2)
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 6: ngx.exit(ngx.ERROR) - no yield - pattern "ssl_session_store_by_lua*: handler return value: 0, sess new cb exit code: 0" should match a line in error.log (req 2)
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 3: timer - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-close: 1 nil
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 3: timer - pattern "lua ssl server name: "test.com"" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 3: timer - pattern "my timer run!" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 3: timer - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 1, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-close: 1 nil
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 3: timer - pattern "lua ssl server name: "test.com"" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 3: timer - pattern "my timer run!" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 3: timer - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 2, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-close: 1 nil
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 3: timer - pattern "lua ssl server name: "test.com"" should match a line in error.log (req 2)
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 3: timer - pattern "my timer run!" should match a line in error.log (req 2)
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 4: cosocket is not allowed - pattern "[emerg]" should not match any line in error.log but matches line "2019/02/22 04:33:01 [emerg] 20886\#0: unlink() /home/ec2-user/git/lua-nginx-module/t/servroot/html/https.sock failed (2: No such file or directory)" (req 0) 2019/02/22 04:33:01 [warn] 20886\#0: deleting socket /home/ec2-user/git/lua-nginx-module/t/servroot/html/http.sock
2019/02/22 04:33:01 [emerg] 20886\#0: unlink() /home/ec2-user/git/lua-nginx-module/t/servroot/html/http.sock failed (2: No such file or directory)
2019/02/22 04:33:01 [debug] 20990\#0: epoll: fd:7 ev:0001 d:00000000084716B0
2019/02/22 04:33:01 [debug] 20990\#0: accept on, ready: 0
2019/02/22 04:33:01 [debug] 20990\#0: malloc: 00000000087CBAA0:48
2019/02/22 04:33:01 [debug] 20990\#0: malloc: 00000000087CBB10:16
2019/02/22 04:33:01 [debug] 20990\#0: malloc: 00000000087CBB60:16
2019/02/22 04:33:01 [debug] 20990\#0: malloc: 00000000087CBBB0:80
2019/02/22 04:33:01 [debug] 20990\#0: malloc: 00000000087CBC40:16
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 4: cosocket is not allowed - pattern "[emerg]" should not match any line in error.log but matches line "2019/02/22 04:33:01 [emerg] 20886\#0: unlink() /home/ec2-user/git/lua-nginx-module/t/servroot/html/http.sock failed (2: No such file or directory)" (req 0) 2019/02/22 04:33:01 [debug] 20990\#0: epoll: fd:7 ev:0001 d:00000000084716B0
2019/02/22 04:33:01 [debug] 20990\#0: accept on, ready: 0
2019/02/22 04:33:01 [debug] 20990\#0: malloc: 00000000087CBAA0:48
2019/02/22 04:33:01 [debug] 20990\#0: malloc: 00000000087CBB10:16
2019/02/22 04:33:01 [debug] 20990\#0: malloc: 00000000087CBB60:16
2019/02/22 04:33:01 [debug] 20990\#0: malloc: 00000000087CBBB0:80
2019/02/22 04:33:01 [debug] 20990\#0: malloc: 00000000087CBC40:16
2019/02/22 04:33:01 [debug] 20990\#0: malloc: 00000000087CBC90:15
2019/02/22 04:33:01 [debug] 20990\#0: malloc: 00000000087CBCE0:16
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 7: lua exception - no yield - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-close: 1 nil
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 7: lua exception - no yield - pattern "failed to run session_store_by_lua*: ssl_session_store_by_lua_block:2: bad bad bad" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 7: lua exception - no yield - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 1, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-close: 1 nil
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 7: lua exception - no yield - pattern "failed to run session_store_by_lua*: ssl_session_store_by_lua_block:2: bad bad bad" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 7: lua exception - no yield - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 2, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-close: 1 nil
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 7: lua exception - no yield - pattern "failed to run session_store_by_lua*: ssl_session_store_by_lua_block:2: bad bad bad" should match a line in error.log (req 2)
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 2: sleep is not allowed - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-close: 1 nil
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 2: sleep is not allowed - pattern "lua ssl server name: "test.com"" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 2: sleep is not allowed - pattern "API disabled in the context of ssl_session_store_by_lua*" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 2: sleep is not allowed - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 1, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-close: 1 nil
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 2: sleep is not allowed - pattern "lua ssl server name: "test.com"" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 2: sleep is not allowed - pattern "API disabled in the context of ssl_session_store_by_lua*" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 2: sleep is not allowed - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 2, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-close: 1 nil
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 2: sleep is not allowed - pattern "lua ssl server name: "test.com"" should match a line in error.log (req 2)
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 2: sleep is not allowed - pattern "API disabled in the context of ssl_session_store_by_lua*" should match a line in error.log (req 2)
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 9: inter-operation with ssl_certificate_by_lua - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-close: 1 nil
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 9: inter-operation with ssl_certificate_by_lua - pattern "lua ssl server name: "test.com"" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 9: inter-operation with ssl_certificate_by_lua - pattern "(?^:elapsed in ssl cert by lua: 0.(?:09|1[01])\d+,)" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 9: inter-operation with ssl_certificate_by_lua - pattern "ssl_session_store_by_lua_block:1: ssl store session by lua is running!" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 9: inter-operation with ssl_certificate_by_lua - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 1, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-close: 1 nil
