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Detailed Test Report for ngx_lua in linux i386 (w)


Commit Testing Time Unexpected
Files Tests Elapsed Time
97fbeb0b 2017-09-28 03:38:59 GMT 0 55 193 19798 2169 sec


LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3, commit f747eb5

Compilation Errors

Unexpected Failures


Expected Failures

File Name Details
005-exit.t TEST 22: exit 201 in header filter - status code ok got: ''
expected: '201'
005-exit.t TEST 23: exit both in header filter and content handler - status code ok got: ''
expected: '201'
005-exit.t TEST 21: exit 403 in header filter - status code ok got: ''
expected: '403'
005-exit.t TEST 21: exit 403 in header filter - response_body_like - response is expected () ''
doesn't match '(?^s:403 Forbidden)'
005-exit.t TEST 21: exit 403 in header filter - status code ok got: ''
expected: '403'
005-exit.t TEST 21: exit 403 in header filter - response_body_like - response is expected () ''
doesn't match '(?^s:403 Forbidden)'
005-exit.t TEST 24: exit 444 in header filter - status code ok got: ''
expected: '444'
020-subrequest.t TEST 65: DELETE - stap output expected @@ -5,3 +5,186 @@
capture header filter
capture body filter
capture body filter
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023-rewrite/req-socket.t TEST 7: Expect & 100 Continue - status code ok got: '200'
expected: '100'
023-rewrite/req-socket.t TEST 7: Expect & 100 Continue - response_body_like - response is expected (failed to get the request socket: test expect failed) 'failed to get the request socket: test expect failed
doesn't match '(?^s:\breceived: hello\b.*?\breceived: worl\b)'
023-rewrite/req-socket.t TEST 7: Expect & 100 Continue - status code ok got: '200'
expected: '100'
023-rewrite/req-socket.t TEST 7: Expect & 100 Continue - response_body_like - response is expected (failed to get the request socket: test expect failed) 'failed to get the request socket: test expect failed
doesn't match '(?^s:\breceived: hello\b.*?\breceived: worl\b)'
025-codecache.t TEST 29: cosocket connection pool timeout (after Lua VM destroys) - pattern "lua tcp socket keepalive max idle timeout" should not match any line in error.log but matches line "2017/09/28 05:52:58 [debug] 671\#0: lua tcp socket keepalive max idle timeout" (req 0)
025-codecache.t TEST 29: cosocket connection pool timeout (after Lua VM destroys) - pattern "lua tcp socket keepalive max idle timeout" should not match any line in error.log but matches line "2017/09/28 05:52:58 [debug] 671\#0: lua tcp socket keepalive max idle timeout" (req 1)
025-codecache.t TEST 24: lua_max_pending_timers - chained timers (non-zero delay) - not exceeding - pattern "decrementing the reference count for Lua VM: 3" should not match any line in error.log but matches line "2017/09/28 05:53:01 [debug] 782\#0: lua decrementing the reference count for Lua VM: 3" (req 0)
025-codecache.t TEST 24: lua_max_pending_timers - chained timers (non-zero delay) - not exceeding - pattern "decrementing the reference count for Lua VM: 3" should not match any line in error.log but matches line "2017/09/28 05:53:01 [debug] 782\#0: lua decrementing the reference count for Lua VM: 3" (req 1)
025-codecache.t TEST 24: lua_max_pending_timers - chained timers (non-zero delay) - not exceeding - pattern "decrementing the reference count for Lua VM: 3" should not match any line in error.log but matches line "2017/09/28 05:53:02 [debug] 782\#0: lua decrementing the reference count for Lua VM: 3" (req 1)
041-header-filter.t TEST 41: filter finalize - status code ok got: ''
expected: '302'
041-header-filter.t TEST 41: filter finalize - response_body_like - response is expected () ''
doesn't match '(?^s:302 Found)'
041-header-filter.t TEST 41: filter finalize - status code ok got: ''
expected: '302'
041-header-filter.t TEST 41: filter finalize - response_body_like - response is expected () ''
doesn't match '(?^s:302 Found)'
043-shdict.t nginx: [emerg] lua_shared_dict "dogs" is already defined as "dogs" in /home/ec2-user/git/lua-nginx-module/t/servroot/conf/nginx.conf:26
056-flush.t TEST 1: flush wait - content - pattern "lua reuse free buf chain, but reallocate memory because 5 >= 0" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
056-flush.t TEST 1: flush wait - content - pattern "lua reuse free buf chain, but reallocate memory because 5 >= 0" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
067-req-socket.t TEST 7: Expect & 100 Continue - status code ok got: '200'
expected: '100'
067-req-socket.t TEST 7: Expect & 100 Continue - response_body_like - response is expected (failed to get the request socket: test expect failed) 'failed to get the request socket: test expect failed
doesn't match '(?^s:\breceived: hello\b.*?\breceived: worl\b)'
067-req-socket.t TEST 7: Expect & 100 Continue - status code ok got: '200'
expected: '100'
