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Detailed Test Report for ngx_stream_echo in linux x86_64 (l)


Commit Testing Time Unexpected
Files Tests Elapsed Time
bf09744b 2016-04-27 22:55:58 GMT 0 12 9 287 306 sec


LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta2, commit c99736f

Compilation Errors

Unexpected Failures


Expected Failures

File Name Details
echo-dup.t nginx: [emerg] stream echo sees unknown option "-1" in "echo_duplicate"
echo-dup.t nginx: [emerg] stream echo: bad "n" argument, "bc", in "echo_duplicate"
echo-dup.t nginx: [emerg] stream echo requires two value arguments in "echo_duplicate" but got 1
echo-dup.t nginx: [emerg] stream echo requires two value arguments in "echo_duplicate" but got 3
echo.t nginx: [emerg] stream echo sees unknown option "-t" in "echo"
echo.t nginx: [emerg] "echo" directive is not allowed here in /home/ec2-user/git/stream-echo-nginx-module/t/servroot/conf/nginx.conf:17
flush-wait.t nginx: [emerg] invalid number of arguments in "echo_flush_wait" directive in /home/ec2-user/git/stream-echo-nginx-module/t/servroot/conf/nginx.conf:21
read-bytes.t nginx: [emerg] stream echo sees unknown option "-t" in "echo_read_bytes"
read-bytes.t nginx: [emerg] stream echo requires one value argument in "echo_read_bytes" but got 0
sleep.t nginx: [emerg] stream echo requires one value argument in "echo_sleep" but got 2
sleep.t nginx: [emerg] stream echo sees unknown option "-1" in "echo_sleep"
sleep.t nginx: [emerg] stream echo: bad "delay" argument, "a", in "echo_sleep"



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