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 9: inter-operation with ssl_certificate_by_lua - pattern "lua ssl server name: "test.com"" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 9: inter-operation with ssl_certificate_by_lua - pattern "(?^:elapsed in ssl cert by lua: 0.(?:09|1[01])\d+,)" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 9: inter-operation with ssl_certificate_by_lua - pattern "ssl_session_store_by_lua_block:1: ssl store session by lua is running!" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 9: inter-operation with ssl_certificate_by_lua - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 2, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-close: 1 nil
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 9: inter-operation with ssl_certificate_by_lua - pattern "lua ssl server name: "test.com"" should match a line in error.log (req 2)
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 9: inter-operation with ssl_certificate_by_lua - pattern "(?^:elapsed in ssl cert by lua: 0.(?:09|1[01])\d+,)" should match a line in error.log (req 2)
142-ssl-session-store.t TEST 9: inter-operation with ssl_certificate_by_lua - pattern "ssl_session_store_by_lua_block:1: ssl store session by lua is running!" should match a line in error.log (req 2)
142-ssl-session-store.t nginx: [emerg] "ssl_session_store_by_lua_block" directive is not allowed here in /home/ec2-user/git/lua-nginx-module/t/servroot/conf/nginx.conf:28
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 4: cosocket - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-close: 1 nil
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 4: cosocket - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 1, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-close: 1 nil
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 4: cosocket - grep_error_log_out (req 1) got: ''
expected: 'received memc reply: OK
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 4: cosocket - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 2, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-close: 1 nil
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 4: cosocket - grep_error_log_out (req 2) got: ''
expected: 'received memc reply: OK
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 10: get phase - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-close: 1 nil
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 10: get phase - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 1, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-close: 1 nil
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 10: get phase - grep_error_log_out (req 1) got: ''
expected: 'get_phase: ssl_session_fetch
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 10: get phase - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 2, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-close: 1 nil
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 10: get phase - grep_error_log_out (req 2) got: ''
expected: 'get_phase: ssl_session_fetch
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 8: lua exception - no yield - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-close: 1 nil
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 8: lua exception - no yield - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 1, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-close: 1 nil
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 8: lua exception - no yield - grep_error_log_out (req 1) got: ''
expected: 'ssl_session_fetch_by_lua_block:2: bad bad bad
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 8: lua exception - no yield - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 2, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-close: 1 nil
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 8: lua exception - no yield - grep_error_log_out (req 2) got: ''
expected: 'ssl_session_fetch_by_lua_block:2: bad bad bad
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 7: ngx.exit(ngx.ERROR) - yield - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-close: 1 nil
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 7: ngx.exit(ngx.ERROR) - yield - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 1, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-close: 1 nil
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 7: ngx.exit(ngx.ERROR) - yield - grep_error_log_out (req 1) got: ''
expected: 'ssl_session_fetch_by_lua*: sess get cb exit code: 0
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 7: ngx.exit(ngx.ERROR) - yield - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 2, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-close: 1 nil
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 7: ngx.exit(ngx.ERROR) - yield - grep_error_log_out (req 2) got: ''
expected: 'ssl_session_fetch_by_lua*: sess get cb exit code: 0
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 1: simple logging - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-close: 1 nil
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 1: simple logging - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 1, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-close: 1 nil
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 1: simple logging - grep_error_log_out (req 1) 'reusable connection: 1
reusable connection: 0
reusable connection: 0
reusable connection: 0
doesn't match '(?^m:^reusable connection: 1
ssl session fetch: connection reusable: 1
reusable connection: 0
ssl_session_fetch_by_lua_block:1: ssl fetch sess by lua is running!,
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 1: simple logging - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 2, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-close: 1 nil
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 1: simple logging - grep_error_log_out (req 2) 'reusable connection: 1
reusable connection: 0
reusable connection: 0
reusable connection: 0
doesn't match '(?^m:^reusable connection: 1
ssl session fetch: connection reusable: 1
reusable connection: 0
ssl_session_fetch_by_lua_block:1: ssl fetch sess by lua is running!,
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 11: inter-operation with ssl_certificate_by_lua - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-close: 1 nil
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 11: inter-operation with ssl_certificate_by_lua - grep_error_log_out (req 0) @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-ssl cert by lua is running!