067-req-socket.t TEST 7: Expect & 100 Continue - response_body_like - response is expected (failed to get the request socket: test expect failed) 'failed to get the request socket: test expect failed
doesn't match '(?^s:\breceived: hello\b.*?\breceived: worl\b)'
072-conditional-get.t TEST 3: If-Unmodified-Since false - status code ok got: ''
expected: '412'
072-conditional-get.t TEST 3: If-Unmodified-Since false - response_body_like - response is expected () ''
doesn't match '(?^s:412 Precondition Failed)'
072-conditional-get.t TEST 3: If-Unmodified-Since false - stap output expected got: ""
length: 0
expected: "terminate 1: ok\x{0a}delete thread 1\x{0a}"
length: 32
strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1)
072-conditional-get.t TEST 3: If-Unmodified-Since false - pattern "say failed: nginx output filter error" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
072-conditional-get.t TEST 3: If-Unmodified-Since false - Can't connect to Connection refused (aborted) '
072-conditional-get.t TEST 3: If-Unmodified-Since false - status code ok got: ''
expected: '412'
072-conditional-get.t TEST 3: If-Unmodified-Since false - response_body_like - response is expected () ''
doesn't match '(?^s:412 Precondition Failed)'
072-conditional-get.t TEST 3: If-Unmodified-Since false - stap output expected got: ""
length: 0
expected: "terminate 1: ok\x{0a}delete thread 1\x{0a}"
length: 32
strings begin to differ at char 1 (line 1 column 1)
072-conditional-get.t TEST 3: If-Unmodified-Since false - pattern "say failed: nginx output filter error" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
086-init-by.t nginx: [error] init_by_lua error: init_by_lua:2: failed to init
100-client-abort.t TEST 31: ngx.eof - pattern "eof failed: nginx output filter error" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
100-client-abort.t TEST 31: ngx.eof - pattern "eof succeeded" should not match any line in error.log but matches line "2017/09/28 06:05:47 [warn] 18492\#0: *1 [lua] content_by_lua(nginx.conf:49):8: eof succeeded, client:, server: localhost, request: \"GET /t HTTP/1.1\", host: \"localhost\"" (req 0)
100-client-abort.t TEST 31: ngx.eof - pattern "eof failed: nginx output filter error" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
100-client-abort.t TEST 31: ngx.eof - pattern "eof succeeded" should not match any line in error.log but matches line "2017/09/28 06:05:48 [warn] 18492\#0: *2 [lua] content_by_lua(nginx.conf:49):8: eof succeeded, client:, server: localhost, request: \"GET /t HTTP/1.1\", host: \"localhost\"" (req 1)
100-client-abort.t TEST 27: ngx.say - pattern "say failed: nginx output filter error" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
100-client-abort.t TEST 27: ngx.say - pattern "say failed: nginx output filter error" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
100-client-abort.t TEST 28: ngx.print - pattern "print failed: nginx output filter error" should match a line in error.log (req 0)
100-client-abort.t TEST 28: ngx.print - pattern "print failed: nginx output filter error" should match a line in error.log (req 1)
126-shdict-frag.t TEST 7: merge big slabs (less than max slab size) backward - stap output expected @@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
init zone alloc pages: 1 ok
init zone alloc pages: 1 ok
alloc pages: 1 ok
-alloc pages: 1 ok
-free pages: 1
alloc pages: 2 NOT OK
free pages: 1
alloc pages: 2 ok
126-shdict-frag.t TEST 9: cannot merge in-used big slabs page (forward) - response_body - response is expected (repeated req 0, req 0) @@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
failed to safe set baz: no memory
found bar: 4000
delete bar
-failed to safe set baz: no memory
+successfully safe set baz
126-shdict-frag.t TEST 9: cannot merge in-used big slabs page (forward) - stap output expected @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
init zone alloc pages: 1 ok
init zone alloc pages: 1 ok
alloc pages: 1 ok
-alloc pages: 1 ok
alloc pages: 2 NOT OK
free pages: 1
-alloc pages: 2 NOT OK
+alloc pages: 2 ok
132-lua-blocks.t nginx: [emerg] Lua code block missing the closing long bracket "]]" in /home/ec2-user/git/lua-nginx-module/t/servroot/conf/nginx.conf:41
132-lua-blocks.t nginx: [emerg] "events" directive is not allowed here in /home/ec2-user/git/lua-nginx-module/t/servroot/conf/nginx.conf:56
132-lua-blocks.t nginx: [emerg] Lua code block missing the closing long bracket "]=]" in /home/ec2-user/git/lua-nginx-module/t/servroot/conf/nginx.conf:41
132-lua-blocks.t nginx: [emerg] Lua code block missing the closing long bracket "]==]" in /home/ec2-user/git/lua-nginx-module/t/servroot/conf/nginx.conf:41
142-ssl-session-store.t nginx: [emerg] "ssl_session_store_by_lua_block" directive is not allowed here in /home/ec2-user/git/lua-nginx-module/t/servroot/conf/nginx.conf:28
148-fake-shm-zone.t nginx: [emerg] lua_fake_shm "x1" is already defined as "x1" in /home/ec2-user/git/lua-nginx-module/t/servroot/conf/nginx.conf:26


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