(This page was automatically generated by the tools in the opsboy project on 21:02:50 28-Sep-2017 GMT.)

Detailed Test Report for ngx_lua in linux x86_64 (l)


Commit Testing Time Unexpected
Files Tests Elapsed Time
97fbeb0b 2017-09-26 20:31:11 GMT 0 14 193 1874802 17248 sec


LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3, commit f747eb5

Compilation Errors

Unexpected Failures


Expected Failures

File Name Details
043-shdict.t nginx: [emerg] lua_shared_dict "dogs" is already defined as "dogs" in /home/ec2-user/git/lua-nginx-module/t/servroot/conf/nginx.conf:26
086-init-by.t nginx: [error] init_by_lua error: init_by_lua:2: failed to init
132-lua-blocks.t nginx: [emerg] "events" directive is not allowed here in /home/ec2-user/git/lua-nginx-module/t/servroot/conf/nginx.conf:56
132-lua-blocks.t nginx: [emerg] Lua code block missing the closing long bracket "]==]" in /home/ec2-user/git/lua-nginx-module/t/servroot/conf/nginx.conf:41
132-lua-blocks.t nginx: [emerg] Lua code block missing the closing long bracket "]=]" in /home/ec2-user/git/lua-nginx-module/t/servroot/conf/nginx.conf:41
132-lua-blocks.t nginx: [emerg] Lua code block missing the closing long bracket "]]" in /home/ec2-user/git/lua-nginx-module/t/servroot/conf/nginx.conf:41
142-ssl-session-store.t nginx: [emerg] "ssl_session_store_by_lua_block" directive is not allowed here in /home/ec2-user/git/lua-nginx-module/t/servroot/conf/nginx.conf:28
148-fake-shm-zone.t nginx: [emerg] lua_fake_shm "x1" is already defined as "x1" in /home/ec2-user/git/lua-nginx-module/t/servroot/conf/nginx.conf:26
017-exec.t TEST 23: content_by_lua + ngx.exec + subrequest capture LeakTest: k=12.4
Up-Edges: 1
Stable point: 2332

RSS Samples (in KB):
1436 1436 1436 1436 1436 1436 1436 1436 1436 1436 1436 1436 1436 1436 1436 1436 1436 1436 1436 1436 1436 1436 1436 1436 1436 1436 1436 1436 1436 1436 1436 1436 1436 1436 1436 1436 1436 1436 1436 1436 1436 1436 1436 1436 1436 1436 1436 1436 1436 1436 1436 1436 1436 1436 1436 1436 1436 1436 1436 1436 1436 1436 1436 1436 2332 2332 2332 2332 2332 2332 2332 2332 2332 2332 2332 2332 2332 2332 2332 2332 2332 2332 2332 2332 2332 2332 2332 2332 2332 2332 2332 2332 2332 2332 2332 2332 2332 2332 2332 2332

023-rewrite/exit.t TEST 2: throw 404 LeakTest: k=10.0
Up-Edges: 1
Stable point: 2088

RSS Samples (in KB):
1396 1396 1396 1396 1396 1396 1396 1396 1396 1396 1396 1396 1396 1396 1396 1396 1396 1396 1396 1396 1396 1396 1396 1396 1396 1396 1396 1396 1396 1396 1396 1396 1396 1396 1396 1396 1396 1396 1396 1396 1396 2088 2088 2088 2088 2088 2088 2088 2088 2088 2088 2088 2088 2088 2088 2088 2088 2088 2088 2088 2088 2088 2088 2088 2088 2088 2088 2088 2088 2088 2088 2088 2088 2088 2088 2088 2088 2088 2088 2088 2088 2088 2088 2088 2088 2088 2088 2088 2088 2088 2088 2088 2088 2088 2088 2088 2088 2088 2088 2088

023-rewrite/exit.t TEST 7: working with ngx_auth_request (simplest form) LeakTest: k=16.7
Up-Edges: 1
Stable point: 2972

RSS Samples (in KB):
1484 1484 1484 1484 1484 1484 1484 1484 1484 1484 1484 1484 1484 1484 1484 1484 1484 1484 1484 1484 1484 1484 1484 1484 1484 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972 2972

055-subreq-vars.t TEST 9: share all vars LeakTest: k=10.2
Up-Edges: 1
Stable point: 2104

RSS Samples (in KB):
1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 2104 2104 2104 2104 2104 2104 2104 2104 2104 2104 2104 2104 2104 2104 2104 2104 2104 2104 2104 2104 2104 2104 2104 2104 2104 2104 2104 2104 2104 2104 2104 2104 2104 2104 2104 2104 2104 2104 2104 2104 2104 2104 2104

116-raw-req-socket.t TEST 10: on_abort called during ngx.sleep() LeakTest: k=13.7
Up-Edges: 3
Stable point: 2364

RSS Samples (in KB):
1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1872 1872 2128 2128 2128 2128 2128 2128 2128 2128 2128 2128 2128 2128 2128 2128 2128 2128 2364 2364 2364 2364 2364 2364 2364 2364 2364 2364 2364 2364 2364 2364 2364 2364 2364 2364 2364 2364 2364 2364 2364 2364 2364 2364 2364 2364 2364 2364 2364 2364 2364 2364 2364 2364 2364 2364 2364 2364 2364 2364 2364 2364

152-timer-every.t TEST 6: memory leak check LeakTest: k=17.7
Up-Edges: 5
Stable point: N/A

RSS Samples (in KB):
3140 3140 3140 3140 3140 3140 3404 3404 3404 3404 3404 3404 3404 3668 3668 3668 3668 3668 3668 3668 3668 3668 3668 3668 3668 3668 3668 3668 3668 3668 3932 3932 3932 3932 3932 4196 4196 4196 4196 4196 4196 4196 4196 4196 4196 4196 4196 4196 4196 4196 4196 4196 4460 4460 4460 4460 4460 4356 4356 4356 4356 4356 4356 4356 4356 4356 4356 4356 4356 4356 4356 4356 4616 4616 4880 4880 4880 4880 4880 4824 4824 4824 4824 4824 4824 4824 4824 4824 4824 4824 4824 4824 4824 4824 4824 4824 4824 4824 4824 4824


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