-ssl store session by lua is running!
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 11: inter-operation with ssl_certificate_by_lua - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 1, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-close: 1 nil
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 11: inter-operation with ssl_certificate_by_lua - grep_error_log_out (req 1) @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-ssl fetch session by lua is running!
-ssl cert by lua is running!
-ssl store session by lua is running!
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 11: inter-operation with ssl_certificate_by_lua - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 2, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-close: 1 nil
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 11: inter-operation with ssl_certificate_by_lua - grep_error_log_out (req 2) @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-ssl fetch session by lua is running!
-ssl cert by lua is running!
-ssl store session by lua is running!
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 6: ngx.exit(ngx.ERROR) - yield - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-close: 1 nil
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 6: ngx.exit(ngx.ERROR) - yield - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 1, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-close: 1 nil
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 6: ngx.exit(ngx.ERROR) - yield - grep_error_log_out (req 1) got: ''
expected: 'ssl_session_fetch_by_lua*: handler return value: -1, sess get cb exit code: 0
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 6: ngx.exit(ngx.ERROR) - yield - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 2, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-close: 1 nil
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 6: ngx.exit(ngx.ERROR) - yield - grep_error_log_out (req 2) got: ''
expected: 'ssl_session_fetch_by_lua*: handler return value: -1, sess get cb exit code: 0
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 14: keep global variable in ssl_session_(store|fetch)_by_lua when OpenResty LuaJIT is used - response_body_like - response is expected (failed to connect: no such file or directory) 'failed to connect: no such file or directory
doesn't match '(?^s:\A[123]done\n\z)'
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 14: keep global variable in ssl_session_(store|fetch)_by_lua when OpenResty LuaJIT is used - grep_error_log_out (req 1) got: ''
expected: 'old foo: 1
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 14: keep global variable in ssl_session_(store|fetch)_by_lua when OpenResty LuaJIT is used - response_body_like - response is expected (failed to connect: no such file or directory) 'failed to connect: no such file or directory
doesn't match '(?^s:\A[123]done\n\z)'
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 14: keep global variable in ssl_session_(store|fetch)_by_lua when OpenResty LuaJIT is used - grep_error_log_out (req 2) @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-old bar: 1
-old foo: 2
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 12: simple logging (by file) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-close: 1 nil
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 12: simple logging (by file) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 1, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-close: 1 nil
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 12: simple logging (by file) - grep_error_log_out (req 1) got: ''
expected: 'a.lua:1: ssl fetch sess by lua is running!
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 12: simple logging (by file) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 2, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-close: 1 nil
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 12: simple logging (by file) - grep_error_log_out (req 2) got: ''
expected: 'a.lua:1: ssl fetch sess by lua is running!
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 13: mixing ssl virtual servers with non-ssl virtual servers - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-close: 1 nil
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 13: mixing ssl virtual servers with non-ssl virtual servers - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 1, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-close: 1 nil
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 13: mixing ssl virtual servers with non-ssl virtual servers - grep_error_log_out (req 1) got: ''
expected: 'ssl_session_fetch_by_lua_block:1: ssl fetch sess by lua is running!
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 13: mixing ssl virtual servers with non-ssl virtual servers - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 2, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-close: 1 nil
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 13: mixing ssl virtual servers with non-ssl virtual servers - grep_error_log_out (req 2) got: ''
expected: 'ssl_session_fetch_by_lua_block:1: ssl fetch sess by lua is running!
