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Detailed Test Report for ngx_srcache in linux x86_64 (w)


Commit Testing Time Unexpected
Files Tests Elapsed Time
82091248 2015-07-04 10:22:02 GMT 0 16 40 1450 120 sec


LuaJIT 2.1.0-alpha, commit 5d54514

Compilation Errors

Unexpected Failures


Expected Failures

File Name Details
000_init.t TEST 5: cats - drop table - pg - status code ok got: '502'
expected: '200'
000_init.t TEST 5: cats - drop table - pg - pattern "[error]" should not match any line in error.log but matches line "2015/07/04 11:44:30 [error] 3870\#0: *1 postgres: connection failed: could not send startup packet: Success" (req 0)
000_init.t TEST 6: cats - create table - pg - status code ok got: '502'
expected: '200'
000_init.t TEST 6: cats - create table - pg - pattern "[error]" should not match any line in error.log but matches line "2015/07/04 11:44:30 [error] 3882\#0: *1 postgres: connection failed: could not send startup packet: Success" (req 0)
000_init.t TEST 7: cats - insert value - pg - status code ok got: '502'
expected: '200'
000_init.t TEST 7: cats - insert value - pg - pattern "[error]" should not match any line in error.log but matches line "2015/07/04 11:44:31 [error] 3894\#0: *1 postgres: connection failed: could not send startup packet: Success" (req 0)
000_init.t TEST 8: cats - insert value - pg - status code ok got: '502'
expected: '200'
000_init.t TEST 8: cats - insert value - pg - pattern "[error]" should not match any line in error.log but matches line "2015/07/04 11:44:31 [error] 3906\#0: *1 postgres: connection failed: could not send startup packet: Success" (req 0)
bugs.t TEST 14: upstream closes the connection prematurely in srcache_fetch - pattern "upstream prematurely closed connection" matches a line in error.log (req 0)
bugs.t TEST 16: exit(500) in srcache_store - stap output expected @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
finalize: 0
finalize: 500
-post subreq: rc=500, status=0
finalize: 0
postgres-main.t TEST 2: cache miss - status code ok got: '502'
expected: '200'
postgres-main.t TEST 2: cache miss - header Content-Type ok got: 'text/html'
expected: 'application/json'
postgres-main.t TEST 2: cache miss - response_body - response is expected (req 0) got: "<html>\x{0d}\x{0a}<head><title>502 Bad Gateway</title></head"...
length: 182
expected: "[{"id":2,"name":null},{"id":3,"name":"bob"}]"
length: 44
strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1)
postgres-main.t TEST 3: cache hit - status code ok got: '502'
expected: '200'
postgres-main.t TEST 3: cache hit - header Content-Type ok got: 'text/html'
expected: 'application/json'
postgres-main.t TEST 3: cache hit - response_body - response is expected (req 0) got: "<html>\x{0d}\x{0a}<head><title>502 Bad Gateway</title></head"...
length: 182
expected: "[{"id":2,"name":null},{"id":3,"name":"bob"}]"
length: 44
strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1)


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