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 3: timer - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-close: 1 nil
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 3: timer - pattern "[emerg]" should not match any line in error.log but matches line "2019/02/22 04:33:16 [emerg] 21087\#0: unlink() /home/ec2-user/git/lua-nginx-module/t/servroot/html/http.sock failed (2: No such file or directory)" (req 0) 2019/02/22 04:33:16 [debug] 21267\#0: epoll: fd:7 ev:0001 d:0000000009641010
2019/02/22 04:33:16 [debug] 21267\#0: accept on, ready: 0
2019/02/22 04:33:16 [debug] 21267\#0: malloc: 00000000089E5080:48
2019/02/22 04:33:16 [debug] 21267\#0: malloc: 00000000096A3450:16
2019/02/22 04:33:16 [debug] 21267\#0: malloc: 00000000096A34A0:16
2019/02/22 04:33:16 [debug] 21267\#0: malloc: 00000000096A34F0:80
2019/02/22 04:33:16 [debug] 21267\#0: malloc: 00000000096A3580:16
2019/02/22 04:33:16 [debug] 21267\#0: malloc: 00000000096A95F0:15
2019/02/22 04:33:16 [debug] 21267\#0: malloc: 00000000096A9640:16
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 3: timer - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 1, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-close: 1 nil
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 3: timer - grep_error_log_out (req 1) got: ''
expected: 'my timer run!
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 3: timer - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 2, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-close: 1 nil
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 3: timer - grep_error_log_out (req 2) got: ''
expected: 'my timer run!
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 5: ngx.exit(0) - yield - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-close: 1 nil
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 5: ngx.exit(0) - yield - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 1, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-close: 1 nil
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 5: ngx.exit(0) - yield - grep_error_log_out (req 1) got: ''
expected: 'lua exit with code 0
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 5: ngx.exit(0) - yield - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 2, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-close: 1 nil
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 5: ngx.exit(0) - yield - grep_error_log_out (req 2) got: ''
expected: 'lua exit with code 0
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 9: lua exception - yield - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-close: 1 nil
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 9: lua exception - yield - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 1, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-close: 1 nil
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 9: lua exception - yield - grep_error_log_out (req 1) @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-ssl_session_fetch_by_lua_block:3: bad bad bad
-ssl_session_fetch_by_lua*: sess get cb exit code: 0
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 9: lua exception - yield - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 2, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1 @@
-connected: 1
+failed to connect: no such file or directory
-ssl handshake: userdata
-close: 1 nil
143-ssl-session-fetch.t TEST 9: lua exception - yield - grep_error_log_out (req 2) @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-ssl_session_fetch_by_lua_block:3: bad bad bad
-ssl_session_fetch_by_lua*: sess get cb exit code: 0
145-shdict-list.t TEST 8: get_keys operation on list type - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-push success
+push err: value not a list
key: foo
145-shdict-list.t TEST 17: expire on all types - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-keys number: 2
+keys number: 3
keys number: 0
145-shdict-list.t TEST 3: set operation on list type - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-push success
+push err: value not a list
true nil
bar nil
145-shdict-list.t TEST 1: lpush & lpop - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-push success
+push err: value not a list
-1 nil
+nil value not a list
-bar nil
+nil value not a list
-0 nil
+nil value not a list
-nil nil
+nil value not a list
145-shdict-list.t TEST 6: delete operation on list type - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-push success
+push err: value not a list
true nil
nil nil
145-shdict-list.t TEST 2: get operation on list type - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-push success
+push err: value not a list
-nil value is a list
+bar nil
145-shdict-list.t TEST 12: lpush and lpop - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+push err: nil
+pop err: nil
146-malloc-trim.t TEST 6: zero count means off - pattern "malloc_trim() disabled" should not match any line in error.log but matches line "2019/02/22 04:33:41 [debug] 21806\#0: *2 malloc_trim() disabled" (req 0) 2019/02/22 04:33:41 [debug] 21806\#0: *2 lua log handler, uri:"/ver" c:1
2019/02/22 04:33:41 [debug] 21806\#0: *2 http log handler
2019/02/22 04:33:41 [debug] 21806\#0: *2 malloc: 00000000087C1250:123
2019/02/22 04:33:41 [debug] 21806\#0: *2 malloc: 00000000087C1310:16
2019/02/22 04:33:41 [debug] 21806\#0: *2 free: 00000000087C1310, unused: 0
2019/02/22 04:33:41 [debug] 21806\#0: *2 free: 00000000087C1200, unused: 0
2019/02/22 04:33:41 [debug] 21806\#0: *2 free: 00000000087C1160, unused: 0
2019/02/22 04:33:41 [debug] 21806\#0: *2 free: 00000000087C1060, unused: 0
2019/02/22 04:33:41 [debug] 21806\#0: *2 free: 00000000087C0FC0, unused: 0
146-malloc-trim.t TEST 6: zero count means off - pattern "malloc_trim() disabled" should not match any line in error.log but matches line "2019/02/22 04:33:41 [debug] 21806\#0: *3 malloc_trim() disabled" (req 0) 2019/02/22 04:33:41 [debug] 21806\#0: *3 lua log handler, uri:"/ver" c:1
2019/02/22 04:33:41 [debug] 21806\#0: *3 http log handler
2019/02/22 04:33:41 [debug] 21806\#0: *3 malloc: 00000000087C4020:123
2019/02/22 04:33:41 [debug] 21806\#0: *3 malloc: 00000000087C40E0:16
2019/02/22 04:33:41 [debug] 21806\#0: *3 free: 00000000087C40E0, unused: 0
2019/02/22 04:33:41 [debug] 21806\#0: *3 free: 00000000087C3FD0, unused: 0
2019/02/22 04:33:41 [debug] 21806\#0: *3 free: 00000000087C3F30, unused: 0
2019/02/22 04:33:41 [debug] 21806\#0: *3 free: 00000000087C3E30, unused: 0
2019/02/22 04:33:41 [debug] 21806\#0: *3 free: 00000000087C3D90, unused: 0
146-malloc-trim.t TEST 6: zero count means off - pattern "malloc_trim() disabled" should not match any line in error.log but matches line "2019/02/22 04:33:41 [debug] 21806\#0: *4 malloc_trim() disabled" (req 0) 2019/02/22 04:33:41 [debug] 21806\#0: *4 lua log handler, uri:"/ver" c:1
2019/02/22 04:33:41 [debug] 21806\#0: *4 http log handler
2019/02/22 04:33:41 [debug] 21806\#0: *4 malloc: 00000000087C6DF0:123
2019/02/22 04:33:41 [debug] 21806\#0: *4 malloc: 00000000087C6EB0:16
2019/02/22 04:33:41 [debug] 21806\#0: *4 free: 00000000087C6EB0, unused: 0
2019/02/22 04:33:41 [debug] 21806\#0: *4 free: 00000000087C6DA0, unused: 0
2019/02/22 04:33:41 [debug] 21806\#0: *4 free: 00000000087C6D00, unused: 0
2019/02/22 04:33:41 [debug] 21806\#0: *4 free: 00000000087C6C00, unused: 0
2019/02/22 04:33:41 [debug] 21806\#0: *4 free: 00000000087C6B60, unused: 0
146-malloc-trim.t TEST 6: zero count means off - pattern "malloc_trim() disabled" should not match any line in error.log but matches line "2019/02/22 04:33:41 [debug] 21806\#0: *5 malloc_trim() disabled" (req 0) 2019/02/22 04:33:41 [debug] 21806\#0: *5 lua log handler, uri:"/ver" c:1
2019/02/22 04:33:41 [debug] 21806\#0: *5 http log handler
2019/02/22 04:33:41 [debug] 21806\#0: *5 malloc: 00000000087C9BC0:123
2019/02/22 04:33:41 [debug] 21806\#0: *5 malloc: 00000000087C9C80:16
2019/02/22 04:33:41 [debug] 21806\#0: *5 free: 00000000087C9C80, unused: 0
2019/02/22 04:33:41 [debug] 21806\#0: *5 free: 00000000087C9B70, unused: 0
2019/02/22 04:33:41 [debug] 21806\#0: *5 free: 00000000087C9AD0, unused: 0
2019/02/22 04:33:41 [debug] 21806\#0: *5 free: 00000000087C99D0, unused: 0
2019/02/22 04:33:41 [debug] 21806\#0: *5 free: 00000000087C9930, unused: 0
146-malloc-trim.t TEST 5: malloc_trim() every 2 req, in subreq, big memory usage - grep_error_log_out (req 0) @@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
-malloc_trim(1) returned 1
+malloc_trim(1) returned 0
-malloc_trim(1) returned 1
+malloc_trim(1) returned 0
-malloc_trim(1) returned 1
+malloc_trim(1) returned 0
+malloc_trim(1) returned 0
+malloc_trim(1) returned 0
+malloc_trim(1) returned 0
+malloc_trim(1) returned 0
+malloc_trim(1) returned 0
146-malloc-trim.t TEST 2: malloc_trim() every 1 req, in subreq - grep_error_log_out (req 0) 'malloc_trim(1) returned 0
malloc_trim(1) returned 0
malloc_trim(1) returned 0
malloc_trim(1) returned 0
malloc_trim(1) returned 0
malloc_trim(1) returned 0
malloc_trim(1) returned 0
malloc_trim(1) returned 0
malloc_trim(1) returned 0
malloc_trim(1) returned 0
malloc_trim(1) returned 0
malloc_trim(1) returned 0
malloc_trim(1) returned 0
malloc_trim(1) returned 0
malloc_trim(1) returned 0
malloc_trim(1) returned 0
malloc_trim(1) returned 0
doesn't match '(?^:\Amalloc_trim\(1\) returned [01]
malloc_trim\(1\) returned [01]
malloc_trim\(1\) returned [01]
malloc_trim\(1\) returned [01]
malloc_trim\(1\) returned [01]
malloc_trim\(1\) returned [01]
146-malloc-trim.t TEST 8: malloc_trim() every 1 req - grep_error_log_out (req 0) 'malloc_trim(1) returned 0
malloc_trim(1) returned 0
malloc_trim(1) returned 0
malloc_trim(1) returned 0
malloc_trim(1) returned 0
malloc_trim(1) returned 0
malloc_trim(1) returned 0
malloc_trim(1) returned 0
malloc_trim(1) returned 0
malloc_trim(1) returned 0
malloc_trim(1) returned 0
malloc_trim(1) returned 0
malloc_trim(1) returned 0
malloc_trim(1) returned 0
doesn't match '(?^:\Amalloc_trim\(1\) returned [01]
146-malloc-trim.t TEST 3: malloc_trim() every 2 req, in subreq - grep_error_log_out (req 0) 'malloc_trim(1) returned 0
malloc_trim(1) returned 0
malloc_trim(1) returned 0
malloc_trim(1) returned 0
malloc_trim(1) returned 0
malloc_trim(1) returned 0
malloc_trim(1) returned 0
malloc_trim(1) returned 0
malloc_trim(1) returned 0
malloc_trim(1) returned 0
malloc_trim(1) returned 0
doesn't match '(?^:\Amalloc_trim\(1\) returned [01]
malloc_trim\(1\) returned [01]
malloc_trim\(1\) returned [01]
146-malloc-trim.t TEST 4: malloc_trim() every 3 req, in subreq - grep_error_log_out (req 0) 'malloc_trim(1) returned 0
malloc_trim(1) returned 0
malloc_trim(1) returned 0
malloc_trim(1) returned 0
malloc_trim(1) returned 0
malloc_trim(1) returned 0
doesn't match '(?^:\Amalloc_trim\(1\) returned [01]
malloc_trim\(1\) returned [01]
146-malloc-trim.t TEST 1: malloc_trim() every 1 req, in subreq - grep_error_log_out (req 0) 'malloc_trim(1) returned 0
malloc_trim(1) returned 0
malloc_trim(1) returned 0
malloc_trim(1) returned 0
malloc_trim(1) returned 0
malloc_trim(1) returned 0
malloc_trim(1) returned 0
malloc_trim(1) returned 0
malloc_trim(1) returned 0
malloc_trim(1) returned 0
malloc_trim(1) returned 0
malloc_trim(1) returned 0
doesn't match '(?^:\Amalloc_trim\(1\) returned [01]
148-fake-shm-zone.t TEST 4: multiply zones - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
148-fake-shm-zone.t nginx: [emerg] lua_fake_shm "x1" is already defined as "x1" in /home/ec2-user/git/lua-nginx-module/t/servroot/conf/nginx.conf:26
152-timer-every.t TEST 3: lua variable sharing via upvalue - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
registered timer
-foo = 6
+foo = 3
152-timer-every.t TEST 6: memory leak check - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
registered timer
-growth1 == growth2: true
+growth1 == growth2: false
152-timer-every.t TEST 1: simple very - pattern "(?^:\[lua\] content_by_lua\(nginx\.conf:\d+\):\d+: elapsed: 0\.0(?:4[4-9]|5[0-6])\d*, context: ngx\.timer, client: \d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+, server: 0\.0\.0\.0:\d+)" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
152-timer-every.t TEST 4: create the next timer immediately when timer start running - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
registered timer
-foo = 6
+foo = 3
153-semaphore-hup.t TEST 2: timer + reload (lua code cache off) - grep_error_log_out (req 0) @@ -1,5 +1,2 @@
created semaphore object
created semaphore object
-try to reload nginx
-created semaphore object
-created semaphore object


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